Tiina Nypelö
Associate professor, Bio-based materials
Affiliated with Wallenberg Wood Science Center (wwsc.se).
Director and co-founder of All Wood Composite Platform at Chalmers (www.chalmers.se/en/areas-of-advance/materials/Scientific%20initiatives/All-Wood-Composite-Platform)
Doctor of Science degree from Aalto University, from Forest Products Technology, Finland, 2012
Master of Science degree in Textile technology, fiber materials science, from Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2007
Research Agenda:
The core is to build from liquid-rich state, gels, emulsions, dispersions, solutions, colloids toward solid organizations. She combines forest products technology, materials science and renewable resources for advancing sustainable materials engineering. The research efforts involve cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignins with emphasis on surface, interface, and intermolecular interactions.
Director of studies, graduate school of Materials science – Chemistry and chemical engineering
Vice precident of education (interim), European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (epnoe.edu)

Visar 55 publikationer
Foaming and cross-linking of cellulose fibers using phytic acid
Pulp fibre foams: Morphology and mechanical performance
Elucidation of cellulose phosphorylation with phytic acid
How Resilient is Wood Xylan to Enzymatic Degradation in a Matrix with Kraft Lignin?
Role of intrinsic and extrinsic xylan in softwood kraft pulp fiber networks
Cellulose modified to host functionalities via facile cation exchange approach
Role of xylan in softwood kraft pulp fiber sheets and fiber foams
Anion-Specific Adsorption of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on Cellulose
Challenges in nano-structured fluid flows for assembly into hierarchical biomaterials
Carboxylation of sulfated cellulose nanocrystals by family AA9 lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases
Morphology and swelling of thin films of dialcohol xylan
Potential of Wood Hemicelluloses and Their Derivates as Food Ingredients
Phase transitions of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions from nonlinear oscillatory shear
Dynamic and Static Assembly of Sulfated Cellulose Nanocrystals with Alkali Metal Counter Cations
Xylan-cellulose thin film platform for assessing xylanase activity
Modification of xylan via an oxidation–reduction reaction
Editorial: Emerging Cellulosic Materials: Characterization of Structure and Properties
Fat tissue equivalent phantoms for microwave applications by reinforcing gelatin with nanocellulose
Fundamental aspects of the non-covalent modification of cellulose via polymer adsorption
Review: Periodate oxidation of wood polysaccharides—Modulation of hierarchies
The effect of sulfate half-ester groups on cellulose nanocrystal periodate oxidation
LPMO enzymes for the oxidation of CNCs
Oxidized xylan additive for nanocellulose films – A swelling modifier
Thixotropy of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions
N2O–Assisted Siphon Foaming of Modified Galactoglucomannans With Cellulose Nanofibers
Unexpected microphase transitions in flow towards nematic order of cellulose nanocrystals
Lignocellulosics and Their Use in Functional Materials and Nanotechnology
Lignocellulosics: Renewable Feedstock for (Tailored) Functional Materials and Nanotechnology
Hierarchical films from cellulose
Editorial: Biopolymer Thin Films and Coatings
Polysaccharide film as a ductile substrate for gas phase treatment
Conversion of wood-biopolymers into macrofibers with tunable surface energy via dry-jet wet-spinning
Tunable surface energy wood-biopolymer macrofibers
Self-Standing Nanocellulose Janus-Type Films with Aldehyde and Carboxyl Functionalities
Rheo-optics and the nonlinear material behavior of cellulose nanocrystals suspensions
Submicron hierarchy of cellulose nanofibril films with etherified hemicelluloses
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Resurseffektiv renovering med ett 3D-printat material från underutnyttjad biomassa
Upgrading of cellulose fibers into porous materials.Acronym: BreadCell
Fysikal-kemiska egenskaper av oxiderad xylan för film applikation
Oxiderad hemicellulosa för filmer och geler