Bengt Nilsson
MMIC processing

Showing 48 publications
Cryogenic LNAs for SKA band 2 to 5
Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers in an InP HEMT MMIC Process
Cryogenic low-noise InP HEMTs: A source-drain distance study
An InP MMIC process optimized for low noise at Cryo
Sub-10 nm resolution after lift-off using HSQ./PMMA double layer resist
Anisotropic vapor HF etching of silicon dioxide for Si microstructure release
Ultralow-Power Cryogenic InP HEMT With Minimum Noise Temperature of 1 K at 6 GHz
Cryogenic 0.5-13 GHz low noise amplifier with 3 K mid-band noise temperature
High-Throughput On-Chip Large Deformation of Silicon Nanoribbons and Nanowires
Note: Fast and reliable fracture strain extraction technique applied to silicon at nanometer scale
Black silicon with high density and high aspect ratio nanowhiskers
Controlled thinning and surface smoothening of silicon nanopillars
Passivation of InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMTs using Al2O3 atomic layer deposition
Second order effects of aspect ratio variations in high sensitivity grating couplers
Field-effect transistors with thin ZnO as active layer for gas sensor applications
Magnetic properties of epitaxial Ni(001) films and sub-micron particles
Morphology of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires prepared by highly controlled deep-etching techniques
Microscopic spectrophotometry applied to quasifractal gold particle clusters
Application of calixarene for nanometer magnetic particle fabrication
Paramagnetic Meissner response of an artificially granular YBCO thin film
Fabrication and transport measurements of YBa2Cu3O7−x nanostructures
Flux penetration into an artificially granular high-Tc superconductor
Magneto-optic imaging of flux penetration into an artificially granular high-Tc superconductor
Magnetic properties of two-dimensional arrays of epitaxial Fe (001) submicron particles
Effect of non-classical current paths in networks of 1-dimensional wires
High speed components based on high-Tc superconducting grain boundary junctions
Manufacturing of nanometer structures in YBa2Cu3O7 thin films using a carbon based multilayer mask
High-Tc voltage amplifier based on single flux quantum processing and operating up to 77 K
Quantum effects in the resistivity of percolation metal networks
Nonlocal effects in the resistance of one-dimensional wires with dangling side branches
Quantum interference effects in percolated metal networks
Electric field effects and screening in mesoscopic bismuth wires
Multilevel phase holograms manufactured by electron-beam lithography
Resistance in sub-m size GaAs lines
On the feasibility of constructing an imaging array of slot-antennas integrated with SIS mixers
A sub-mm wave quasiparticle receiver for 750 GHz-progress report
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