Christel Cederberg
Christel CederbergĀ“s research is in the area of sustainable biomass production with a focus on agriculture and food. In on-going projects, she is studying grassbased biorefineries, food systems med improved nutrient cycles and potentials for carbon sequestrations in soils and forests. Cederberg is active partner in Area of Advance Energy.

Showing 68 publications
Environmental assessment of diets: overview and guidance on indicator choice
Risk to rely on soil carbon sequestration to offset global ruminant emissions
Large-scale deployment of grass in crop rotations as a multifunctional climate mitigation strategy
The nitrogen footprint of Swedish food consumption
Towards better representation of organic agriculture in life cycle assessment
Gräsmarkernas användning i Sverige
In defence of organic food Comment
Is the nitrogen footprint fit for purpose? An assessment of models and proposed uses
Indicators for national consumption-based accounting of chemicals
How to Analyse Ecosystem Services in Landscapes
Ekonomi och ekosystemtjänster i gräsbaserad mjölk- och nötköttsproduktion
Nitrogen flows on organic and conventional dairy farms: a comparison of three indicators
Carbon footprints and land use of conventional and organic diets in Germany
Framtidens landsbygdsprogram och olika utmaningar
How to analyse ecosystem services in landscapes—A systematic review
Freshwater ecotoxicity impacts from pesticide use in animal and vegetable foods produced in Sweden
Updated indicators of Swedish national human toxicity and ecotoxicity footprints using USEtox 2.01
The nitrogen footprint - environmentally relevant?
Fitting ecosystem services assessment into the LCA framework
Integrating Pigs and Crops for Environmental Benefit - A Swedish Case Study
The importance of a life cycle approach for valuing carbon sequestration
Defining the reference situation for biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessments
The zinc paradox – a problem for USEtox-based indicators of national chemical footprints?
Jordbrukets ekosystemtjänster. Från koncept till gårdsbaserade indikatorer
Estimating the EU biogas potential from manure and crop residues — A spatial analysis
Det svenska folkhushållets köttkonsumtion är stor och aningslös
Climate metrics and the carbon footprint of livestock products: where's the beef?
Emissions and carbon footprint
Localising livestock protein feed production and the impact on land use and greenhouse gas emissions
Algal Biotechnology and Life-Cycle assessment within the BioBuF-project
Primary Production/Meat and the Environment
The complexity of system boundaries when it comes to mitigation measures
Towards eco-efficient agriculture and food systems: theory, praxis and future challenges
Betande djur kan inte rädda klimatet
Biofuels and land use in Sweden: an overview of land-use change effects
Exploring variability in methods and data sensitivity in carbon footprints of feed ingredients
Including Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in the Carbon Footprint of Brazilian Beef
Variation in carbon footprint of milk due to management differences between Swedish dairy farms
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Showing 19 research projects
Mot ett hållbart svenskt livsmedels-system - en kunskapssyntes om miljöeffekter och policyalternativ
Förstudie om hållbar och hälsosam proteinförsörjning i Västra Götaland
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2
Mitigating environmental impacts from biomass production by producing more biomass
Att mäta och bedöma matens miljöpåverkan
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 1
Green Valleys - gröna bioraffinaderier för hållbar produktion av bioenergi från jordbruket
Improved life cycle assessment modelling of fertilizers - the case of sewage sludge
Gräsbaserad effektiv nötkreatursproduktion - effekter på ekosystemtjänster och ekonomi
Bio-LCA: Biodiversity indicators in life cycle assessments in forestry and agriculture
Policy-Relevant Indicators for National Consumption and Environment (PRINCE)
Biogas from agricultural wastes and residues – where and how much?