Christel Cederberg

Professor at Physical Resource Theory

Christel CederbergĀ“s research is in the area of sustainable biomass production with a focus on agriculture and food. In on-going projects, she is studying grassbased biorefineries, food systems med improved nutrient cycles and potentials for carbon sequestrations in soils and forests. Cederberg is active partner in Area of Advance Energy.

Image of Christel Cederberg

Showing 68 publications


Organic food has lower environmental impacts per area unit and similar climate impacts per mass unit compared to conventional

Fatemeh Hashemi, Lisbeth Mogensen, H. M. G. van der Werf et al
Communications Earth and Environment. Vol. 5 (1)
Journal article

Environmental assessment of diets: overview and guidance on indicator choice

Ylva Ran, Christel Cederberg, Malin Jonell et al
The Lancet Planetary Health. Vol. 8 (3), p. e172-e187
Review article

Carbon removal potentials in agricultural systems–participatory scenario modelling with farmers in Sweden

Andreas Rehn, Göran Berndes, Christel Cederberg et al
Carbon Management. Vol. 15 (1)
Journal article

Towards multifunctional landscapes coupling low carbon feed and bioenergy production with restorative agriculture: Economic deployment potential of grass-based biorefineries

Sebnem Yilmaz Balaman, Göran Berndes, Christel Cederberg et al
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 17 (3), p. 523-536
Journal article

Risk to rely on soil carbon sequestration to offset global ruminant emissions

Yue Wang, I. de Boer, Martin Persson et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

What can we learn from the past? Tracking sustainability indicators for the Swedish dairy sector over 30 years

Johan O. Karlsson, Helena Robling, Christel Cederberg et al
Agricultural Systems. Vol. 212
Journal article

Large-scale deployment of grass in crop rotations as a multifunctional climate mitigation strategy

Oskar Englund, Blas Mola-Yudego, Pål Börjesson et al
GCB Bioenergy. Vol. 15 (2), p. 166-184
Journal article

The nitrogen footprint of Swedish food consumption

Rasmus Einarsson, Maria Henriksson, Markus Hoffmann et al
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 17 (10)
Journal article

Strategic deployment of riparian buffers and windbreaks in Europe can co-deliver biomass and environmental benefits

Oskar Englund, Pal Borjesson, Blas Mola-Yudego et al
Communications Earth and Environment. Vol. 2 (1)
Journal article

Subnational nutrient budgets to monitor environmental risks in EU agriculture: calculating phosphorus budgets for 243 EU28 regions using public data

Rasmus Einarsson, Daniel Pitulia, Christel Cederberg
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. Vol. 117 (2), p. 199-213
Journal article

Towards better representation of organic agriculture in life cycle assessment

Hayo M. G. van der Werf, Marie Trydeman Knudsen, Christel Cederberg
Nature Sustainability. Vol. 3 (6), p. 419-425
Journal article

Can integrated watershed management reduce soil erosion and improve livelihoods? A study from northern Ethiopia

Kassa Teka, Mulu Haftu, Madelene Ostwald et al
International Soil and Water Conservation Research. Vol. 8 (3), p. 266-276
Journal article

Gräsmarkernas användning i Sverige

Christel Cederberg, Maria Henriksson
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

In defence of organic food Comment

Christel Cederberg, Hayo van der Werf
New Scientist. Vol. 245 (3274), p. 25-25
Other text in scientific journal

Evaluer les impacts environmennementaux de l'agriculture biologique: l'analyse du cycle de vie doit fair mieux

Hayo van der Werf, Marie Trydeman Knudsen, Christel Cederberg
Innovations Agronomique. Vol. 80, p. 113-121
Journal article

Is the nitrogen footprint fit for purpose? An assessment of models and proposed uses

Rasmus Einarsson, Christel Cederberg
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 240, p. 198-208
Journal article

Beyond the borders – burdens of Swedish food consumption due to agrochemicals, greenhouse gases and land-use change

Christel Cederberg, Martin Persson, Sarah Schmidt et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 214, p. 644-652
Journal article

Indicators for national consumption-based accounting of chemicals

Linn Persson, Rickard Arvidsson, Mårten Berglund et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 215, p. 1-12
Journal article

How to Analyse Ecosystem Services in Landscapes

Oskar Englund, Göran Berndes, Christel Cederberg et al
Report - IEA Bioenergy ExCo

Sustainable biofuels - critical review of current views and case studies using extended systems analysis providing new perspectives and positive examples.

Göran Berndes, Christel Cederberg, Olivia Cintas Sanchez et al
Report - f3 – Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Fuels

Miljöpåverkan från svensk konsumtion - nya indikatorer för uppföljning. Slutrapport för forskningsprojektet PRINCE

Nancy Steinbach, Viveka Palm, Christel Cederberg et al
Report - Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Nitrogen flows on organic and conventional dairy farms: a comparison of three indicators

Rasmus Einarsson, Christel Cederberg, Jonatan Kallus
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. Vol. 110 (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

Challenges in developing regionalized characterization factors in land use impact assessment: impacts on ecosystem services in case studies of animal protein production in Sweden

Maria Nordborg, Yaw Sasu-Boakye, Christel Cederberg et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 22 (3), p. 328-345
Journal article

Carbon footprints and land use of conventional and organic diets in Germany

Hanna Treu, Maria Nordborg, Christel Cederberg et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 161, p. 127-142
Journal article

Characterization factors for land use impacts on biodiversity in life cycle assessment based on direct measures of plant species richness in European farmland in the ‘Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forest`.

Marie Trydeman Knudsen, John E Hermansen, Christel Cederberg et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 580, p. 358-366
Journal article

Kombinerat mjölk och nötkött-effekter av lågintensiv ekologisk nötkreatursproduktion på markanvändning, miljö och ekosystemtjänster

Christel Cederberg
Proceedings of Forage Conference 2017, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för växtproduktionsekologi (Rapport nr 22), p. 102-103
Other conference contribution

Framtidens landsbygdsprogram och olika utmaningar

Janne Bengtsson, Christel Cederberg
Boken "Så här ligger landet-tankar om landsbygdsprogram och landsbygdsutveckling", Jordbruksverket, Jönköping, p. 171-178
Book chapter

Improved life cycle modelling of benefits from sewage sludge anaerobic digestion and land application

Sara Heimersson, Magdalena Svanström, Christel Cederberg et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 122, p. 126-134
Journal article

How to analyse ecosystem services in landscapes—A systematic review

Oskar Englund, Göran Berndes, Christel Cederberg
Ecological Indicators. Vol. 73, p. 492-504
Review article

Jäst skogsavfall blir nylon

Lisbeth Olsson, Christel Cederberg
Kemivärlden Biotech med Kemisk tidskrift (Nr 4 Juni 2017), p. 15-16
Magazine article

Freshwater ecotoxicity impacts from pesticide use in animal and vegetable foods produced in Sweden

Maria Nordborg, Jennifer Davis, Christel Cederberg et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 581-582, p. 448-459
Journal article

Updated indicators of Swedish national human toxicity and ecotoxicity footprints using USEtox 2.01

Maria Nordborg, Rickard Arvidsson, Göran Finnveden et al
Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Vol. 62, p. 110-114
Journal article

The nitrogen footprint - environmentally relevant?

Rasmus Einarsson, Christel Cederberg
Conference proceedings, Innovative solutions for sustainable management of nitrogen, p. 90-
Other conference contribution

Fitting ecosystem services assessment into the LCA framework

Christel Cederberg
EAAP 2016, Book of Abstracts
Other conference contribution

Integrating Pigs and Crops for Environmental Benefit - A Swedish Case Study

Daniel Baumgartner, Magdalena Wallmann, Christel Cederberg et al
10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. Book of Abstracts, p 1067-1074
Paper in proceeding

The importance of a life cycle approach for valuing carbon sequestration

Corina Van der Middelaar, Christel Cederberg, Pierre Gerber et al
: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. Book of Abstracts, p. 380-386
Paper in proceeding

Defining the reference situation for biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessments

Emke Vrasdonk, Ulrika Palme, Tommy Lennartsson et al
10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. Book of Abstracts, p 620-628
Paper in proceeding

Assessing potential pesticide-related ecotoxicity impacts of food products across different functional units.

Maria Nordborg, Jennifer Davis, Christel Cederberg et al
Book of Abstracts, 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food
Paper in proceeding

The zinc paradox – a problem for USEtox-based indicators of national chemical footprints?

Rickard Arvidsson, Maria Nordborg, Christel Cederberg et al
SETAC Europe 22th Case Study Symposium, 20-22 September, Montpellier, France
Paper in proceeding

Jordbrukets ekosystemtjänster. Från koncept till gårdsbaserade indikatorer

Christel Cederberg, Birgit Landquist, Sverker Molander et al

Estimating the EU biogas potential from manure and crop residues — A spatial analysis

Rasmus Einarsson, Martin Persson, Mikael Lantz et al

Det svenska folkhushållets köttkonsumtion är stor och aningslös

Christel Cederberg, Elin Röös
Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, CFK, Handelshögsskolan vid Göteborgs Universitet, p. 49-
Book chapter

Climate metrics and the carbon footprint of livestock products: where's the beef?

Martin Persson, Daniel Johansson, Christel Cederberg et al
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 10 (3)
Journal article

Emissions and carbon footprint

Christel Cederberg
Climate change and primary industries : Impacts, adaptation and mitigation in the Nordic countries, p. 35-48
Book chapter

Localising livestock protein feed production and the impact on land use and greenhouse gas emissions

Yaw Sasu-Boakye, Christel Cederberg, Stefan Wirsenius
Animal. Vol. 8 (8), p. 1339-1348
Journal article

Algal Biotechnology and Life-Cycle assessment within the BioBuF-project

Anna Ekman, Eva Albers, Christel Cederberg
Bioeconomy development in Sweden, April 3, Göteborg
Conference poster

Modeling Potential Freshwater Ecotoxicity Impacts Due to Pesticide Use in Biofuel Feedstock Production: The Cases of Maize, Rapeseed, Salix, Soybean, Sugar Cane, and Wheat

Maria Nordborg, Christel Cederberg, Göran Berndes
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 48 (19), p. 11379-11388
Journal article

Primary Production/Meat and the Environment

Christel Cederberg
Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences, p. 502-507
Book chapter

The complexity of system boundaries when it comes to mitigation measures

Christel Cederberg, Martin Persson
Conference abstract book. Livestock, Climate Change and Food Security Conference, Madrid, 19-20 May 2014, p. 51-52
Other conference contribution

Towards eco-efficient agriculture and food systems: theory, praxis and future challenges

H. M. G. van der Werf, T. Garnett, M. S. Corson et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 73, p. 1-9
Other text in scientific journal

A method for calculating a land-use change carbon footprint (LUC-CFP) for agricultural commodities - applications to Brazilian beef and soy, Indonesian palm oil

Martin Persson, S. Henders, Christel Cederberg
Global Change Biology. Vol. 20 (11), p. 3482-3491
Journal article

An LCA researcher's wish list - data and emission models needed to improve LCA studies of animal production

Christel Cederberg, M. Henriksson, M. Berglund
Animal. Vol. 7 ((suppl. 2)), p. 212-219
Journal article

Trends in greenhouse gas emissions from consumption and production of animal food products - implications for long-term climate targets

Christel Cederberg, Fredrik Hedenus, Stefan Wirsenius et al
Animal. Vol. 7 (2), p. 330-340
Journal article

Betande djur kan inte rädda klimatet

Christel Cederberg, Göran Berndes, Maria Nordborg et al

Biofuels and land use in Sweden: an overview of land-use change effects

Jonas Höglund, Serina Ahlgren, Maria Grahn et al

Exploring variability in methods and data sensitivity in carbon footprints of feed ingredients

C.E. Van Middelaar, Christel Cederberg, T.V. Vellinga et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 18 (4), p. 768-782
Journal article

The interaction between milk and beef production and emissions from land use change - Critical considerations in life cycle assessment and carbon footprint studies of milk

A. Flysjö, Christel Cederberg, M. Henriksson et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 28, p. 134-142
Journal article

Klimatavtryck av ekologiska jordbruksprodukter

Christel Cederberg

Including Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in the Carbon Footprint of Brazilian Beef

Christel Cederberg, Martin Persson, K. Neovius et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 45 (5), p. 1773-1779
Journal article

GHG emissions and land-use changes from substitution of Brazilian soybean with locally produced protein feed in Scandinavian pig and dairy production

Yaw Sasu-Boakye, Christel Cederberg, Stefan Wirsenius
IEA Workshop Quantifying and managing land use effects of bioenergy
Conference poster

The impact of various parameters on the carbon footprint of milk production in New Zealand and Sweden

A. Flysjö, M. Henriksson, Christel Cederberg et al
Agricultural Systems. Vol. 104 (6), p. 459-469
Journal article

Variation in carbon footprint of milk due to management differences between Swedish dairy farms

M. Henriksson, A. Flysjö, Christel Cederberg et al
Animal. Vol. 5 (9), p. 1474-1484
Journal article

How does co-product handling affect the carbon footprint of milk? Case study of milk production in New Zealand and Sweden

A. Flysjö, Christel Cederberg, M. Henriksson et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 16 (5), p. 420-430
Journal article

Greenhouse gas emissions due to deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon attributable to beef production

K Neovius, Christel Cederberg, Sverker Molander
International Conference on LCA. in the Agri-Food Sector. Zurich, November 12–14 , 2008
Other conference contribution

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Showing 19 research projects


Green Valleys 2.0

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory
Region Västra Götaland


Mot ett hållbart svenskt livsmedels-system - en kunskapssyntes om miljöeffekter och policyalternativ

Martin Persson Physical Resource Theory
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency


Learning from the past - opportunities for a sustainable future: indicators and scenarios for Swedish dairy

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (SLF)


Förstudie om hållbar och hälsosam proteinförsörjning i Västra Götaland

Karin Jonsson Food and Nutrition Science
Ann-Sofie Sandberg Food and Nutrition Science
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Ingrid Undeland Food and Nutrition Science
Rikard Landberg Food and Nutrition Science
Region Västra Götaland


Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory
Oskar Englund Physical Resource Theory 2


Mitigating environmental impacts from biomass production by producing more biomass

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory
Swedish Energy Agency


Att mäta och bedöma matens miljöpåverkan

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (SLF)


Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 1

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory


Green Valleys - gröna bioraffinaderier för hållbar produktion av bioenergi från jordbruket

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
European Commission (EC)
Region Västra Götaland


Food Nitrogen Footprints in Sweden

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory 1

1 publication exists

Improved life cycle assessment modelling of fertilizers - the case of sewage sludge

Magdalena Svanström Chemical Environmental Science
Sara Heimersson Environmental Systems Analysis
Gregory Peters Environmental Systems Analysis
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory

4 publications exist

Gräsbaserad effektiv nötkreatursproduktion - effekter på ekosystemtjänster och ekonomi

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (SLF)

1 publication exists

Bio-LCA: Biodiversity indicators in life cycle assessments in forestry and agriculture

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Emke Vrasdonk Environmental Systems Analysis
Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis

1 publication exists

Policy-Relevant Indicators for National Consumption and Environment (PRINCE)

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Martin Persson Physical Resource Theory
Sverker Molander Environmental Systems Analysis
Rickard Arvidsson Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

2 publications exist

Biogas from agricultural wastes and residues – where and how much?

Martin Persson Physical Resource Theory
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory
Swedish Energy Agency


Integration of milk and beef production - implications of organic low-input cattle production on land use, environment and economy

Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Stefan Wirsenius Physical Resource Theory

1 publication exists

Upgrading of renewable domestic raw materials to value-added bulk and fine chemicals for a biobased economy: technology development, systems integration and environmental impact assessment (BioBuF)

Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Elin Svensson Energy Technology
Stavros Papadokonstantakis Energy Technology
Thore Berntsson Energy Technology
Karin Pettersson Energy Technology
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Eva Albers Industrial Biotechnology
Christel Kampman Industrial Biotechnology
Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Emma Karlsson Industrial Biotechnology
Nikolaos Xafenias Industrial Biotechnology
Joshua Mayers Industrial Biotechnology
Maurizio Bettiga Industrial Biotechnology
Hans Theliander Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Carl Johan Franzén Industrial Biotechnology
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Valeria Mapelli Industrial Biotechnology
Region Västra Götaland

30 publications exist

Potentiella nettoreduktioner av växthusgasutsläppen från användning av nordeuropeiskt proteinfoder i nordisk kött- och mjölkproduktion

Stefan Wirsenius Physical Resource Theory
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Sverker Molander Environmental Systems Analysis
Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (SLF)


Potentiella nettoreduktioner av växthusgasutsläppen från foderpro-duktionens markanvändning – Kolinlagring i gräsmarker

Stefan Wirsenius Physical Resource Theory
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (SLF)

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