Daniel Johansson

Associate Professor at Physical Resource Theory

Daniel Johansson has worked in the field of climate-energy-economic analysis and integrated assessment modelling for about 20 years and has written about 50 peer-reviewed articles and other research papers. His research has covered many different topics such as climate stabilisation scenarios, emission metrics, statistical estimation of climate sensitivity, fuel markets, negative CO2 emissions, food vs fuel, climate impacts of aviation, the role of autonomous vehicle in the future transports system etc.
In his research he mixes theories and methods from climate science, engineering and economics. He has been active in interacting with industry, policy makers and laymen trough research and consultancy projects, workshops, presentations, policy reports and op-eds.
Further, he has led and coordinated various research activities, both within Chalmers and in multinational contexts. He has developed several courses on energy and environmental issues for students at Chalmers, the School of Economics at University of Gothenburg University and for employees at General Motors.
During autumn 2015 to spring 2016 he was on temporarily leave from research working as a regulatory expert at Volvo Cars.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Daniel Johansson

Showing 101 publications


Should Climate Policy Focus More on Methane or Carbon Dioxide?

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson, Thomas Sterner
Resources Magazine. Vol. 217, p. 22-29
Magazine article

Potential and costs required for methane removal to compete with BECCS as a mitigation option

Yann Gaucher, Katsumasa Tanaka, Daniel Johansson et al
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 20 (2)
Journal article

Adapting to uncertainty: Modeling adaptive investment decisions in the electricity system

Jinxi Yang, Daniel Johansson
Applied Energy. Vol. 358
Journal article

Too Far? Autonomous vehicles, travel demand, and carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden

Ella Rebalski, Daniel Johansson
European Transport Studies. Vol. 1
Journal article

Orättvist att belöna de länder som släppt ut mest

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Climate justice and a fair allocation of national greenhouse gas emissions

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Climate Policy. Vol. In Press
Other text in scientific journal

Brace for impacts: Perceived impacts and responses relating to the state of connected and autonomous vehicles in Gothenburg

Ella Rebalski, Marco Adelfio, Frances Sprei et al
Case Studies on Transport Policy. Vol. 15
Journal article

The social cost of methane

Christian Azar, Jorge Garcia Martin, Daniel Johansson et al
Climatic Change. Vol. 176 (6)
Journal article

Emission pathways and mitigation options for achieving consumption-based climate targets in Sweden

Johannes Morfeldt, Jörgen Larsson, David Andersson et al
Communications Earth and Environment. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Investment dynamics in the energy sector under carbon price uncertainty and risk aversion

Jinxi Yang, S. Fuss, Daniel Johansson et al
Energy and Climate Change. Vol. 4
Journal article

Indicate separate contributions of long-lived and short-lived greenhouse gases in emission targets

Myles R. Allen, Glen P. Peters, Keith P. Shine et al
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. Vol. 5 (1)
Other text in scientific journal

IPCC and the effectiveness of carbon sinks

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 17 (4)
Other text in scientific journal

Consumption based scenarios for Sweden - a basis for discussing new climate targets

Jörgen Larsson, Johannes Morfeldt, Daniel Johansson et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Paris Agreement requires substantial, broad, and sustained policy efforts beyond COVID-19 public stimulus packages

Katsumasa Tanaka, Christian Azar, Olivier Boucher et al
Climatic Change. Vol. 172 (1-2)
Journal article

Impacts of shared mobility on vehicle lifetimes and on the carbon footprint of electric vehicles

Johannes Morfeldt, Daniel Johansson
Nature Communications. Vol. 13 (1)
Journal article

If Electric Cars Are Good for Reducing Emissions, They Could Be Even Better with Electric Roads

Johannes Morfeldt, Wasim Shoman, Daniel Johansson et al
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 56 (13), p. 9593-9603
Journal article

Too much pressure? Driving and restraining forces and pressures relating to the state of connected and autonomous vehicles in cities

Ella Rebalski, Marco Adelfio, Frances Sprei et al
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 13
Journal article

Carbon footprint impacts of banning cars with internal combustion engines

Johannes Morfeldt, Simon Davidsson Kurland, Daniel Johansson
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 95
Journal article

The question of overshoot

Daniel Johansson
Nature Climate Change. Vol. 11 (12), p. 1021-1022
Journal article

DICE and the Carbon Budget for Ambitious Climate Targets

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Earth's Future. Vol. 9 (7)
Other text in scientific journal

Konsumtionsbaserade scenarier för Sverige - underlag för diskussioner om nya klimatmål

Jörgen Larsson, Johannes Morfeldt, Daniel Johansson et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics

Katsumasa Tanaka, Olivier Boucher, Philippe Ciais et al
Science advances. Vol. 7 (22)
Journal article

The role of negative carbon emissions in reaching the Paris climate targets: The impact of target formulation in integrated assessment models

Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar, Mariliis Lehtveer et al
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 15 (12)
Journal article

Behind the scenes article summarizing the paper "Climate Economics support for the UN targets”

Thomas Sterner, Martin C. Hänsel, Moritz A. Drupp et al
Springer Nature Sustainability Community
Magazine article

Climate economics, DICE and the UN Paris targets, London School of Economics, Grantham Institute

Martin C. Hänsel, Moritz A. Drupp, Daniel Johansson et al
Other - Blog post

Ett ensidigt fokus på elexport är allt för snävt.

Christian Azar, Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson et al
Dagens Nyheter (DN)
Newspaper article

Lägre metanutsläpp kan göra stor skillnad

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson, Patrick Eriksson
Svenska dagbladet
Newspaper article

Leveraging Open-Source Tools for Collaborative Macro-energy System Modeling Efforts

Joseph DeCarolis, Paulina Jaramillo, Jeremiah X. Johnson et al
Joule. Vol. 4 (12), p. 2523-2526
Other text in scientific journal

Climate economics support for the UN climate targets

Martin C. Hänsel, Moritz A. Drupp, Daniel Johansson et al
Nature Climate Change. Vol. 10 (8), p. 781-789
Journal article

The choice of climate metric is of limited importance when ranking options for abatement of near-term climate forcers

Stefan Åström, Daniel Johansson
Climatic Change. Vol. 154 (3-4), p. 401-416
Journal article

Negative CO 2 emissions - An analysis of the retention times required with respect to possible carbon leakage

Anders Lyngfelt, Daniel Johansson, Erik Lindeberg
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 87, p. 27-33
Journal article

Negative CO<inf>2</inf> Emissions - An Analysis of the Retention Times Required with Respect to Possible Carbon Leakage

Anders Lyngfelt, Daniel Johansson, Erik Lindeberg
GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Composite design for a foiling Optimist dinghy

Carolyn Oddy, Elias Blomstrand, Daniel Johansson et al
Paper in proceeding

How Do Dietary Choices Influence the Energy-System Cost of Stabilizing the Climate?

David Bryngelsson, Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson et al
Energies. Vol. 10 (2)
Journal article

The effect of climate-carbon cycle feedbacks on emission metrics

Erik Sterner, Daniel Johansson
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 12 (3), p. 034019-
Journal article

Enhancing life cycle impact assessment from climate science: Review of recent findings and recommendations for application to LCA

A. Levasseur, O. Cavalett, J. Fuglestvedt et al
Ecological Indicators. Vol. 71, p. 163-174
Review article

Strategic reasoning and bargaining in catastrophic climate change games

Vilhelm Verendel, Daniel Johansson, Kristian Lindgren
Nature Climate Change. Vol. 6 (3), p. 265-268
Journal article

Bridging the gap between impact assessment methods and climate science

F. Cherubini, J. Fuglestvedt, T. Gasser et al
Environmental Science and Policy. Vol. 64, p. 129-140
Review article

Reply to "Volcanic effects on climate"

Daniel Johansson, Brian O'Neill, Claudia Tebaldi et al
Nature Climate Change. Vol. 6 (1), p. 4-5
Other text in scientific journal

Att jämföra koldioxid och metan – varför GWP inte ger hela bilden

Christian Azar, David Bryngelsson, Daniel Johansson et al
Magazine article

Klimatet kräver modiga politiker och stora insatser.

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Göteborgs-Posten (GP). Vol. 2015 (15 februari)
Magazine article

Equilibrium climate sensitivity in light of observations over the warming hiatus

Daniel Johansson, Brian O'Neill, Claudia Tebaldi et al
Nature Climate Change. Vol. 5 (5), p. 449-453
Journal article

Multi-model comparison of the economic and energy implications for China and India in an international climate regime

Daniel Johansson, Paul L. Lucas, Matthias Weitzel et al
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Vol. 20 (8), p. 1335-1359
Journal article

Climate metrics and the carbon footprint of livestock products: where's the beef?

Martin Persson, Daniel Johansson, Christel Cederberg et al
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 10 (3)
Journal article

The importance of reduced meat and dairy consumption for meeting stringent climate change targets

Fredrik Hedenus, Stefan Wirsenius, Daniel Johansson
Climatic Change. Vol. 124 (1-2), p. 79-91
Journal article

Why reduced beef, lamb and dairy consumption may be necessary for meeting stringent climate targets.

Stefan Wirsenius, Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson
Magazine article

Koldioxiden är flygets stora klimatpåverkande faktor

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Dagens Nyheter (30 juni)
Magazine article

Emission metrics and sea level rise

Erik Sterner, Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar
Climatic Change. Vol. 127 (2), p. 335-351
Journal article

To Avoid Global Warming, Stop Eating Meat and Cheese

Fredrik Hedenus, Stefan Wirsenius, Daniel Johansson
New York Times (April 1st)
Magazine article

A Critical Assessment of Energy - economy - climate Models for Policy Analysis

Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson, Kristian Lindgren
Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research. Vol. 3 (2), p. 118-132
Journal article

Meeting global temperature targets-the role of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson, Niclas Mattsson
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 8 (3)
Journal article

Emission metrics under the 2°C climate stabilization target

K. Tanaka, Daniel Johansson, Brian O'Neill et al
Climatic Change. Vol. 117 (4), p. 933-941
Journal article

The fossil endgame: strategic oil price discrimination and carbon taxation

Jiegen Wei, Magnus Hennlock, Daniel Johansson et al
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy. Vol. 1 (1), p. 48-69
Journal article

On the relationship between metrics to compare greenhouse gases – the case of IGTP, GWP and SGTP

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Earth System Dynamics Discussion. Vol. 3 (1), p. 113-141
Magazine article

A critical assessment of energy-economy-climate models

Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson, Kristian Lindgren

Valuing the non-CO2 climate impacts of aviation

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Climatic Change. Vol. 111 (3-4), p. 559-579
Journal article

On the relationship between metrics to compare greenhouse gases – the case of IGTP, GWP and SGTP

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Earth System Dynamics. Vol. 3 (2), p. 139-147
Journal article

Economics- and physical-based metrics for comparing greenhouse gases

Daniel Johansson
Climatic Change. Vol. 110 (1-2), p. 123-141
Journal article

The future of oil in a carbon constrained world

Daniel Johansson, Fredrik Hedenus, Thomas Sterner
Handbook of Oil Politics / Robert E. Looney (ed.), p. 415-434
Book chapter

The Fossil Endgame: Strategic Oil Price Discrimination and Carbon Taxation

Jiegen Wei, Magnus Hennlock, Daniel Johansson et al

Uppdatering av den vetenskapliga grunden för klimatarbetet: En översyn av naturvetenskapliga aspekter

Rummukainen Markku, Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar et al

Utsläppsbanor för ett 1,5ºC-mål

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson

Temperature stabilization, ocean heat uptake and radiative forcing overshoot profiles

Daniel Johansson
Climatic Change. Vol. 108 (1-2), p. 107-134
Journal article

Dags för biodrivmedel att stå på egna ben

Christian Azar, Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson et al
Göteborgsposten (17 maj)
Magazine article

Stoppa stödet till etanol på spannmål och raps

Christian Azar, Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson et al
Göteborgsposten (8 maj)
Magazine article

Energy security policies in EU-25 - the expected cost of oil supply disruptions

Fredrik Hedenus, Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Energy Policy. Vol. 38 (3), p. 1241-1250
Journal article

A Perspective Paper on Methane Mitigation as a Response to Climate Change.

Daniel Johansson, Fredrik Hedenus
Smart Solutions to Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Benefits
Book chapter

Methane mitigation: Alternative perspectives

Daniel Johansson, Fredrik Hedenus
Smart Solutions to Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Benefits, p. 208-221
Book chapter

Scientific Perspectives after Copenhagen

Eric Fee, Daniel Johansson, Jason Lowe et al

Climate measures in an uncertain world

Daniel Johansson
Climate Challange - the safety's off, p. 317-333
Book chapter

Future food consumption and climate change - are dietary shifts required?

Fredrik Hedenus, Stefan Wirsenius, Daniel Johansson
Stockholm Futures Conference. Our future in the making
Other conference contribution

Adoption of electricity generating technologies under long-term climate policy uncertainty

S. Fuss, Daniel Johansson, J. Szolgayova et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 37 (2), p. 733-743
Journal article

OPEC strategies and oil rent in a climate conscious world

Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar, Kristian Lindgren et al
Energy Journal. Vol. 30 (3), p. 23-50
Journal article

Klimatfrågan handlar om mer än pengar

Daniel Johansson, Fredrik Hedenus
Svenska Dagbladet
Magazine article

Klimatåtgärder i ett osäkert läge

Daniel Johansson
Osäkrat klimat - laddad utmaning, p. 307-322
Book chapter

Uncertainty and Learning: Implications for the Trade-off between Short-lived and Long-lived Greenhouse Gases

Daniel Johansson, Martin Persson, Christian Azar
Climatic Change. Vol. 88 (3-4), p. 293-309
Journal article

Energy Security Policies in EU 25 - the expected cost of oil supply disruptions

Fredrik Hedenus, Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson
Proceedings of EAERE Conference 2008, Gothenburg/Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Risikoverringerung bei der Klimatpolitik & die Auswirkungen auf die zeitliche Planung von Energieinvestitionen

S. Fuss, Daniel Johansson, J. Szolgayova et al
Proceedings of the 10th Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz/Austria
Paper in proceeding

Global scenarios for energy, carbon dioxide and forests products

Fredrik Hedenus, Daniel Johansson
Background report to the Swedish Environmental Advisory Council memorandum 2007:1
Magazine article

Major oil exporters may profit rather than lose, in a carbon-constrained world.

Tobias A Persson, Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 35 (12), p. 6346-6353
Journal article

A scenario based analysis of land competition between food and bioenergy production in the US

Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar
Climatic Change. Vol. 82 (3-4), p. 267-291
Journal article

The cost of using global warming potentials: analysing the trade-off between CO2, CH4, and N2O

Daniel Johansson, Martin Persson, Christian Azar
Climatic Change. Vol. 77 (3-4), p. 291-309
Journal article

Methane in Cllimate Policies

Daniel Johansson, U.M. Persson
Proceedings of the First Regional Symposium on Carbon Management - Carbon Management and Opportunities for the Petroleum Industry
Paper in proceeding

No future for grain ethanol (in Swedish)

F. Hedenus, Daniel Johansson
Göteborgs-Posten. Vol. 3 nov 2006
Magazine article

OPEC's Oil Revenues in Carbon Constraint Scenarios - When Can Richardian Rents Occur?

T.A. Persson, Daniel Johansson
Proceedings of ENERGEX 2006 - the 11th International Energy Conference & Exhibition
Paper in proceeding

Trade-off between CO2 and CH4 under conditions of uncertainty, learning and inertia

Daniel Johansson, Martin Persson, Christian Azar
Proceedings of the 4th Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Conference
Paper in proceeding

Non-CO2 greenhouse gases, uncertainty and land-use competition

Daniel Johansson
Licentiate thesis

Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases in National Climate Policies: A reassessment of the Comprehensive Approach.

Daniel Johansson, Martin Persson
Proceedings of the 4th Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases Conference
Paper in proceeding

The economic trade-off between CO2, CH4 and N2O abatement - an economic assessment of using static GWP's

Daniel Johansson, U.M. Persson, C. Azar
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Paper in proceeding

From Here to Sustainability – Is the Lisbon/Göteborg agenda delivering?

Bo Samuelsson, Christian Azar, John Holmberg et al

Emission Permit Trading

Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar
Samuelsson, B. (ed.), From here to sustainability - Is the Lisbon/Göteborg agenda delivering?
Book chapter

Permit trading is not enough (in Swedish)

Christian Azar, F. Hedenus, Daniel Johansson et al
Dagens Industri. Vol. 25 sept 2003
Magazine article

Analysis of land competition between food and bioenergy production

Daniel Johansson, Christian Azar
World Resources Review. Vol. 15 (2), p. 165-175
Journal article

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Showing 8 research projects


The climate impacts of aviation: Policies and climate evaluation of different fuels

Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory


Systems analysis of biomass and carbon capture across energy sectors

Markus Millinger Physical Resource Theory 2
Fredrik Hedenus Physical Resource Theory
Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Lina Reichenberg Physical Resource Theory
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

MISTRA Carbon Exit Phase 2

Anders Ahlbäck Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development
Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Johannes Morfeldt Physical Resource Theory 2
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

9 publications exist

Vehicle lifetime in different mobility solutions

Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Johannes Morfeldt Physical Resource Theory 2

2 publications exist

Engaging Stakeholders For A Co-created Transition Agenda Towards Connected Autonomous Vehicles As Sustainable Transportation System

Frances Sprei Physical Resource Theory
Marco Adelfio Urban Design and Planning
Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Ella Rebalski Physical Resource Theory 2


Mistra Carbon Exit

Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Frances Sprei Physical Resource Theory
Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Katarina Gårdfeldt Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)
Sonia Yeh Physical Resource Theory
Ida Karlsson Energy Technology 1
Johannes Morfeldt Physical Resource Theory 2
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

19 publications exist

Premises for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage in the global response to climate change

Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Swedish Energy Agency


Climate change - land use and aviation

Christian Azar Physical Resource Theory
Daniel Johansson Physical Resource Theory
Erik Sterner Physical Resource Theory
Carl Bennet AB

2 publications exist
There might be more projects where Daniel Johansson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.