Han Zhou
Han Zhou received his B.Sc. degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 2016. He received his M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree from the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, in 2018 and 2023, respectively. In 2022, he was a visiting researcher at the IDEAS group, ETH Zurich. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher. His research interests include highly efficient, wideband, and linear power amplifier architectures for future wireless transmitters, the design of RF/mm-wave integrated circuits for 5G/6G communication and sensing, and AI-assisted deep-learning-enabled design synthesis for circuits and systems. Dr. Zhou received the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Graduate Fellowship Award, in 2023. He received the EuMC Young Engineer Prize at the 52nd European Microwave Conference 2022. He also received a scholarship and travel grant from the Ericsson Research Foundation to support his research visit at the IDEAS group, ETH Zurich, where he worked with mm-wave CMOS PA projects.

Showing 21 publications
A Ka-Band Doherty-Like Non-Load Modulated Power Amplifier
A GaN MMIC Wideband Continuous-Mode Doherty Power Amplifier for 6G FR3 cmWave Applications
56% PAE mm-Wave SiGe BiCMOS Power Amplifier Employing Local Backside Etching
Recent Developments in Active Load Modulation PA Architectures
RF-DAC-based PA Pre-Distortion using Expanding Non-Linear RF-DAC Scaling
Analysis and Design of RF-Input Doherty-Like Circulator Load Modulated Amplifier
Design and Validation of a Concurrent Dual-Band 1.84/2.65 GHz GaN Doherty Power Amplifier
Symmetrical Doherty Power Amplifier with High Efficiency and Extended Bandwidth
A Wideband and Highly Efficient Circulator Load Modulated Power Amplifier Architecture
Efficient and Wideband Load Modulated Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communication
Design of a Compact GaN Power Amplifier with High Efficiency and Beyond Decade Bandwidth
A Generic Theory for Design of Efficient Three-stage Doherty Power Amplifiers
Wideband Sequential Circulator Load Modulated Amplifier with Back-off Efficiency Enhancement
RF PA Predistortion using Non-Linear RF-DACs
Circulator Load Modulated Amplifier: A Non-Reciprocal Wideband and Efficient PA Architecture
Doherty Load Modulation Based on Non-Reciprocity
Theory and Design of Efficient Active Load Modulation Power Amplifiers
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