Simone Sebben
Simone Sebben is Professor in Aerodynamics and manager of the division VEAS. Her research interests are in the fields of Aerodynamics and Thermal Management with application to road vehicles. Her group works mainly with numerical methods, but experiments are also carried out in collaboration with industrial partners. Together with the group’s senior researchers and the PhD students, her goal is to contribute to an increased knowledge of the physics behind industrial relevant problems. Simone is also responsible for the Aerodynamics course, MTF236 , in the Automotive Master Program (MPAUT).

Showing 67 publications
Influence of rotating wheels on Reynolds number sensitivity of passenger vehicle drag
Prediction of Drivers’ Subjective Evaluation of Vehicle Reaction Under Aerodynamic Excitations
Safe speeds for a heavy articulated vehicle when passing a floating bridge tower under crosswind
Wheel Drive Unit Lift Corrections in Automotive Wind Tunnels
Investigation of tyre rim protectors on the aerodynamics of a passenger vehicle
Influence of Wheel Drive Unit Belt Width on the Aerodynamics of Passenger Vehicles
Effect of Cabin Insulation on the Heating Performance in EVs at Low Temperatures
Predictive Model of Driver's Perception of Vehicle Stability under Aerodynamic Excitation
Effects of separation distance, lateral offset, and yaw on the drag of a truck and SUV platoon
Drivers' Perceived Sensitivity to Crosswinds and to Low-Frequency Aerodynamic Lift Fluctuations
Characterisation of the flow around passenger vehicle wheels with varying tyre profiles
Numerical Investigation of the Air Flow in a Simplified Underhood Environment
Influence of Yaw and Lateral Offset on the Aerodynamics of a Two-Truck Platoon
Base wake dynamics and its influence on driving stability of passenger vehicles in crosswind
Investigation of Tyre Pattern Effect on the Aerodynamics of a Passenger Vehicle
Experimental investigation of the air flow in a simplified underhood environment
Optimisation of Trailing Edge Flaps on the Base Cavity of a Vehicle for Improved Performance at Yaw
Evaluation of wind tunnel interference on numerical prediction of wheel aerodynamics
Thermal encapsulation of large battery packs for electric vehicles operating in cold climate
System-level modeling and thermal simulations of large battery packs for electric trucks
Effects of wind loads and floating bridge motion on intercity bus lateral stability
Influence of Inter-Vehicle Distance on the Aerodynamics of a Two-Truck Platoon
Surrogate-based optimisation using adaptively scaled radial basis functions
Connection between rear-end extensions and yaw response of a passenger vehicle
Inclusion of the physical wind tunnel in vehicle CFD simulations for improved prediction quality
Effects of Wheel Configuration on the Flow Field and the Drag Coefficient of a Passenger Vehicle
Uncertainty quantification of flow uniformity measurements in a slotted wall wind tunnel
Flow angularity investigations in an automotive slotted wall wind tunnel
Evaluation of the Multiple Reference Frame Approach for the Modelling of an Axial Cooling Fan
Numerical analysis of a vehicle wake with tapered rear extensions under yaw conditions
Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Impact on Passenger Vehicles during Cornering
Tyre Pattern Features and their Effects on Passenger Vehicle Drag
A coupled approach for vehicle brake cooling performance simulations
Numerical investigation of crossflow separation on the a-pillar of a passenger car
Validation of Different Fan Modelling Techniques in Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFD investigation on wheel rotation modelling
Experimental and numerical investigations of cooling drag
Characterization of the rear wake of a SUV with extensions and without extensions
Force Based Measurement Method for Cooling Flow Quantification
Investigations of the Rear-End Flow Structures on a Sedan Car
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Brake Cooling for Passenger Cars
Wake and Unsteady Surface-Pressure Measurements on an SUV with Rear-End Extensions
Fundamentals, Basic Principles in Road Vehicle Aerodynamics and Design
Study of different tyre simulation methods and effects on passenger car aerodynamics
Effect of the traversing unit on the flow structures behind a passenger vehicle
Investigation of Wheel Aerodynamic Resistance of Passenger Cars
Investigation of the Influence of Tyre Geometry on the Aerodynamics of Passenger Cars
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Base Wake on an SUV
Alternative Approach in Ground Vehicle Wake Analysis
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Showing 15 research projects
Battery environmental conditions for safe operation in electric ships
Optimisation of the underhood flow for improving energy efficiency of BEVs
Optimering av bromskylning för säkerhet och energieffektivitet för elektrifierade fordon
Framhjulsinducerad självnedsmutsning
Ökad noggrannhet på däckmodellering för att stödja utvecklingen av energieffektiva fordon
Aerodynamic and vehicle dynamic driving stability of passenger vehicles at high speeds
An engine-bay test bed for understanding and modeling of unsteady heat-transfer
Strömningsberäkningar av roterande hjul
Ökad energieffektivitet genom kontroll och reduktion av det inducerade motståndet
Unsteady Aerodynamics and its Influence of Vehicle Stability
Encapsulation of the engine bay for active temperature control and lower sound emissions
Drag Reduction on Pasenger Cars through Wake Control and Optimization