Jonas Sjöblom

Associate Professor at Transport, Energy and Environment

My research is broadly about emissions from transportation. Subtopics include heterogeneous catalysis, reactor modelling, catalytic aftertreatment systems in connection to internal combustion engines, particulate emissions, aerosol characteristics and transformation, real driving emissions and emissions monitoring. The objective is to bridge these research areas to enable more environmental friendly transport systems combined with zero climate impact.

Some of the tools used are Design of Experiments (DoE), Multivariate data analysis (MVA) and Parameter estimation methods. The research is performed in collaboration with many other disciplines including chemistry and medical research.

Image of Jonas Sjöblom

Showing 86 publications


A reduced order pseudochannelmodel accounting for flowmaldistribution in automotivecatalysis

Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan, Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom
Scientific Reports. Vol. 15
Journal article

A reduced order pseudochannel model accounting for flow maldistribution in automotive catalysis

Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan, Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom
Scientific Reports. Vol. 15 (1)
Journal article

Marine Fuel Regulations and Engine Emissions: Impacts on Physicochemical Properties, Cloud Activity and Emission Factors

Luis F.E.d. Santos, Kent Salo, X. Kong et al
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. Vol. 129 (5)
Journal article

Methodology for Reduced-Order Multichannel Modeling of a Catalytic Converter

Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan, Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 63 (41), p. 17462-17476
Journal article

Virtual Sensors in Small Engines - Previous Successes and Promising Future Use Cases

Andreas Benjamin Ofner, Jonas Sjöblom, Stefan Posch et al
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

Characterization of Gaseous and Particle Emissions of a Direct Injection Hydrogen Engine at Various Operating Conditions

Victor Berg, Lucien Koopmans, Jonas Sjöblom et al
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

Morphological characterization of soot from a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel and an oxygenated fuel

Nikhil Sharma, Josefine Preuss, Jonas Sjöblom
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 24 (3), p. 1063-1076
Journal article

Model-Based DoE for Multi-Channel Modeling of Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems

Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan, Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom
Other conference contribution

Characterization from Diesel and Renewable Fuel Engine Exhaust: Particulate Size/Mass Distributions and Optical Properties

Nikhil Sharma, Kalyan Mitra, Jelena Pezer et al
Aerosol Science and Engineering. Vol. 7, p. 182-191
Journal article

Don't extinguish my fire-Understanding public resistance to a Swedish policy aimed at reducing particle emissions by phasing out old wood stoves

Anna Sahlberg, Bodil S. A. Karlsson, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 167
Journal article

A unified framework for online trip destination prediction

Victor Ebberstein, Jonas Sjöblom, Nikolce Murgovski et al
Machine Learning. Vol. 111 (10), p. 3839-3865
Journal article

Numerical Assessment of Flow Pulsation Effects on Reactant Conversion in Automotive Monolithic Reactors

Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan, Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom
Catalysts. Vol. 12 (6)
Journal article

Turbulent uniformity fluctuations in automotive catalysts – A RANS vs DES assessment

Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan, Jacob Larsson, Oskar Tylén et al
Results in Engineering. Vol. 16
Journal article

Robust parameter estimation methodology for heterogeneous catalytic reactors

Jonas Sjöblom, Magnus Walander, Derek Creaser et al
Other conference contribution

Numerical investigations of soot generation during wood-log combustion

Tao Chen, Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström
Applied Energy. Vol. 325
Journal article

Transient Flow Uniformity Evolution in Realistic Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Systems using 3D-CFD

Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan, Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom
Emission Control Science and Technology. Vol. 8 (3-4), p. 154-170
Journal article

Use of 3D-printed mixers in laboratory reactor design for modelling of heterogeneous catalytic converters

Magnus Walander, Andreas Nygren, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. Vol. 164
Journal article

Modelling of Mass Transfer Resistances in Non-uniformly Washcoated Monolith Reactors

Magnus Walander, Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser et al
Emission Control Science and Technology. Vol. 7 (2), p. 153-162
Journal article

A reactor-scale CFD model of soot formation during high-temperature pyrolysis and gasification of biomass

Chen Tao, Tian Li, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Fuel. Vol. 303
Journal article

Cold-Start Modeling and On-Line Optimal Control of the Three-Way Catalyst

Jonathan Lock, Kristoffer Clasén, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Emission Control Science and Technology. Vol. 7 (4), p. 321-347
Journal article

Investigation of the soot formation during wood log combustion

Chen Tao, Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström
Energy Proceedings. Vol. 23
Paper in proceeding

High-temperature pyrolysis modeling of a thermally thick biomass particle based on an MD-derived tar cracking model

Tao Chen, Xiaoke Ku, Tian Li et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 417
Journal article

A Control-Oriented Spatially Resolved Thermal Model of the Three-Way-Catalyst

Jonathan Lock, Kristoffer Clasén, Jonas Sjöblom et al
SAE Technical Papers (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Design of a virtual test cell based on GMDH-type neural network for a heavy-duty diesel engine

Ali Ghanaati, Jonas Sjöblom, Ethan Faghani
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 235 (2-3), p. 436-445
Journal article

An inclusive, international learning environment?

Becky Bergman, Lena Peterson, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Other conference contribution

Light my fire but don’t choke on the smoke: Wellbeing and pollution from fireplace use in Sweden

Bodil Karlsson, Maria Håkansson, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 69
Journal article

Experimental study on the flow field of particles deposited on a gasoline particulate filter

Mingfei Mu, Jonas Sjöblom, Nikhil Sharma et al
Energies. Vol. 12 (14)
Journal article

Ethics in Automotive Engineering

Jonas Sjöblom, Karl de Fine Licht
Other conference contribution

Analysis of the flow field from connection cones to monolith reactors

Mingfei Mu, Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström et al
Energies. Vol. 12 (3)
Journal article

Use of 3D-printed mixers in laboratory reactor design for modelling of catalytic converters

Magnus Walander, Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser et al
Other conference contribution

Efficient Experimental Approach to Evaluate Mass Transfer Limitations for Monolithic DOCs

Magnus Walander, Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 62 (1-4), p. 391-396
Journal article

Modelling of non uniform washcoat in catalytic monolith reactors

Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser, Björn Lundberg et al
Conference poster

Near-wall dispersion, deposition and transformation of particles in automotive exhaust gas aftertreatment systems

Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom, Ananda Subramani Kannan et al
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. Vol. 70, p. 171-180
Journal article

Development and Calibration of One Dimensional Engine Model for Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications

Jelena Andric, Daniel Schimmel, Anton D. Sediako et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Intrinsic Design of Experiments for Modeling of Internal Combustion Engines

Jonas Sjöblom, Jelena Andric, Ethan Faghani
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Toward an Effective Virtual Powertrain Calibration System

Ethan Faghani, Jelena Andric, Jonas Sjöblom
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Modeling with Layered Artificial Neural Network Structures

Anton D. Sediako, Jelena Andric, Jonas Sjöblom et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Improving engineering education for sustainable development using concept maps and multivariate data analysis

Magdalena Svanström, Jonas Sjöblom, Jordi Segalas et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 198, p. 530-540
Journal article

Characterization of Particulate Matter and the Capture Efficiency in Open Metal Substrates

Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström, Andreas Darnell
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 60 (3-5), p. 348-354
Journal article

Impact of aromatic concentration in marine fuels on particle emissions

Maria Zetterdahl, Kent Salo, Erik Fridell et al
Journal of Marine Science and Application. Vol. 16 (3), p. 352-361
Journal article

Catalytic aftertreatment of PM emissions

Jonas Sjöblom
Energirelaterad fordonsforskning 2017
Other conference contribution

Catalytic aftertreatment of particulate matter

Jonas Sjöblom, Magnus Skoglundh, Per-Anders Carlsson et al

Characterization of Particulate Matter and the Capture Efficiency

Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström, Andreas Darnell
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 59 (5-7), p. 1-7
Journal article

Particulate emissions from aromatic containing fuels

Jonas Sjöblom, Kent Salo, Maria Zetterdahl
20th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles
Paper in proceeding

DOC modeling combining kinetics and mass transfer using inert washcoat layers

Björn Lundberg, Jonas Sjöblom, Åsa Johansson et al
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 191, p. 116-129
Journal article

Simulink model for urea SCR

Jonas Sjöblom, Rakshith Ramachandra, Ramesh Sudarshan

Creating successful Bachelor thesis projects by interdisciplinary approach

Martin Seemann, Jonas Sjöblom
Other conference contribution

Deposition, reduction and transformations of diesel particulate matter in a novel open substrate

Henrik Ström, Jonas Sjöblom, Andreas Darnell
24th North American Catalysis Society Meeting (NAM24)
Conference poster

Characterization of Particulate matter and the capture efficiency in open metal substrates

Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström, Andreas Darnell
Tenth International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control
Conference poster

Pulse experiments for investigation of soot oxidation kinetics

Mattias Englund, Magnus Skoglundh, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Other conference contribution

Use of Late IVC and EGR to Enhance Diesel Engine Optimization

Jonas Sjöblom
Lecture Notes in Mobility, p. 67-76
Book chapter

Forskningsintegrerad undervisning: Hur? och Varför?

Åsa Fasth Berglund, Mats Norell, Jonas Sjöblom
KUL konferensen
Other conference contribution

Model-based experimental screening for DOC parameter estimation

Björn Lundberg, Jonas Sjöblom, Åsa Johansson et al
Computers and Chemical Engineering. Vol. 74, p. 144-157
Journal article

Experimental validation of particulate matter (PM) capture in open substrates

Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström, Ananda Subramani Kannan et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (9), p. 3749-3752
Journal article

Chemical deactivation by phosphorous under lean hydrothermal conditions over Cu/BEA NH3-SCR catalysts

Stanislava Andonova, Evgeny Vovk, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 147, p. 251-263
Journal article

Parameter Estimation of a DOC from Engine Rig Experiments with a Discretized Catalyst Washcoat Model

Björn Lundberg, Jonas Sjöblom, Åsa Johansson et al
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 7 (2), p. 1093-1112
Journal article

Combined Effects of Late IVC and EGR on Low-load Diesel Combustion

Jonas Sjöblom
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 8 (1), p. 60-67
Journal article

Modelling of Particulate Matter Transformations and Capture Efficiency

Jonas Sjöblom, Ananda Subramani Kannan, Houman Ojagh et al
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 92 (9), p. 1542-1551
Journal article

Capture of Automotive Particulate Matter in Open Substrates

Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 52 (25), p. 8373-8385
Journal article

Capture of automotive particulate matter in open substrates

Jonas Sjöblom, Henrik Ström
Proceedings of the 17th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, 2013, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference poster

Modelling of particulate matter transformations and capture efficiency

Jonas Sjöblom, Ananda Subramani Kannan, Houman Ojagh et al
Conference poster

Bridging the Gap Between Lab Scale and Full Scale Catalysis Experimentation

Jonas Sjöblom
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 56 (1-8), p. 287-292
Journal article

New Methodology for Transient Engine Rig Experiments for Efficient Parameter Estimation

Björn Lundberg, Jonas Sjöblom, Åsa Johansson et al
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 6 (4), p. 1995-2003
Journal article

Heat supply alternatives for CO2 capture in the process industry

Daniella Johansson, Jonas Sjöblom, Thore Berntsson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 8, p. 217-232
Journal article

Bridging the gap between lab scale and full scale catalysis experimentation

Jonas Sjöblom
Ninth International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC9)
Conference poster

Parameter Estimation of a DOC from Engine Rig Experiments

Björn Lundberg, Jonas Sjöblom, Åsa Johansson et al
2nd International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment (MODEGAT II)
Conference poster

CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat-region - Assessment of an intraregional CCS infrastructure and legal framework

Jan Kjärstad, D. Langlet, Daniella Johansson et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 4, p. 2793-2800
Paper in proceeding

Kinetic modeling of selective catalytic reduction of NOx with octane over Ag-Al2O3

Derek Creaser, Hannes Kannisto, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 90 (1-2), p. 18-28
Journal article

Kinetic Modelling of Octane Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx over Ag-Al2O3

Derek Creaser, Hannes Kannisto, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Presented at the 8th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control, CAPoC8, Brussels, Belgium, April 15-17, 2009
Paper in proceeding

Extended sensitivity analysis for targeted model improvements

Jonas Sjöblom
International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-gas After-Treatment
Conference poster

Parameter estimation in heterogeneous catalysis

Jonas Sjöblom
Doctoral thesis

DRIFTS-SSITKA and fast transient analysis of H2-assisted NH3 SCR on Ag-alumina

Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser, John Breen et al
5th International Conferenfe on Environmental Catalysis
Conference poster

Process Analytical Technology - a bridging concept

Jonas Sjöblom, Bengt Lagerholm, Staffan Folestad et al
IMPACT poster day
Conference poster

Modelling of Octane Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx over Ag/Al2O3

Derek Creaser, Hannes Kannisto, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Presented at the 13th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Göteborg, Sweden, October 5-7, 2008
Paper in proceeding

Microkinetic modelling with global thermodynamic consistency

Jonas Sjöblom, Anders Hellman, Derek Creaser et al
the 13th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis
Conference poster

Latent variable projections of sensitivity data for experimental screening and kinetic modeling

Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser
Computers and Chemical Engineering. Vol. 32 (12), p. 3121-3129
Journal article

Modeling mass transport with microkinetics in monolithic NOx storage and reduction catalyst

Björn Wickman, Andreas Lundström, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 42-43 (1-4), p. 123-127
Journal article

Development of a dosing strategy for a heavy-duty diesel exhaust cleaning system based on NOx storage and reduction technology by Design of Experiments

Klaus Papadakis, Ingemar Odenbrand, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 70 (1-4), p. 215-225
Journal article

New approach for microkinetic mean-field modelling using latent variables

Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser
Computers and Chemical Engineering. Vol. 31 (4), p. 307-317
Journal article

Modelling Mass Transport with Microkinetics in Monolithic NOX Storage and Reduction Catalyst

Björn Wickman, Andreas Lundström, Jonas Sjöblom et al
CAPoC7, August 30-September 1, 2006, Brussels, Belgium
Paper in proceeding

New approach for microkinetic mean-field modeling using latent variables

Jonas Sjöblom, Derek Creaser
19th North American Catalysis Society Meeting
Conference poster

Use of experimental design in development of a catalyst system

Jonas Sjöblom, Klaus Papadakis, Derek Creaser et al
Catalysis Today. Vol. 100 (3-4), p. 243-248
Journal article

Nytt sätt att utnyttja kursenkäter för förbättrad utbildning

Jonas Sjöblom
Chalmers Pedagogical Poster Day
Conference poster

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Showing 39 research projects


Electrostatic brakedust collector

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Sveriges Ingenjörer


Exposure to traffic exhausts - a study of local and systemic effects in susceptible individuals

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Anna-Carin Olin Unknown organization


Efficient vehicles propelled by hydrogen

Louise Olsson Chemical Technology
Derek Claude Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Accurate and legitimate policy tools for local regulation of particle emissions from the transport sector

Anders Sandoff Unknown organization
Jon Williamsson Unknown organization
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall Water Environment Technology
Mattias Hallquist Institution of Chemistry at Gothenburg University
Sara Janhäll Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Online visualization of road dust, from in-situ measurements to public awareness (DUST)

Ola Benderius Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall Water Environment Technology
Sara Janhäll Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Alexey Vdovin Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Fuel identification – Verifierad bränsle-användning inom tunga vägtransporter

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel Software Engineering 2
Christian Berger Software Engineering 2
Triple F


Pollution and subcellular accumulation of metals – the connection to non-communicable diseases

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Per Malmberg Chemistry and Biochemistry
Nathalie Scheers Food and Nutrition Science
Area of Advance Health Engineering


Exposure of traffic related particles to the environment and humans, case study Gårda

Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall Water Environment Technology
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Mattias Hallquist Institution of Chemistry at Gothenburg University
Anna Norén Water Environment Technology
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Exposure to airpollution and activation of the cascade system in small airways

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Assessment of alternative measurements for exposure assessment of diesel exhaust

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
AFA Insurance


Efficient hydrogen propulsion and aftertreatment for transportation

Louise Olsson Chemical Technology
Derek Claude Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Lucien Koopmans Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Real world emissions from Vehicles

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Johan Mellqvist Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Utvärdering av alternativa mätmetoder för exponeringsmätningar för dieselavgaser

Jonas Sjöblom Engines and Propulsion Systems
AFA Insurance


Hydrogen Engine Emissions Reduction (HEER)

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Louise Olsson Chemical Technology
Derek Claude Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Jieling Shao Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Victor Berg Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Maria Grahn Maritime Environmental Sciences
Selma Brynolf Maritime Environmental Sciences
Jorge Velandia Vargas Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Adaptive Neural Controller for Future Renewable Fuels

Jonas Sjöblom Engines and Propulsion Systems
Morteza Haghir Chehreghani Data Science
Ahfaz Ahmed Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Neste Oy
Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2)


Modelling and optimization of energy management systems for plug-in hybrid vehicles

Jonas Sjöblom Engines and Propulsion Systems
Morteza Haghir Chehreghani Data Science
Nikolce Murgovski Mechatronics
Victor Ebberstein Engines and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

EATS modelling towards zero emissions

Jonas Sjöblom Engines and Propulsion Systems
Pratheeba Chanda Nagarajan Engines and Propulsion Systems
Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Derek Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Combustion Engine Research Center

4 publications exist

Towards zero emissions from urban transportation

Jonas Sjöblom Engines and Propulsion Systems
Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Mattias Hallquist University of Gothenburg
Ravikant Pathak University of Gothenburg
Nikhil Sharma Engines and Propulsion Systems
Derek Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering


Measurements of particle emissions during engine warm-up in hybrid bio-gas engines

Petter Dahlander Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Detailed analysis of particulate emissions

Jonas Sjöblom Engines and Propulsion Systems
Nikhil Sharma Engines and Propulsion Systems


Cloud-based Modelling and Optimization of the PHEV Controller Using Artificial Intelligence

Ali Ghanaati Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems

1 publication exists

Removal of particulates and NOx from vehicles for the zero emission vision

Louise Olsson Chemical Technology
Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Nikhil Sharma Combustion and Propulsion Systems


Modern wood stoves with low heat release and low emissions

Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Chen Tao Fluid Dynamics
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Particle-emission-free wood stoves

Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems

3 publications exist

Particle flows in Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Mingfei Mu Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2)


Emission control by validated catalytic reactor modelling

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Derek Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Magnus Walander Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency

8 publications exist

Virtuell Motor Kalibrering (VirCal)

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Ali Ghanaati Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


Virtual Engine Calibration (VirCal)

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Ali Ghanaati Engines and Propulsion Systems


High efficient hybrid powertrain

Ingemar Denbratt Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Jayesh Khatri Engines and Propulsion Systems
Nikhil Sharma Engines and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency

5 publications exist

A continuum model for Brownian motion in rarefied gas-solid flows

Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Ananda Subramani Kannan Fluid Dynamics
Srdjan Sasic Fluid Dynamics
Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Research Council (VR)

4 publications exist

Characterisation of aerosol emissions from alternative marine fuel by on-board and engine lab measurements

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Kent Salo Optical Remote Sensing


Particle emissions from marine engines

Maria Zetterdahl Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Optical Remote Sensing
Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems


Sustainable small scale production of energy from biomass waste products

Anders Rasmuson Chemical Engineering Design
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Ronnie Andersson Centre for Chemical Process Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

2 publications exist


Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Region Västra Götaland


Miniatyranläggning för produktion av biogas från biomassa

Jonas Sjöblom Engines and Propulsion Systems
Martin Seemann Energy Technology


Student-developped bio methane process

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Martin Seemann Energy Technology


Catalytic aftertreatment of particulate matter

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Mattias Englund Applied Surface Chemistry
Per-Anders Carlsson Applied Surface Chemistry
Magnus Skoglundh Applied Surface Chemistry
Mats Andersson Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

CO2 REduction for long distance transport (CORE)

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Ingemar Denbratt Combustion and Propulsion Systems
European Commission (EC)


Effective parameter estimation for catalyst models

Derek Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Magnus Walander Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Björn Lundberg Chemical Reaction Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

There might be more projects where Jonas Sjöblom participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.