Jonas Sjöblom
My research is broadly about emissions from transportation. Subtopics include heterogeneous catalysis, reactor modelling, catalytic aftertreatment systems in connection to internal combustion engines, particulate emissions, aerosol characteristics and transformation, real driving emissions and emissions monitoring. The objective is to bridge these research areas to enable more environmental friendly transport systems combined with zero climate impact.
Some of the tools used are Design of Experiments (DoE), Multivariate data analysis (MVA) and Parameter estimation methods. The research is performed in collaboration with many other disciplines including chemistry and medical research.

Showing 86 publications
A reduced order pseudochannelmodel accounting for flowmaldistribution in automotivecatalysis
A reduced order pseudochannel model accounting for flow maldistribution in automotive catalysis
Methodology for Reduced-Order Multichannel Modeling of a Catalytic Converter
Virtual Sensors in Small Engines - Previous Successes and Promising Future Use Cases
Model-Based DoE for Multi-Channel Modeling of Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems
A unified framework for online trip destination prediction
Turbulent uniformity fluctuations in automotive catalysts – A RANS vs DES assessment
Robust parameter estimation methodology for heterogeneous catalytic reactors
Numerical investigations of soot generation during wood-log combustion
Transient Flow Uniformity Evolution in Realistic Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Systems using 3D-CFD
Modelling of Mass Transfer Resistances in Non-uniformly Washcoated Monolith Reactors
Cold-Start Modeling and On-Line Optimal Control of the Three-Way Catalyst
Investigation of the soot formation during wood log combustion
A Control-Oriented Spatially Resolved Thermal Model of the Three-Way-Catalyst
Design of a virtual test cell based on GMDH-type neural network for a heavy-duty diesel engine
An inclusive, international learning environment?
Light my fire but don’t choke on the smoke: Wellbeing and pollution from fireplace use in Sweden
Experimental study on the flow field of particles deposited on a gasoline particulate filter
Ethics in Automotive Engineering
Analysis of the flow field from connection cones to monolith reactors
Use of 3D-printed mixers in laboratory reactor design for modelling of catalytic converters
Efficient Experimental Approach to Evaluate Mass Transfer Limitations for Monolithic DOCs
Particle Emissions and Soot Reactivity using Renewable Fuels in a Diesel Engine
Modelling of non uniform washcoat in catalytic monolith reactors
Development and Calibration of One Dimensional Engine Model for Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications
Intrinsic Design of Experiments for Modeling of Internal Combustion Engines
Toward an Effective Virtual Powertrain Calibration System
Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Modeling with Layered Artificial Neural Network Structures
Characterization of Particulate Matter and the Capture Efficiency in Open Metal Substrates
Impact of aromatic concentration in marine fuels on particle emissions
Catalytic aftertreatment of PM emissions
Catalytic aftertreatment of particulate matter
Characterization of Particulate Matter and the Capture Efficiency
Particulate emissions from aromatic containing fuels
DOC modeling combining kinetics and mass transfer using inert washcoat layers
Creating successful Bachelor thesis projects by interdisciplinary approach
Deposition, reduction and transformations of diesel particulate matter in a novel open substrate
Characterization of Particulate matter and the capture efficiency in open metal substrates
Pulse experiments for investigation of soot oxidation kinetics
Use of Late IVC and EGR to Enhance Diesel Engine Optimization
Forskningsintegrerad undervisning: Hur? och Varför?
Model-based experimental screening for DOC parameter estimation
Experimental validation of particulate matter (PM) capture in open substrates
Parameter Estimation of a DOC from Engine Rig Experiments with a Discretized Catalyst Washcoat Model
Combined Effects of Late IVC and EGR on Low-load Diesel Combustion
Modelling of Particulate Matter Transformations and Capture Efficiency
Evaluation of assessment tools of concept maps from teaching in sustainable development
Capture of Automotive Particulate Matter in Open Substrates
Capture of automotive particulate matter in open substrates
Modelling of particulate matter transformations and capture efficiency
Bridging the Gap Between Lab Scale and Full Scale Catalysis Experimentation
New Methodology for Transient Engine Rig Experiments for Efficient Parameter Estimation
Heat supply alternatives for CO2 capture in the process industry
Bridging the gap between lab scale and full scale catalysis experimentation
Parameter Estimation of a DOC from Engine Rig Experiments
Kinetic modeling of selective catalytic reduction of NOx with octane over Ag-Al2O3
Kinetic Modelling of Octane Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx over Ag-Al2O3
Extended sensitivity analysis for targeted model improvements
DRIFTS-SSITKA and fast transient analysis of H2-assisted NH3 SCR on Ag-alumina
Process Analytical Technology - a bridging concept
Modelling of Octane Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx over Ag/Al2O3
Microkinetic modelling with global thermodynamic consistency
Latent variable projections of sensitivity data for experimental screening and kinetic modeling
Modeling mass transport with microkinetics in monolithic NOx storage and reduction catalyst
New approach for microkinetic mean-field modelling using latent variables
Modelling Mass Transport with Microkinetics in Monolithic NOX Storage and Reduction Catalyst
New approach for microkinetic mean-field modeling using latent variables
Use of experimental design in development of a catalyst system
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Showing 39 research projects
Electrostatic brakedust collector
Exposure to traffic exhausts - a study of local and systemic effects in susceptible individuals
Efficient vehicles propelled by hydrogen
Online visualization of road dust, from in-situ measurements to public awareness (DUST)
Fuel identification – Verifierad bränsle-användning inom tunga vägtransporter
Pollution and subcellular accumulation of metals – the connection to non-communicable diseases
Exposure of traffic related particles to the environment and humans, case study Gårda
Exposure to airpollution and activation of the cascade system in small airways
Assessment of alternative measurements for exposure assessment of diesel exhaust
Efficient hydrogen propulsion and aftertreatment for transportation
Real world emissions from Vehicles
Utvärdering av alternativa mätmetoder för exponeringsmätningar för dieselavgaser
Hydrogen Engine Emissions Reduction (HEER)
Adaptive Neural Controller for Future Renewable Fuels
Modelling and optimization of energy management systems for plug-in hybrid vehicles
EATS modelling towards zero emissions
Towards zero emissions from urban transportation
Measurements of particle emissions during engine warm-up in hybrid bio-gas engines
Detailed analysis of particulate emissions
Cloud-based Modelling and Optimization of the PHEV Controller Using Artificial Intelligence
Removal of particulates and NOx from vehicles for the zero emission vision
Modern wood stoves with low heat release and low emissions
Particle-emission-free wood stoves
Particle flows in Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems
Emission control by validated catalytic reactor modelling
Virtuell Motor Kalibrering (VirCal)
Virtual Engine Calibration (VirCal)
High efficient hybrid powertrain
A continuum model for Brownian motion in rarefied gas-solid flows
Particle emissions from marine engines
Sustainable small scale production of energy from biomass waste products
Miniatyranläggning för produktion av biogas från biomassa
Student-developped bio methane process
Catalytic aftertreatment of particulate matter
CO2 REduction for long distance transport (CORE)
Effective parameter estimation for catalyst models