Alf-Erik Almstedt
Alf-Erik Almstedt är professor i flerfasströmning och Senior Adviser vid institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper.

Visar 44 publikationer
The crucial role of frictional stress models for simulation of bubbling fluidized beds
A Study of Fuel Particle Movement in Fluidized Beds
Eulerian-Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized beds
Simulation of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized Beds using a Combined Tracking Technique
A novel multigrid technique for lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds
Dynamics of fibres in a turbulent flow field – A particle-level simulation technique
A novel multigrid approach for Lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds
A Novel Multigrid Approach for Lagrangian Modeling of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized Beds
Dynamics of fibres in a turbulent flow field - a novel particle-level simulation technique
DEM Modeling of Hopper Flows: Comparison and Validation of Models and Parameters
Dual fibre optical probe measurements of solids volume fraction in a circulating fluidized bed
Comparison of CFD models for fluidized beds - particle models, solvers and experimental validation
Hydrodynamics and steel tube wastage in a fluidized bed at elevated temperature
Methods for multiphase computational fluid dynamics
Application of wedge-shaped hot-film probes in a gas-particle flow
Dual optical fibre measurements of the particle concentration in gas/solid flows
The hydrodynamics of a 3D wurster type fluidized bed.
Turbulence modification by particles in a horizontal pipe flow
Study of two gas-particle flows using Eulerian/Eulerian two-fluid models.
Two-fluid modelling of cooling-tube erosion in a fluidized bed
Numerical simulation of fluid dynamics in fluidized beds with horizontal heat exchanger tubes
Frequency response correction of hot-film measurements in a turbulent airflow
Eulerian modelling of pulp-fibre transport in airflow
Eulerian two-phase flow theory applied to fluidization
Influence of pressure on the minimum fluidization velocity
Distribution of the gas flow in fluidized beds with a slugging behaviour
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