Dag Henrik Bergsjö
Jag forskar inom området Lean produktutveckling, systems engineering och plattforma utveckling (teknik-, produkt-och produktionsplattformar).
Jag arbetar aktivt med att utveckla forskningsområdet Plattformsbaserad produktutveckling.
Jag är också intresserad av kombinationen lean produktutveckling och produktdata hantering (PDM / PLM). I synnerhet är verktyg för Lean-produktutveckling som Puls, visuell planering och checksheets av intresse.

Visar 77 publikationer
Improved root cause analysis supporting resilient production systems
Experiences from starting and running a software company within the context of design research
A Lean Framework For Reusing Knowledge Introducing Engineering Checksheets
Barriers to reuse of codified engineering knowledge in product development – a literature review
A holistic model for inter-plant knowledge transfer within an international manufacturing network
Game-based learning of knowledge reuse in engineering education
A framework of practices supporting the reuse of technological knowledge
Engineering challenges of intrafirm technology reuse
Identifying Barriers to Agile Technology Roadmapping
A System of Knowledge Briefs to Support Decision-Making and Knowledge Reuse in Product Development
Trends, observations and drivers for change in systems engineering design
The Challenges of Different Roles with Engineering Knowledge Reuse
Measuring perceived process efficiency by employing customer satisfaction methodology
Digitalization Challenges for Lean Visual Planning in Distributed Product Development Teams
TERA - An Assessment of Technology Reuse Feasibility
Knowledge Based Development in Automotive Industry guided by Lean Enablers for System Engineering
Multi-Level Product Platform Strategy for a Multi-Level Corporation
The PLM user perspective: identification of user needs and their organisational impacts
Flexible PLM architecture as an enabler for multidisciplinary engineering
Global Project Management Using Digital Pulse Methodology
Knowledge Management Life Cycle: An Individual's Perspective
Future Alternatives for Automotive Configuration Management
Towards global deviation management in product development using pulse methodology: A case study
Industrial Scale Production of Customized Ceramic Prostheses
An Integrated Approach to Technology Platform and Product Platform Development
Assessment of Readiness for Internal Technology Transfer – A Case Study
Integrated Modeling of Functions and Requirements in Product Design and Factory Planning
Customizing PDM for Systems Engineering Process
Mechatronic Systems Engineering - Theory and Automotive Practice
Supporting Requirements Management in Embedded Systems Development in a Lean-Influenced Organization
Automotive PLM - Applying a Product Design Mindset in PLM Implementation
Product Lifecycle Management – Architectural and Organisational Perspectives
Platform Strategies for a Supplier in the Aircraft Engine Industry
Implementing a Service Oriented PLM Architecture Using PLM Services 2.0
Towards Integrated Modelling of Product Lifecycle Management Information and Processes
Measurement of Information Management Systems Introductions
Motivation Mapping Method as Means to Improve Engineering Information Management
Use of measurements for information system introductions
Shifting lead as PLM introduction strategy - A case study in EE automotive development
Balancing Operational and Strategic Impacts on Information Management
Product Lifecycle Management for Cross-X Engineering Design
Architectures for Mechatronic Product Data Integration in PLM Systems
Use of Information Management Systems from Designers Perspective
Coordinating the Engineering and Aftermarket Disciplines in Early Phases of Product Development
Implementing Support for Management of Mechatronic Product Data in PLM Systems: Two Case Studies
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
KIDSAM: Kunskap- och informationssdelning i digitala samverkansprojekt
TechMo: Teknologimodellering av hållbara tillverkningsmetoder i elektronikindustrin
Machine Learning för ingenjörsnära kunskapshanterin (MALEKC)
Affärsmodell för innovativ Agroforestry
INGREPPI - INnovation Genom etablering av Plattformsbaserad Utveckling
Produktionsutveckling baserad på produktindividdata (PROPID)
DigiLean - Digitaliseringskoncept för lärande och kunskapsåteranvändande
Visualisering och IT i produkt och produktionsutveckling (VIS-IT)