Ola Embréus

Visar 72 publikationer


Effect of energetic ions on edge-localized modes in tokamak plasmas

J.J. Domínguez-Palacios Durán, S. Futatani, M. Garcia-Munoz et al
Nature Physics. Vol. In Press
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A control oriented strategy of disruption prediction to avoid the configuration collapse of tokamak reactors

A. Murari, Riccardo Rossi, Teddy Craciunescu et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 15 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The impact of fusion-born alpha particles on runaway electron dynamics in ITER disruptions

A. Lier, G. Papp, Ph Lauber et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 63 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programme

H. Reimerdes, M. Agostini, E. Alessi et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 62 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas

J. Vega, A. Murari, S. Dormido-Canto et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 18 (7), p. 741-750

Enhanced performance in fusion plasmas through turbulence suppression by megaelectronvolt ions

J. Garcia, Ye. O. Kazakov, J. Ongena et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 18 (7), p. 776-782
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

EUROfusion-theory and advanced simulation coordination (E-TASC): programme and the role of high performance computing

X. Litaudon, F. Jenko, D. Borba et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 64 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation

J. Mailloux, N. Abid, K. Abraham et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 62 (4)

Runaway electron modelling in the EU-IM framework

Soma Olasz, Matyas Aradi, Mathias Hoppe et al
47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2021. Vol. 2021-June, p. 1156-1159
Paper i proceeding

Hot-Tail Runaway Seed Landscape during the Thermal Quench in Tokamaks

Ida Svenningsson, Ola Embréus, Mathias Hoppe et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 127 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Estimate of pre-thermal quench non-thermal electron density profile during Ar pellet shutdowns of low-density target plasmas in DIII-D

E M Hollmann, M. Austin, I. Bykov et al
Physics of Plasmas. Vol. 28 (7)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Validity of models for Dreicer generation of runaway electrons in dynamic scenarios

S. Olasz, Ola Embréus, Mathias Hoppe et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 61 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Spatiotemporal analysis of the runaway distribution function from synchrotron images in an ASDEX Upgrade disruption

Mathias Hoppe, Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 87 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of magnetic perturbations and radiation on the runaway avalanche

Pontus Svensson, Ola Embréus, Sarah Newton et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 87 (2)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Millimeter-wave beam scattering and induced broadening by plasma turbulence in the TCV tokamak

O. Chellaï, S. Alberti, Ivo Furno et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 61 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

DREAM: A fluid-kinetic framework for tokamak disruption runaway electron simulations

Mathias Hoppe, Ola Embréus, Tünde-Maria Fülöp
47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2021. Vol. 2021-June, p. 641-644
Paper i proceeding

Modelling of runaway electron dynamics during argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade and JET

Klara Insulander Björk, Oskar Vallhagen, Gergely Papp et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 63 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

DREAM: A fluid-kinetic framework for tokamak disruption runaway electron simulations

Mathias Hoppe, Ola Embréus, Tünde Fülöp
Computer Physics Communications. Vol. 268
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Alpha particle driven Alfvenic instabilities in ITER post-disruption plasmas

A. Lier, G. Papp, Ph. W. Lauber et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 61 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modeling the complete prevention of disruption-generated runaway electron beam formation with a passive 3D coil in SPARC

R. A. Tinguely, V. A. Izzo, D. T. Garnier et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 61 (12)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of plasma elongation on current dynamics during tokamak disruptions

Tünde Fülöp, Per Helander, Oskar Vallhagen et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Runaway dynamics in the DT phase of ITER operations in the presence of massive material injection

Oskar Vallhagen, Ola Embréus, Istvan Pusztai et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessing energy dependence of the transport of relativistic electrons in perturbed magnetic fields with orbit-following simulations

Konsta Särkimäki, Ola Embréus, Eric Nardon et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 60 (12)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Runaway electron synchrotron radiation in a vertically translated plasma

Mathias Hoppe, G. Papp, T. Wijkamp et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 60 (9)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Kinetic modelling of runaway electron generation in argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade

Klara Insulander Björk, G. Papp, Ola Embréus et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Kinetic modelling of runaways in plasmas

Ola Embréus

Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small edge-localized mode regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade

B. Labit, T. Eich, G.F. Harrer et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 59 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: From conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond

S. Coda, M. Agostini, R. Albanese et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 59 (11)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Recent DIII-D advances in runaway electron measurement and model validation

C. Paz-Soldan, N. W. Eidietis, E M Hollmann et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 59 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evaluation of the Dreicer runaway generation rate in the presence of high-impurities using a neural network

Linnea Hesslow, Lucas Unnerfelt, Oskar Vallhagen et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 85 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of massive material injection on avalanche runaway generation during tokamak disruptions

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, Oskar Vallhagen et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 59 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Generalized collision operator for fast electrons interacting with partially ionized impurities

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, Mathias Hoppe et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 84 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

On the relativistic large-angle electron collision operator for runaway avalanches in plasmas

Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl, Tünde Fülöp
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 84 (1), p. 905840102-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Measurements of runaway electron synchrotron spectra at high magnetic fields in Alcator C-Mod

R. A. Tinguely, R. S. Granetz, Mathias Hoppe et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 58 (7)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Simulations of bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation from runaway electrons

Mathias Hoppe, Ola Embréus, Pontus Svensson et al
45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018. Vol. 2018-July, p. 181-184
Paper i proceeding

Dynamics of positrons during relativistic electron runaway

Ola Embréus, Linnea Hesslow, Mathias Hoppe et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 84 (5), p. 905840506-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of partially ionized impurities and radiation on the effective critical electric field for runaway generation

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, George Wilkie et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 60 (7)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

SOFT: A synthetic synchrotron diagnostic for runaway electrons

Mathias Hoppe, Ola Embréus, R A Tinguely et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 58 (2), p. 026032-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Dynamics of positrons during relativistic electron runaway

Ola Embréus, Katya Richards, Gergely Papp et al
45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018. Vol. 2018-July, p. 1748-1751
Paper i proceeding

Spatiotemporal evolution of runaway electrons from synchrotron images in Alcator C-Mod

R. A. Tinguely, R. S. Granetz, Mathias Hoppe et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 60 (12)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Interpretation of runaway electron synchrotron and bremsstrahlung images

Mathias Hoppe, Ola Embréus, C. Paz-Soldan et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 58 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of partially-screened nuclei on fast-electron dynamics

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 118 (25), p. article no. 5501-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Fast-electron dynamics in the presence of weakly ionized impurities

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, George Wilkie et al
44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017
Paper i proceeding

Relativistic Boltzmann collision operator for runaway-avalanche studies

Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl, Tünde Fülöp
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Annapolis, USA
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Approaching multi-scale and multi-physics issues for runaway modelling

Tünde Fülöp, Ola Embréus, Linnea Hesslow et al
25th European Fusion Programme Workshop
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Modeling synchrotron radiation images of runaway electrons

Mathias Hoppe, Ola Embréus, RA Tinguely et al
15th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Synchrotron emission in Alcator C-Mod: spectra at three magnetic fields, visible camera images, and polarization data

RA Tinguely, R Granetz, Mathias Hoppe et al
59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, p. JP11.00096-
Poster (konferens)

Synthetic synchrotron diagnostics for runaway electrons

Mathias Hoppe, Ola Embréus, A Tinguely et al
44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017
Paper i proceeding

Kinetic effects of partially screened impurities in runaway-electron mitigation scenarios

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, George Wilkie et al
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Annapolis, USA
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Runaway electrons in disruptions: sliding and screening

Tünde Fülöp, Ola Embréus, Linnea Hesslow et al
Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Övrigt konferensbidrag

NORSE: A solver for the relativistic non-linear Fokker-Planck equation for electrons in a homogeneous plasma

Adam Stahl, M Landreman, Ola Embréus et al
Computer Physics Communications. Vol. 212, p. 269-279
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Numerical characterization of bump formation in the runaway electron tail

Joan Decker, Eero Hirvijoki, Ola Embréus et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 58 (2), p. 025016-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of bremsstrahlung radiation emission on fast electrons in plasmas

Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl, Tünde Fülöp
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 18 (9), p. 093023-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Kinetic modelling of runaways in fusion plasmas

Tünde Fülöp, Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl et al
Proceedings of 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Kyoto, Japan, p. TH/P4-1
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Synchrotron and collisional damping effects on runaway electron distributions

C Paz-Soldan, N Eidetis, D Pace et al
58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Vol. 61 (18), p. CO4.00010 -
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Kinetic modelling of runaway electrons in dynamic scenarios

Adam Stahl, Ola Embréus, Gergely Papp et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 56 (11), p. 112009-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of bremsstrahlung radiation emission on fast electrons in plasmas

Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl, Tünde Fülöp
43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2016
Paper i proceeding

A European Effort for Kinetic Modelling of Runaway Electron Dynamics

Y Peysson, G Anastassiou, J-F Artaud et al
Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop (TSDW 2016)
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Kinetic modelling of runaway in plasmas

Ola Embréus

Runaway-electron formation and electron slide-away in an ITER post-disruption scenario

Adam Stahl, Ola Embréus, M Landreman et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 775 (1)
Paper i proceeding

Radiation reaction induced non-monotonic features in runaway electron distributions

Eero Hirvijoki, Istvan Pusztai, Joan Decker et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 81 (5), p. 475810502-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Non-monotonic features in the runaway electron tail

Istvan Pusztai, Eero Hirvijoki, Joan Decker et al
42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2015
Paper i proceeding

Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions

Sarah Newton, Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl et al
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Vol. 60 (19), p. CP12.00118-
Poster (konferens)

Reaction of runaway electron distributions to radiative processes

Adam Stahl, Ola Embréus, Eero Hirvijoki et al
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Vol. 60 (19), p. PP12.00103 -
Poster (konferens)

Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions

Ola Embréus, Sarah Newton, Adam Stahl et al
42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2015
Paper i proceeding

Guiding-center transformation of the radiation-reaction force in a nonuniform magnetic field

Eero Hirvijoki, Joan Decker, A Brizard et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 81 (5), p. 475810504-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions

Ola Embréus, Sarah Newton, Adam Stahl et al
Physics of Plasmas. Vol. 22 (5), p. 052122-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Kinetic modelling of runaway-electron dynamics

Adam Stahl, Ola Embréus, Eero Hirvijoki et al
Proceedings of the 14th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Conservative large-angle collision operator for runaway avalanches

Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl, Tünde Fülöp
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Vol. 60 (19), p. PP12.00107-
Poster (konferens)

Gaussian radial basis functions for plasma physics: Numerical aspects

Eero Hirvijoki, J. Candy, E Belli et al
42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-26 June 2015
Paper i proceeding

The Gaussian Radial Basis Function Method for Plasma Kinetic Theory

Eero Hirvijoki, Jeff Candy, E Belli et al
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. Vol. 379 (42), p. 2735-2739
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effective Critical Electric Field for Runaway-Electron Generation

Adam Stahl, Eero Hirvijoki, Joan Decker et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 114 (11), p. 115002-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt


Skena och skina

Ola Embréus Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Linnea Hesslow Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Longqing Yi Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Lucas Unnerfelt Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Tünde Fülöp Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Klara Insulander Björk Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Albert Johansson Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Andréas Sundström Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Julien Ferri Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Oskar Vallhagen Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Mathias Hoppe Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)

24 publikationer finns

Skenande elektroner i fusionsplasmor

Tünde Fülöp Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Ola Embréus Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Mathias Hoppe Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

5 publikationer finns

Kinetic modelling of runaway electron dynamics

Tünde Fülöp Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Adam Stahl Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Linnea Hesslow Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Ola Embréus Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Mathias Hoppe Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)

1 publikation finns
Det kan finnas fler projekt där Ola Embréus medverkar, men du måste vara inloggad som anställd på Chalmers för att kunna se dem.