Janine Splettstösser

Visar 53 publikationer
Coherent feedback control for cavity optomechanical systems with a frequency-dependent mirror
Out-of-Equilibrium Fluctuation-Dissipation Bounds
Dissipative and dispersive cavity optomechanics with a frequency-dependent mirror
Spectroscopy of hot electron pair emission from a driven quantum dot
Constraints between entropy production and its fluctuations in nonthermal engines
Thermodynamic Performance of Hot-Carrier Solar Cells: A Quantum Transport Model
Non-geometric pumping effects on the performance of interacting quantum-dot heat engines
Influence of channel mixing in fermionic Hong-Ou-Mandel experiments
Geometric energy transport and refrigeration with driven quantum dots
Two-particle time-domain interferometry in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime
General Bounds on Electronic Shot Noise in the Absence of Currents
Stochastic thermodynamic cycles of a mesoscopic thermoelectric engine
Phase-coherent heat circulators with normal or superconducting contacts
Readout of Quantum Screening Effects Using a Time-Dependent Probe
Transport fluctuation relations in interacting quantum pumps
Quantifying nonequilibrium thermodynamic operations in a multiterminal mesoscopic system
Detailed study of nonlinear cooling with two-terminal configurations of topological edge states
Thermovoltage in quantum dots with attractive interaction
Thermal transistor and thermometer based on Coulomb-coupled conductors
Nonequilibrium System as a Demon
Screening effects in the interplay between thermoelectric response and time-dependent driving
Quantum Thermodynamics of Nanoscale Thermoelectrics and Electronic Devices
Attractive and driven interactions in quantum dots: Mechanisms for geometric pumping
Duality for open fermion systems: Energy-dependent weak coupling and quantum master equations
Shaping charge excitations in chiral edge states with a time-dependent gate voltage
Vibration-induced modulation of magnetic anisotropy in a magnetic molecule
Tunnel magnetoresistance of magnetic molecules with spin-vibron coupling
Relaxation of quantum dots in a magnetic field at finite bias - charge, spin and heat currents
Thermoelectricity without absorbing energy from the heat sources
Readout of relaxation rates by nonadiabatic pumping spectroscopy
Fermion-parity duality and energy relaxation in interacting open systems
Clocked single-spin source based on a spin-split superconductor
Finite-frequency noise in a quantum dot with normal and superconducting leads
Dephasing due to quasiparticle tunneling in fluxonium qubits: a phenomenological approach
Interference and multiparticle effects in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with single-particle sources
Detection of the relaxation rates of an interacting quantum dot by a capacitively coupled sensor dot
Energy and power fluctuations in ac-driven coherent conductors
Correlations between charge and energy current in ac-driven coherent conductors
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
TeraHertz kvantsensorer baserade på kvantprickar av två-lagers grafen placerade i resonatorer
ThErmAl Probes Of fractional quantum hall Transport (TEAPOT)
Capturing quantum dynamics on the picosecond scale (UltraFastNano)
Värmeströmsfluktuationer och dens inverkan på lokala temperaturer och potentialer
Nyttig värme: koherenseffekter i supraledande nanostrukturer