Massimo Panarotto
Massimos forskning fokuserar på att utveckla modeller för att bestämma livscykelvärdet för nya tekniksystem. Möjligheten att korrekt utvärdera värdet av komplexa system blir allt viktigare eftersom kunder, intressenter och samhällets förväntningar ökar och behoven blir allt mer sofistikerade.
Massimo tog sin doktorsexamen i maskinteknik vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola år 2015. Han studerade innan dess maskinteknik vid universitetet i Padua (Italien) och erhöll kandidatexamen 2008 respektive masterexamen 2011. Massimo är oavlönad docent på institutionen.
Visar 63 publikationer
Datasets in design research: needs and challenges and the role of AI and GPT in filling the gaps
Large language models in complex system design
Similarity-based product family design for aero-engine components
Reconciling Platform vs. Product Optimisation by Value-Based Margins on Solutions and Parameters
Local absorption of uncertainty in complex systems using resilient objects
Evaluation of Different Large Language Model Agent Frameworks for Design Engineering Tasks
Problem decomposition: the key to Agile sprints in Design Research
Cost-efficient digital twins for design space exploration: A modular platform approach
A similarity-assisted multi-fidelity approach to conceptual design space exploration
Design automation strategies for aerospace components during conceptual design phases
Morpheus: The Development and Evaluation of a Software Tool for Morphological Matrices
Value-Based Development Connecting Engineering and Business: A Case on Electric Space Propulsion
Designing Multi-Technological Resilient Objects in Product Platforms
The Role of Digital Infrastructure for the Industrialisation of Design for Additive Manufacturing
Fuzzy model-based design for testing and qualification of additive manufacturing components
Using DSMs in functionally driven explorative design experiments – an automation approach
Optimization of Design Margins Allocation When Making Use of Additive Remanufacturing
Exploring the Potential of Digital Twin-Driven Design of Aero-Engine Structures
Scalable Set-Based Design Optimization and Remanufacturing for Meeting Changing Requirements
Function model-based generation of CAD model variants
Design for test and qualification through activity-based modelling in product architecture design
Optimal allocation of design margins in additive remanufacturing
Multi-domain design assessment for aerospace components including weld accessibility
Scalable set-based design optimization and remanufacturing for meeting changing requirements
Analysing increase of functionality and complexity in integrated product architectures
Interactive model-based decision-making tools in early product platform design
Supporting designers: moving from method menagerie to method ecosystem
Automatic geometry alteration when designing for metal additive manufacturing
Identification of Technology Integration Challenges at Two Global Automotive OEMs
Value models: Coordinating artefacts for conceptual design
Enhanced function-means modeling supporting design space exploration
Perspectives on innovation: The role of engineering design
Impact on design when introducing additive manufacturing in space applications
Towards Adopting Digital Twins to Support Design Reuse during Platform Concept Development
Assessing the value of radical technology alternatives at system level
Lifecycle design and management of additive manufacturing technologies
Maturity of models in a multi-model decision support system
Value-driven simulation: Thinking together through simulation in early engineering design
Value-driven engineering design: lessons learned from the road construction equipment industry
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
DEFAINE (Design Exploration Framework based onAI for froNt-loaded Engineering)
Development of Interdisciplinary Assessment for manufacturing and deSign (DIAS)
Development of efficient DIgital product FAMily design platform to increase cost efficiency - DIFAM
VISP - Värde och flexibilitetsInverkansanalyS för hållbarProduktion
Digitalisering av AM-produktionskedjan för att skapa effektivitet (DINA++)
Consortum for Hall Effect Orbital Propulsion System (CHEOPS)