Peter Olsson
Visar 47 publikationer
Re-routing of shear waves around a spherical obstacle by means of a fiber-reinforced metamaterial
Elastodynamic cloaking for earthquake protection - The importance of the inner boundary condition
Non-uniqueness of time-domain reflection from 3D planar elastic layers
Partial elastodynamic cloaking by means of fiber-reinforced composites
On an inverse problem from magnetic resonance elastic imaging
Dispersion free wave splittings for structural elements
Time domain formulation of the Biot poroelastic theory using fractional calculus
Approximate boundary conditions for a fluid-loaded elastic plate
On the fractional order model of viscoelasticity
Damping described by fading memory - Analysis and application to fractional derivative models
Time domain Green functions for the homogeneous Timoshenko beam
Fractional integral formulation of constitutive equations of viscoelasticity
Invariant imbedding and hyperbolic heat waves
Damping described by fading memory models
Antiplane elastic wave scattering from a curved randomly rough crack
Wave splitting for the Timoshenko beam equation in the time domain
Effective boundary conditions for scattering of 2D SH waves from a curved thin elastic layer
A Comparison of Exact First Order and Spring Boundary Conditions for Scattering by Thin Layers
Scattering of 2D SH Waves from a Thin Semi.infinite Elastic Layer Ending in a Micro-crack
2-D elastodynamic scattering from a semi-infinite cracklike flaw with interfacial forces
The null field approach to boundary value problems for the Stokes equation
Diffraction of Horizontally Polarised Shear Waves by a Crack Extending from a Thin Anisptropic Layer
Wave propagation in the presence of interface layers in composites
Elastic wave propagation in the presence of cracks and thin interphase layers
Elastodynamic scattering from inclusions surrounded by thin interface layers
Scattering of elastic waves by inclusions surrounded by thin interface layers
Dynamic stress intensity factors for 3D non-planar cracks
Ground motion amplification on alluvial valleys
Elastodynamic scattering from inclusions with thin interface layers
Scattering of elastic waves by non-planar cracks
Elastodynamic wave scattering by an incompressible elastic inclusion
Elastodynamic scattering by fluid-filled nonplanar cracks
The acoustic limit in the null field approach to elastodynamic scattering
Scattering of elastic waves by a smooth rigid movable inclusion
Acoustic scattering by a rigid movable body immersed in a fluid
The rigid movable Inclusion in elastostatics and elastodynamics
Elastostatic stress fields from pressurized cavities
Elastostatics as a limit of elastodynamics – a matrix formulation
Transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves by an obstacle inside a waveguide
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Design av metamaterial för mekaniska "osynlighetsmantlar"