Astrid Pieringer
Astrid Pieringer är forskare på avdelningen för teknisk akustik, forskargruppen Vibroakustik, på Chalmers. Hon har varit del av Vibroakustikgruppen på avdelningen sedan 2006. Hennes forskning handlar om rullningsljud och kurvskrik från järnväg. Hon fokuserar på modellering av den högfrekventa samverkan mellan hjul och räls och kontaktmodellering. Målsättningen är att öka förståelsen av ljudgenereringen av kontakten mellan hjul och räls och att bidra till bullerminskning. Arbetet är del av aktiviteterna i kompetenscentrumet CHARMEC.
Visar 52 publikationer
A case study of railway curve squeal radiated from both the outer and inner wheel
Survey of Curve Squeal Occurrence for an Entire Metro System
Efficient calculation of the three-dimensional sound pressure field around a slab track
A time-domain approach to predict sound radiation from track vibrations
Transient Modelling of Curve Squeal Considering Varying Contact Conditions
A time-domain model for railway rolling noise
On the efficient simulation of pass-by noise signals from railway wheels
Model-based estimation of rail roughness from axle box acceleration
Using track-elasticity for noise mitigation on low-vibration track
Efficient calculation of the three-dimensional sound pressure field around a railway track
The Influence of Track Parameters on the Sound Radiation from Slab Tracks
Acoustic monitoring of rail faults in the German railway network
The low-noise potential of low-vibration track
The application of dither to mitigate curve squeal
The application of dither for suppressing curve squeal
Influence of spin creepage and contact angle on curve squeal: A numerical approach
Investigation of railway curve squeal using a combination of frequency- and time-domain models
Curve squeal of rail vehicles: Linear stability analysis and non-linear time-domain simulation
Investigation of railway curve squeal using a combination of frequency- and time-domain models
Towards an engineering model for curve squeal
Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicle
Modelling of railway curve squeal including effects of wheel rotation
Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicles
The influence of contact modelling on simulated wheel/rail interaction due to wheel flats
A numerical investigation of curve squeal in the case of constant wheel/rail friction
Towards a model for prediction of railway tread brake noise
On the modelling of wheel/rail noise
The influence of contact modelling on simulated wheel/rail interaction due to wheel flats
Ein nichtlineares dreidimensionales Modell zur Berechnung von Rollgeräuschen und Kurvenquietschen
Time-domain modelling of high-frequency wheel/rail interaction
A Time-Domain Model for High-Frequency Wheel/Rail Interaction Including Tangential Friction
Modelling of wheel/rail interaction considering roughness and discrete irregularities
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Integrerad spårdesign för minskade bullereffekter
Kurvskrik - inverkan från anläggningens fysiska utformning och underhållsstatus
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Aktiv reglering av kurvskrikljud
Tystare transporter för effektivare distribution