Sonja Lundmark
Som docent inom elektriska maskiner och drivsystem på avdelningen Elteknik fokuserar Sonja Tidblad Lundmark sin forskning på design och modellering av elektriska maskiner, med inriktning mot el- och hybridfordon och vindkraftgeneratorer. Målsättningen är att skapa energieffektiva drivsystem, som kan bidraga till en ökning av miljövänlig transport och energiförsörjning.
Sonja deltar i Swedish Electromobility Centre - tema 2 Elektriska drivsystem.

Visar 68 publikationer
Traction Motor 2D Models with End Winding Leakage Inductance Consideration
Moving from a 3D Axial Flux Machine Model to 2D Considering the Impact of End Leakage Flux
Introducing Ethics by IEEE Code of Ethics in International Electrical Power Engineering Education
Thermal capability of electric vehicle PMSM with different slot areas via thermal network analysis
Evaluation of three cooling concepts for an electric vehicle motor - Lumped parameter models
Evaluation of three cooling concepts for an electric vehicle motor - 3D models
High Voltage Direct Driven Wind Turbine Generator
Computationally Efficient Modeling of Electrical Machines With Cooling Jacket
Life cycle assessment of permanent magnet electric traction motors
Coupled 3-D Thermal and Electromagnetic Modelling of a Liquid-Cooled IPM Traction Motor
Coupled 3-D Thermal and Electromagnetic Modelling of a Liquid-cooled Transverse Flux Traction Motor
Investigation of Pole Number Selection in a Synchronous Reluctance Generator for Wind Applications
Design of an online temperature monitoring system for an experimental IPMSM
Outer Rotor High Torque Density PM Motors with a Peripheral Position Sensor
An electric machine design procedure that includes multiple cost scenarios
Wireless charging using a resonant auxiliary winding
Magnet and core loss in a radial flux and a transverse flux PM traction motor
Wireless Charging for vehicles-Some Key Elements
Torque Ripple Reduction Methods for an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
Fordonskomponenter och konfigurationer
DC-link voltage selection for a multi-MW wind turbine
Effect of magnet coverage on torque, loss and torque ripple in a PMSM
A segmented claw-pole motor for traction applications considering recycling aspects
Vehicle components and configurations
Wireless charging-some key elements
An Integrated 20-kW Motor Drive and Isolated Battery Charger for Plug-In Vehicles
Grid-Connected Integrated Battery Chargers in Vehicle Applications: Review and New Solution
Selecting IGBT Module for a High Voltage 5 MW Wind Turbine PMSG-equipped Generating System
A trigonometric velocity estimator using a resolver sensor in drive system applications
Experiences from a distance course in electric drives including on-line labs and tutorials
Transient modeling of an integrated charger for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
A Combined Motor/Drive/Battery Charger Based on a Split-Windings PMSM
Optimering av energieffektivitet för elektriska drivsystem i hybridfordon
An Isolated High-Power Integrated Charger in Electrified Vehicle Applications
Integrated chargers for EV's and PHEV's: examples and new solutions
Integration of plug in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles - Experience from Sweden
Performance of a direct torque controlled IPM drive system in the low speed region
Assessment of a Multilevel Converter for a PHEV charge and traction application
State of the art of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)
Comparison between Hexa- and Conventional E-type Core Three-Phase Transformers
Simulation and Analysis of a new High Power Density Generator
Construction, Operation and Internal Design of a Claw-Pole Servo Motor
Designs of Claw-Pole Motors for Industrial Applications
Construction of synchronous reluctance generator for small hydropower applications
Application of 3-D Computation of Magnetic Fields to the Design of Claw-Pole Motors
Effect of Pole Face Profile on Performance of a Class of Claw-pole Motors
Construction, Operation and Internal Design of Transverse-Flux Machines
Design of Claw-Pole Machines Using SMC Cores
Error Analysis of Alternative Virtual Work Formulation Based on Mean and Deviation Potentials
Locked-rotor Measurements of AMS Prototype Machine
Three-Dimensional Computation of Eddy Currents in End regions of Synchronous Generators
3DFinite Element Analysis of Eddy Current Losses in Hydrogenerator End Regions
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
En elektrisk exciterad axialflödesmotor för elfordon med fokus på effektivitet och hållbarhet.
Prestandaverifiering och modellutveckling av Hagnesias generatorkoncept
Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications (DORNA)
Elmaskiner för fordon i en cirkulär ekonomi
Multifysiksimulering av kylsystemet och dess komponenter i ett el/hybrid-fordon
Elektriska maskiner och omriktare
Utveckling av havsbaserade vindparker och högspänningsnät med likström