Soran Shwan
Visar 42 publikationer
Mobility of copper in zeolite-based SCR catalysts
Copper mobility in zeolite-based SCR catalysts
Impact of Thermal and Chemical Ageing of Fe-BEA SCR Catalyst on NOx Conversion Performance
Impact of Thermal and Chemical Ageing of Fe-BEA SCR Catalyst on NOx Conversion Performance
Chemical deactivation of H-BEA and Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalysts - Effect of potassium
NH3-SCR activity of H-BEA and Fe-BEA after potassium exposure
Solid-State Ion-Exchange of Copper into Zeolites Facilitated by Ammonia at Low Temperature
Kinetic modeling of Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst – Effect of Phosphorous
Deactivation and regeneration mechanisms of Fe‑BEA as NH3‑SCR catalyst
Fundamental deactivation mechanisms of iron-exchanged zeolite BEA as SCR catalyst
Deactivation mechanisms of iron-exchanged zeolites for NH3-SCR applications
Solid-State Ion-Exchange of Copper into Zeolites Facilitated by Ammonia at Low Temperatures
Chemical deactivation of Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst –Effect of Phosphorous
Prediktering av termisk och kemisk åldring av SCR-katalysatorer
Metal-exchanged zeolites for NH3-SCR applications - Activity and Deactivation studies
Kinetic Modeling of NOx Storage and Reduction Using Spatially Resolved MS Measurements
16th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis
Kinetic deactivation model for Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst
Fundamental deactivation mechanisms of Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst for NOx reduction in oxygen excess
Kinetic deactivation model for Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst
Kinetic deactivation model of Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst
Kinetic deactivation model for Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst
Deactivation mechanisms of Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalyst - Experimental studies and kinetic modeling
Effect of thermal ageing on the nature of iron species in Fe-BEA
Improved low-temperature SCR activity for Fe-BEA catalysts by H2-pretreatment
Influence of hydrothermal ageing on NH3-SCR over Fe-BEA -Inhibition of NH3-SCR by ammonia
Hydrothermal stability of Fe-BEA as SCR-catalyst
Hydrothermal Stability of Fe−BEA as an NH3‑SCR Catalyst
Kinetic modeling of H-BEA and Fe-BEA as NH3-SCR catalysts - Effect of hydrothermal treatment
Hydrothermal stability of iron-beta as SCR-catalyst
Kinetic modeling of NOx storage and reduction using spatially resolved MS measurements
Kinetic modeling of NOx storage and reduction using spatially resolved MS measurements
Characterization and activity study of Fe BEA after Hydrothermal treatment
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