Lisa Göransson

Associate Professor at Energy Technology

Lisa Göransson’s research focuses on methods and models to study electricity systems with large shares of varying renewable generation, as well as a range of variation management strategies – including linkages to the transportation and industrial sector.

Image of Lisa Göransson

Showing 73 publications


Which wind turbine types are needed in a cost-optimal renewable energy system?

Henrik Hodel, Lisa Göransson, Peiyuan Chen et al
Wind Energy. Vol. 27 (6), p. 549-568
Journal article

Potential Revenue from Reserve Market Participation in Wind Power- and Solar Power-Dominated Electricity Grids: The Near-Term, Mid-Term, and Long-Term

Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 2024
Journal article

Electrification of the energy-intensive basic materials industry – Implications for the European electricity system

Alla Toktarova, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Impact of Energy-Related Properties of Cities on Optimal Urban Energy System Design

Joel Bertilsson, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Energies. Vol. 17 (15)
Journal article

Modeling of a “Hydrogen Valley” to investigate the impact of a regional pipeline for hydrogen supply

Sofia Rosén, Lisa Göransson, Maria Taljegård et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 12
Journal article

Bespoke climate indicators for the Swedish energy sector − a stakeholder focused approach

G. Strandberg, P. Blomqvist, N. Fransson et al
Climate Services. Vol. 34
Journal article

Balancing Electricity Supply and Demand in a Carbon-Neutral Northern Europe

Lisa Göransson
Energies. Vol. 16 (8)
Journal article

Frequency reserves and inertia in the transition to future electricity systems

Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Energy Systems. Vol. In Press
Journal article

A Lagrangian relaxation approach to an electricity system investment model with a high temporal resolution

Caroline Granfeldt, Ann-Brith Strömberg, Lisa Göransson
OR Spectrum. Vol. 45 (4), p. 1263-1294
Journal article

Low-cost hydrogen in the future European electricity system – Enabled by flexibility in time and space

Viktor Walter, Lisa Göransson, Maria Taljegård et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 330
Journal article

The implications of the basic materials industry electrification on the cost of hydrogen

Alla Toktarova, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2023, p. 1182-1192
Paper in proceeding

Ett framtida elsystem med och utan kärnkraft – vad är skillnaden?

Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Report - Mistra Electrification

Optimal Energy Control, Hosting BESS and EVs through Multiport Converter in Interconnected MGs

Mostafa Kermani, Peiyuan Chen, Lisa Göransson et al
2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2022
Paper in proceeding

The role of biomass gasification in the future flexible power system – BECCS or CCU?

Johan Ahlström, Viktor Walter, Lisa Göransson et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 190, p. 596-605
Journal article

Flexibility provision by combined heat and power plants – An evaluation of benefits from a plant and system perspective

Johanna Beiron, Lisa Göransson, Fredrik Normann et al
Energy Conversion and Management: X. Vol. 16
Journal article

Thermochemical recycling of plastics – Modeling the implications for the electricity system

Alla Toktarova, Lisa Göransson, Henrik Thunman et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 374
Journal article

The value of airborne wind energy to the electricity system

Elena Malz, Viktor Walter, Lisa Göransson et al
Wind Energy. Vol. 25 (2), p. 281-299
Journal article

Interaction between electrified steel production and the north European electricity system

Alla Toktarova, Viktor Walter, Lisa Göransson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 310
Journal article

A comprehensive optimal energy control in interconnected microgrids through multiport converter under N−1 criterion and demand response program

Mostafa Kermani, Peiyuan Chen, Lisa Göransson et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 199, p. 957-976
Journal article

Trade as a variation management strategy for wind and solar power integration

Viktor Walter, Lisa Göransson
Energy. Vol. 238
Journal article

Actuating the European Energy System Transition: Indicators for Translating Energy Systems Modelling Results into Policy-Making

Mariliis Lehtveer, Lisa Göransson, Verena Heinisch et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 9
Journal article

Management of Wind Power Variations in Electricity System Investment Models. A Parallel Computing Strategy

Lisa Göransson, Caroline Granfeldt, Ann-Brith Strömberg
Operations Research Forum. Vol. 2
Journal article

Benefits of small-size communities for continuous cost-optimization in peer-to-peer energy sharing

Romaric Duvignau, Verena Heinisch, Lisa Göransson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 301
Journal article

Smart electric vehicle charging strategies for sectoral coupling in a city energy system

Verena Heinisch, Lisa Göransson, Rasmus Erlandsson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 288
Journal article

Inclusion of frequency control constraints in energy system investment modeling

Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson, Peiyuan Chen et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 173, p. 249-262
Journal article

The impact of limited electricity connection capacity on energy transitions in cities

Verena Heinisch, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
Smart Energy. Vol. 3
Journal article

Design of clean steel production with hydrogen: Impact of electricity system composition

Alla Toktarova, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Energies. Vol. 14 (24)
Journal article

Impacts of thermal energy storage on the management of variable demand and production in electricity and district heating systems: a Swedish case study

Petra Holmér, Jonathan Ullmark, Lisa Göransson et al
International Journal of Sustainable Energy. Vol. 39 (5), p. 446-464
Journal article

Pathways for Low-Carbon Transition of the Steel Industry-A Swedish Case Study

Alla Toktarova, Ida Karlsson, Johan Rootzén et al
Energies. Vol. 13 (15)
Journal article

Small-Scale Communities Are Sufficient for Cost- and Data-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing

Romaric Duvignau, Verena Heinisch, Lisa Göransson et al
e-Energy 2020 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, p. 35-46
Paper in proceeding

Drag-mode airborne wind energy vs. wind turbines: An analysis of power production, variability and geography

Elena Malz, Fredrik Hedenus, Lisa Göransson et al
Energy. Vol. 193
Journal article

Frequency control and synthetic inertia in energy systems modelling

Jonathan Ullmark, Massimo Bongiorno, Peiyuan Chen et al

Impacts of variation management on cost-optimal investments in wind power and solar photovoltaics

Viktor Walter, Lisa Göransson
Renewable Energy Focus. Vol. 32, p. 10-22
Journal article

Är kärnkraften nödvändig för en fossilfri, svensk, elproduktion?

Lennart Söder, Tomas Kåberger, Lisa Göransson et al
Report - KTH, Chalmers och Lunds universitet

The benefit of collaboration in the North European electricity system transition - System and sector perspectives

Lisa Göransson, Mariliis Lehtveer, Emil Nyholm et al
Energies. Vol. 12 (24)
Journal article

Prosumers in the Electricity System—Household vs. System Optimization of the Operation of Residential Photovoltaic Battery Systems

Verena Heinisch, Mikael Odenberger, Lisa Göransson et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 6
Journal article

Impact of electric vehicles on the cost-competitiveness of generation and storage technologies in the electricity system

Maria Taljegård, Viktor Walter, Lisa Göransson et al
Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 14 (12)
Journal article

Organizing prosumers into electricity trading communities: Costs to attain electricity transfer limitations and self‐sufficiency goals

Verena Heinisch, Mikael Odenberger, Lisa Göransson et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 43 (13), p. 7021-7039
Journal article

Biomass in the electricity system: A complement to variable renewables or a source of negative emissions?

Viktor Johansson, Mariliis Lehtveer, Lisa Göransson
Energy. Vol. 168, p. 532-541
Journal article

Impacts of electric vehicles on the electricity generation portfolio – A Scandinavian-German case study

Maria Taljegård, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 235, p. 1637-1650
Journal article

Interconnection of the electricity and heating sectors to support the energy transition in cities

Verena Heinisch, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. Vol. 24, p. 57-66
Journal article

Electric vehicles as power and energy provider for the European electricity system - an electricity systems modelling study

Maria Taljegård, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
Other conference contribution

A comparison of variation management strategies for wind power integration in different electricity system contexts

Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Wind Energy. Vol. 21 (10), p. 837-854
Journal article

Electric vehicles as a flexibility management strategy in Europe

Maria Taljegård, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2018 and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018, EVTeC 2018
Paper in proceeding

Improving the flexibility of coal-fired power generators: Impact on the composition of a cost-optimal electricity system

Stefanìa Òsk Gardarsdòttir, Lisa Göransson, Fredrik Normann et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 209, p. 277-289
Journal article

Value of wind power – Implications from specific power

Viktor Johansson, Ludwig Thorson, Joel Goop et al
Energy. Vol. 126, p. 352-360
Journal article

Spacial and dynamic energy demand of the E39 highway – Implications on electrification options

Maria Taljegård, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 195, p. 681-692
Journal article

Impact of electricity price fluctuations on the operation of district heating systems: A case study of district heating in Göteborg, Sweden

Dmytro Romanchenko, Mikael Odenberger, Lisa Göransson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 204, p. 16-30
Journal article

A quantitative method for evaluation of variation management strategies for integration of variable renewable electricity

Viktor Johansson, Ludwig Thorson, Lisa Göransson
The 16th international wind integration workshop
Other conference contribution

Impact of thermal plant cycling on the cost-optimal composition of a regional electricity generation system

Lisa Göransson, Joel Goop, Mikael Odenberger et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 197, p. 230-240
Journal article

Charging strategies-implications on the interaction between an electrified road infrastructure and the stationary electricity system

Maria Taljegård, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
World Electric Vehicle Journal. Vol. 8 (4), p. 998-1009
Journal article

Charging strategies - Implications on the interaction between an electrified road infrastructure and the stationary electricity system

Maria Taljegård, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger et al
29th World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2016. Vol. 3, p. 1823-1834
Paper in proceeding

Elbilar och förnyelsebar elproduktion

Lisa Göransson, David Steen
Perspektiv på eldrivna fordon 2014, p. 20-21
Book chapter

Challenges to integrate CCS into low carbon electricity markets

Filip Johnsson, Mikael Odenberger, Lisa Göransson
Energy Procedia. Vol. 63, p. 7485-7493
Paper in proceeding

Linkages between demand-side management and congestion in the European electricity transmission system

Lisa Göransson, Joel Goop, Thomas Unger et al
Energy. Vol. 69, p. 860-872
Journal article

Intermittent renewables, thermal power and hydropower - complements or competitors?

Lisa Göransson, Liv Lundberg
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 119-127
Book chapter

Challenges of integrating solar and wind into the electricity grid

David Steen, Joel Goop, Lisa Göransson et al
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 94-107
Book chapter

Samspelet mellan termisk produktion och intermittent produktion

Lisa Göransson, Liv Lundberg
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 24-25
Book chapter

Utmaningar med en ökad andel el från sol och vind i elnätet

David Steen, Joel Goop, Lisa Göransson et al
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 21-22
Book chapter

Cost-optimized allocation of wind power investments: a Nordic-German perspective

Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Wind Energy. Vol. 16 (4), p. 587-604
Journal article

Electric vehicles and intermittent electricity production

Christopher Saunders, Lisa Göransson, David Steen et al
Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2013, p. 101-115
Book chapter

Large scale integration of wind power: moderating thermal power plant cycling

Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Wind Energy. Vol. 14 (1), p. 91-105
Journal article

Large scale integration of wind power – influence of geographical allocation

Lina Reichenberg, Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson et al
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. Vol. 1 (9), p. 1344-1349
Journal article

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles as Regulating Power Providers - Case Studies of Sweden and Germany

Sara-Linnea Andersson, Anna Katarina Elofsson, Matthias Galus et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 38 (6), p. 2751-2762
Journal article

Integration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in a regional wind-thermal power system

Lisa Göransson, Sten Karlsson, Filip Johnsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 38 (10), p. 5482-5492
Journal article

Dispatch modeling of a regional power generation system - Integrating wind power

Lisa Göransson, Filip Johnsson
Renewable Energy. Vol. 34 (4), p. 1040-1049
Journal article

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as a mean to reduce CO2 emissions from electricity production

Lisa Göransson, Sten Karlsson, Filip Johnsson
24th International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 2009, EVS 24; Stavanger; Norway; 13 May 2009 through 16 May 2009. Vol. 4, p. 2614-2624
Other conference contribution

Wind power in thermal power systems

Lisa Göransson
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 10 research projects


Modellering av stadens energiomställning

Lisa Göransson Energy Technology
Göteborg Energi AB


The effect of climate change on hydropower production and balancing capacity

Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2
Swedish Energy Agency


Cost-efficient design of wind turbines from an electricity system perspective

Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Interdisciplinary Assessment of Airborne Wind Energy

Fredrik Hedenus Physical Resource Theory
Sebastien Gros Automatic Control
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2


ADAPT: Adaptive DigitAl Power sysTems

Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
Marina Papatriantafilou Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2

2 publications exist

Analys av elanvändningens sammansättning och tidsberoende

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology 2
Emil Nyholm Energy Technology 2
Viktor Johansson Energy Technology 1
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2

1 publication exists

Mathematical modelling of large scale integration of variable electricity generation - a new modelling paradigm

Ann-Brith Strömberg Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Caroline Granfeldt Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Michael Patriksson Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Lina Reichenberg Energy Technology
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist

From hours to decades -how does variations in production and load affect the composition of the future Swedish and European electricity system?

Lisa Göransson Energy Technology
Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Demand Response of the future Swedish building stock

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Dmytro Romanchenko Energy Technology 1
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology
Emil Nyholm Energy Technology 2
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Sustainable European Energy Systems

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Stefan Wirsenius Physical Resource Theory
Jan Kjärstad Energy Technology
Erika Mata Las Heras Energy Technology
Fredrik Normann Energy Technology
Katarina Gårdfeldt Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)
Ulrika Claeson Colpier Energy Technology
Andrea Egeskog Physical Resource Theory
Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Thore Berntsson Energy Technology
Anh Tuan Le Electric Power Engineering
Emil Nyholm Energy Technology
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory
Henrik Thunman Energy Technology
Maria Taljegård Energy Technology
Jonas Nässén Physical Resource Theory
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology
Johan Rootzén Energy Technology
Eoin Ó Broin Energy Technology
Lina Reichenberg Energy Technology
Joel Goop Energy Technology
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology
Halmstad University
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Lisa Göransson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.