Santosh Pandit
Santosh Pandit is joint post doc with Ivan Mijakovic and Fredrik Westerlund at Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, working since July 2015. His research is related to graphene antibacterial coatings for biomedical as well as industrial applications. The main goal of project is to develop the anti-biofouling coating for biomedical appliances such as urinary catheter to prevent infection.

Showing 54 publications
Graphene nanospikes exert bactericidal effect through mechanical damage and oxidative stress
Antibacterial applications of biologically synthesized Pichia pastoris silver nanoparticles
Achieving Long-Range Arbitrary Uniform Alignment of Nanostructures in Magnetic Fields
Polymyxin B complexation enhances the antimicrobial potential of graphene oxide
Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks through Enzymatically Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate
Silver Nanoparticles: Bactericidal and Mechanistic Approach against Drug Resistant Pathogens
Automated Prediction of Bacterial Exclusion Areas on SEM Images of Graphene–Polymer Composites
Polysaccharide-based antibacterial coating technologies
Inhibition of bacterial adhesion by epigallocatechin gallate attached polymeric membranes
Differences in interaction of graphene/graphene oxide with bacterial and mammalian cell membranes
A Road Map toward Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor Technology for Early Stage Cancer Detection
Silver nanoparticles produced from Cedecea sp. exhibit antibiofilm activity and remarkable stability
Graphene-based sensor for detection of bacterial pathogens
Sustained release of usnic acid from graphene coatings ensures long term antibiofilm protection
Graphene-Based Antimicrobial Biomedical Surfaces
Evolutionary Analysis of the Bacillus subtilis Genome Reveals New Genes Involved in Sporulation
Highly structured graphene polyethylene nanocomposites
Graphene-based biosensors for the detection of prostate cancer protein biomarkers: a review
Antibacterial effect of boron nitride flakes with controlled orientation in polymer composites
Antimicrobial effects of biogenic nanoparticles
Boron nitride nanomaterials: Biocompatibility and bio-applications
Bacterial response to graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide integrated in agar plates
Gold nanoparticles in diagnostics and therapeutics for human cancer
Design strategy of a graphene based bio-sensor for glucose
Vertically Aligned Graphene Coating is Bactericidal and Prevents the Formation of Bacterial Biofilms
Combination of Cold Atmospheric Plasma and Vitamin C Effectively Disrupts Bacterial Biofilms
Graphene based nanosensor for aqueous phase detection of nitroaromatics
Vitamin C Pretreatment Enhances the Antibacterial Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma
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Showing 4 research projects
Laser-assisted manufacturing of a catheter with a graphene-based antibacterial surface
Laser-assisted manufacturing of graphene-based antibacterial surfaces