Ulf Svanberg
Professor Ulf Svanberg leads research projects addressing vitamin A and iron deficiency anaemia in low-income countries. He has ongoing and long-term cooperation with countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique, and the research is carried out mainly with support from Sida. The aim is to increase the bioavailability of iron in cereal-based supplementary foods for children and to generate knowledge about how provitamin A in vegetables, fruits and orange-fleshed sweet potato can support an adequate vitamin A status of children and women. Additional projects aim to efficiently utilize indigenous foods in order improve the nutritional content of ready-to-eat foods and to utilize and develop traditional food fermentation methods.

Showing 71 publications
Secretion of non-cell-bound phytase by the yeast Pichia kudriavzevii TY13
Effect of Hydrocolloids and Emulsifiers on Baking Quality of Composite Cassava-Maize-Wheat Breads
Consumers’ acceptance of composite cassava-maize-wheat breads using baking improvers
Effect of Cassava Flour Characteristics on Properties of Cassava-Wheat-Maize Composite Bread Types
Visualization of β-carotene and starch granules in plant cells using CARS and SHG microscopy
Biodiversity and phytase capacity of yeasts isolated from Tanzanian togwa
Processing of tomato: Impact on in vitro bioaccessibility of lycopene and textural properties
In vitro bioaccessibility of beta-carotene from heat-processed orange-fleshed sweet potato
Impaired uptake of beta-carotene by Caco-2 human intestinal cells in the presence of iron
Risk factors for anaemia in schoolchildren in Tanga Region, Tanzania
Impact of dietary iron intake on anaemia in Tanzanian school choldren
Impact of diatary intake on anaemia in Tanzanian schoolchildren
Estimation of carotenoid accessibility from carrots determined by an in vitro digestion method
Oxidation of polyphenols and the effect on in vitro iron accessibility in a model food system
Low dietary iron is a major cause of anemia: A nutrition survey in the Lindi District of Tanzania
An overview on the use of fermented foods for child feeding in Tanzania
Inhibition of different strains of enteropathogens in a lactic-fermenting cereal gruel
Effect of oxygen flourescent light on the quality of orange juice during storage at 8oC
Lactic-fermented cereal gruels with improved in vitro protein digestibility
Lower prevalence of diarrhoea in young children fed lactic acid-fermented cereal gruels
Inhibited growth of common enteropathogenic bacteria in lactic-fermented cereal gruels
Phytate hydrolysis by phytase in cereals. Effects on in vitro estimation of iron availability
The acceptance and intake of bulk-reduced weaning foods: The Luganga village study
Non-collagenous proteins of rat compact bone
Preparation of weaning foods with high nutrient density using flour of germinated cereals
Plasma amino acid response to single test meals in humans. VI. Determination of available lysine
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