Bijan Adl-Zarrabi
Bijan is research group leader at the Division of Building Technology, research group Infrastructure Physics, at Chalmers. He initiated a new field, Infrastructure Physics, at the division. His research area deals with heat and moisture transfer in buildings and infrastructures. Furthermore, he has long experience related to characterization of thermal properties of materials and components. Bijan is scientific coordinator of projects connectedto ferry free costal highway, E39.

Showing 60 publications
Injury Reducing Effect of GSHP-Heated Pedestrian Paths
IEA ES Task 38: Ground source de-icing and snow melting systems for infrastructure
Utilization of UTES with solar energy in de-icing and snow melting - IEA ES TASK 38
Swedish State - of - the - Art on G round - source De - Icing and Snow Melting Systems
Ground Source Heating of Soccer Fields: Systems and Market Potential in Cold Climates
PROCEEDR - Optimizing Resources for more Sustainable Noise and Safety Barriers on European Roads
Ground Source De-Icing and Snow Melting Systems for Infrastructure
A numerical and experimental study of a pavement solar collector for the northern hemisphere
Modelling and evaluation of groundwater filled boreholes subjected to natural convection
Modeling the thermal performance of low temperature hydronic heated pavements
Super insulation material in district heating pipes
Hydronic Pavement for Ice-Free Bridges
Superisoleringsmaterial i byggnader: Rekommendationer från IEA EBC Annex 65
Super insulation materials in the building sector: Field studies and future challenges
Practical Applications of SIMs: Retrofitting at the Building Scale
Long term performance of vacuum insulation panels in hybrid insulation district heating pipes
Superisoleringsmaterial i byggnader: Rekommendationer från IEA EBC Annex 65
What is 'Infrastructure Physics'?
Safe and Sustainable Coastal Highway Route E39
Hydronic Pavement Using Low Temperature Borehole Thermal Energy Storage
Field measurements on a district heating pipe with vacuum insulation panels
Hydronic Pavement Heating for Sustainable Ice-free Roads
Sustainability Assessment of Infrastructure Elements with Integrated Energy Harvesting Technologies
Evaluation of 5 years’ performance of VIPs in a retrofitted building façade
Changing internal pressure to achieve variable thermal conductivity in thermal insulation
Assessing the Thermal Performance of District Heating Twin Pipes with Vacuum Insulation Panels
Effect from a Variable U-Value in Adaptive Building Components with Controlled Internal Air Pressure
Long-term performance of vacuum insulations panels in buildings and building systems
Evaluation of long-term performance of VIPs
Boda mill – A Meeting Point for Renewable Energy systems
Evaluation of vacuum insulation panels used in hybrid insulation district heating pipes
Mechanical and thermo-physical properties of high-density polyethylene modified with talc
Determination of specific heat capacity by transient plane source
Using High Performance Insulation in District Heating Pipes
Determination of specific heat capacity by Transient Plane Source
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Showing 6 research projects
Accelerating the Uptake of Large Thermal Energy Storages
Underground Large Scale Seasonal Energy Storage for Decarbonized and Reliable Heat
Renewable energy use and TES for transport infrastructure winter maintenance
Livslängds- och statusbedömning av fjärrvärmerör
Long Term Performance of Super-Insulating Materials in Buildings
Safe and ice-free bridges using renewable energy sources