Svante Lifvergren
Visar 43 publikationer
Stakeholder Skill Training in Participatory Health Research: Themes and Topics for Future Research
How Innovation Systems Promote and Hinder Innovations in Healthcare - a Swedish Case
How To Train Your Stakeholders: Skill Training In Participatory Health Research
Collaborative Public Management: Coordinated Value Propositions among Public Service Organisations
Vad skulle Habermas säga om vårddebatten?
Whole System in the Room: Toward Systems Integration in Healthcare
Sustainability in healthcare organizations
Editorial: Why a special issue on healthcare action research?
The complexity of using value as driver for improvement in psychosis care
After a Decade of Action Research: Impactful Systems Improvement in Swedish Healthcare
An Emerging Science of Improvement in Health Care
A Physician-Led, Learning-Driven Approach to Regional Development of 23 Cancer Pathways in Sweden
System-Wide Change in Cancer Care: Exploring Sensemaking, Sensegiving, and Consent
Sowing Seeds for Sustainability in Work Systems
Decision support system for Warfarin therapy management using Bayesian networks
En läkarledd och lärandefokuserad strategi för regional utveckling av 28 cancerprocesser i Sverige
Sensegiving across professional borders: readiness for system-wide change in cancer care
The path to sustainability in health care: Exploring the role of learning microsystems
A Physician-Led and Learning-Driven Approach to Regional Development of 23 Cancer Pathways
Patient Safety Learning Audits: Towards organizational learning for improved safety
Lessons from Sweden’s first large-scale implementation of Six Sigma in healthcare
Management by Dialogue – Developing Integrated Sustainable Healthcare
Process management in healthcare: investigating why it's easier said than done
Applying Process Management in Healthcare –Investigating Implementation Difficulties
A Development Coalition for Sustainability in Helthcare
A development coalition for sustainability in healthcare
A Large Scale Implementation of Six Sigma at the Skaraborg Hospital Group
Orbis medical centre: Designing and constructing sustainable healthcare
Design for Six Sigma in Healthcare: Identifying Critical-to-Quality Characteristics
Skaraborg hospital group: the emergence of a sustainability strategy
Online statistical monitoring of critical patient data increases patient safety
A Development Coalition for Sustainability in Health Care
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