Mats Magnusson
Visar 50 publikationer
Managerial Challenges from Integrating ICTs into Established Products
Value, Actors and Networks - A revised perspective on disruptive innovation
Fuel on the Invention Funnel: Technology Licensing-in, antecedents and invention performance
Exploring Factors Influencing Incumbents’ Response to Disruptive Innovation
The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and skills in Academic Commercialization in Sweden
Ideation capabilities for continuous innovation
Distinctiveness and flexibility of resources: a study of the motion picture industry
Continuous innovation and improvement of product platforms
Managing the Efficiency-Flexibility Tension in Innovation: Strategic and Organizational Aspects
Heterogeneity and performance in innovation idea networks
Key factors in small group improvement work: an empirical study at SKF
Where do good innovation ideas come from?,
Ideation performance in projects and informal groups
License to learn: the role of technology license agreements in meeting innovation goals
How do firms make use of Open Source communities?
Distinctiveness and flexibility of resources: a study of the motion picture industry
Var ligger problemet ? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige
The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and Skills in Academic Commercialization in Sweden
What are innovative opportunities?,
The learning potential of strategic licensing
Surviving disruptive innovation: does incumbent size and strategy matter?
Var ligger problemet? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige
Identifying Disruptive Innovations Experiences from a Paper and Pulp Company
Resource flexibility and sustained competitiveness
Innovative Opportunities and Dependencies: Illustrations from mobile communications
Continuous Innovation, Performance and Knowledge Management: An Introduction
Dynamic capabilities in early-phase entrepreneurship
Business models and community relationships of open source software firms
Relationships between open source software companies and communities: Observations from Nordic firms
) Innovative Opportunities: What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?
Innovative Opportunities, What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?
Network Prominence and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of Corporate-Backed Biotech Spin-Offs
Evolution, adaptation and entrepreneurial learning in the emerging Nordic Wireless Internet industry
Key Factors in Small Group Improvement Work: An Empirical Study at SKF
What are innovation opportunities?
Opportunity Development in Knowledge-Intensive Ventures a case study
Innovative opportunities and Emerging Technologies
Managing the knowledge landscape of an MNC: Knowledge networking at Ericsson
Innovation and Efficiency - A Knowledge-Based Approach to Organizing Industrial Firms
Intervertebral motion during vibration.
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