Klas Modin
Klas Modin har ett brett forskningsintresse, som sträcker sig från oändligdimensionell differentialgeometri, geometrisk hydrodynamik, samt formanalys, till beräkningsmatematik, djupinlärning, samt medicinsk bildanalys. För sin forskning tilldelades han under 2013 "Ingvar Carlsson Award" från SSF, under 2015 ett "Marie Sklodovska-Curie Individual Fellowship" från EUs forskningsprogram Horizon 2020, under 2017 ett "Startprojekt" från Vetenskapsrådet, och under 2019 blev han utnämnd till "Wallenberg Academy Fellow (WAF)" av Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien.

Visar 58 publikationer
Zeitlin's model for axisymmetric 3D Euler equations
Simple Unbalanced Optimal Transport
Eulerian and Lagrangian Stability in Zeitlin’s Model of Hydrodynamics
Incompressible Euler equations with stochastic forcing: A geometric approach
The Toda Flow as a Porous Medium Equation
Shape analysis via gradient flows on diffeomorphism groups
An efficient geometric method for incompressible hydrodynamics on the sphere
Marker unit for use in ar aided surgery
Canonical scale separation in two-dimensional incompressible hydrodynamics
Casimir preserving spectrum of two-dimensional turbulence
Integrability of Point-Vortex Dynamics via Symplectic Reduction: A Survey
Geometric hydrodynamics and infinite-dimensional newton’s equations
Semi-invariant Riemannian metrics in hydrodynamics
Lie–Poisson Methods for Isospectral Flows
What makes nonholonomic integrators work?
A Casimir preserving scheme for long-Time simulation of spherical ideal hydrodynamics
General method for atomistic spin-lattice dynamics with first-principles accuracy
Diffeomorphic density registration
Currents and Finite Elements as Tools for Shape Space
A multiscale theory for image registration and nonlinear inverse problems
Geometry of the Madelung Transform
Geometric hydrodynamics via Madelung transform
A Numerical Algorithm for C-2-Splines on Symmetric Spaces
Newton's Equation on Diffeomorphisms and Densities
Moving Mesh and Image Registration in FEniCS
Geometry of Matrix Decompositions Seen Through Optimal Transport and Information Geometry
Diffeomorphic random sampling using optimal information transport
On geodesic completeness for Riemannian metrics on smooth probability densities
A minimal-variable symplectic integrator on spheres
Symmetry reduction for central force problems
Geometry of Discrete-Time Spin Systems
B-series methods are exactly the affine equivariant methods
Stability Limitations in Simulation of Dynamical Systems with Multiple Time-Scales
Discrete Variational Derivative Methods for the EPDiff Equation
Proceedings Of Math On The Rocks Shape Analysis Workshop In Grundsund
Diffeomorphic density matching by optimal information transport
Symmetry reduction for central force problems
Collective Lie-Poisson integrators on R3
Weighted Diffeomorphic Density Matching with Applications to Thoracic Image Registration
On conformal variational problems and free boundary continua
Symplectic integrators for spin systems
Integration of Hamiltonian systems with a structure preserving algorithm
Collective symplectic integrators
Integrability of Nonholonomically Coupled Oscillators
Geometric Generalisations of Shake and Rattle
Symplectic integrators for index one constraints
Geodesic Warps by Conformal Mappings
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Infinite-dimensional Lie groups in hydrodynamics and beyond
Långtidsbeteende för tvådimensionella inkompressibla flöden via kvantisering
Geometriska numeriska metoder för beräkningsanatomi
CHallenges in Preservation of Structure (CHiPS)
Geometry and Computational Anatomy (GEOCA)
Numeriska metoder för beräkningsanatomi
Generaliserade Euler-ekvationer: teori, numerik och medicinsk bildregistrering