Nils Svanstedt
Visar 33 publikationer
A one-population Amari model with periodic microstructure
Periodic homogenization of strongly nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations with large reaction terms
Stabilized finite element method for the radial Dirac equation
Homogenization of a Wilson-Cowan model for neural fields
G-convergence of Dirac operators
Some remarks on two-scale convergence and periodic unfolding
Stabilized finite element method for the radial Dirac equation
Homogenization of a nonlinear elliptic problem with large nonlinear potential
Generalized Besicovitch spaces and applications to deterministic homogenization
G-Convergence and Homogenization of Monotone Damped Hyperbolic Equations
Generalized Besicovich spaces and application to deterministic homogenization
Stochastic homogenization of a class of monotone eigenvalue problems
Generalized Besicovitch spaces and application to deterministic homogenization
Multiscale stochastic homogenization of convection-diffusion equations
Multiscale stochastic homogenization of monotone operators
Convergence of quasi-linear hyperbolic equations
Reiterated homogenization of monotone parabolic problems,
On twoscale convergence and related sequential compactness topics
Multiscale homogenization of the Navier-Stokes equation
Multiscale convergence and reiterated homogenization of parabolic problems
On large eddy simulation of high Reynolds number wall bounded flows
Existence theory and strong attractors for the Rayleigh-Benard problem with a large aspect ratio
On Gamma-convergence in anisotropic Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
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