Lena Granhag

Associate Professor at Transport, Energy and Environment

Lena's background is in marine ecology working with biofouling on ship hulls. Lena is PI in the research projects Invasive Species Action Plan (ISAP), CLIMATE INVASIVES (Biodiversa + project) and VEKTOR. Her current research focus on marine alien species introduced with ballast water and via ship hulls. She is member of the expert group Ballast Water and Other Ship Vectors in International Marine Research Council (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES). During a Marie Curie Fellowship at Plymouth Marine Laboratory in UK, Lena worked with the impact of bacterial films for development of biofouling, using the technique Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) to detect and localize different bacteria. During a post doc at Kristineberg Marine Research Station Lena worked with the american comb-jellyfish (Mnemiopsis leidyi).

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Lena Granhag

Showing 61 publications


Sustainable Hull maintenance strategies in Baltic Sea region through case studies of RoPax vessels

Youngrong Kim, Maria Lagerström, Lena Granhag et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 211
Journal article

Monitoring and Mapping of Invasive Aquatic Species Transported with Shipping as Vector

Pauline Bollongino, Lena Granhag, Erik Ytreberg et al
PortPIC'24, p. 74-81
Paper in proceeding

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Ship’s Hull Maintenance Scenarios in the Kattegat and Danish Strait Route

Youngrong Kim, Maria Lagerström, Lena Granhag et al
HullPIC’24, p. 140-148
Paper in proceeding

High acetone soluble organosolv lignin extraction and its application towards green antifouling and wear-resistant coating

Zhipeng Wu, Petter Paulsen Thoresen, Dominik Maršík et al
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Vol. 282
Journal article

A strong enhancement of corrosion and wear resistance of polyurethane-based coating by chemically grafting of organosolv lignin

Di Wang, Jun Zhao, Per Claesson et al
Materials Today Chemistry. Vol. 35
Journal article

Best practise for cleaning of ship hulls

Lena Granhag, Mehran Javadi, Erik Ytreberg
Report - The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

The economic costs, management and regulation of biological invasions in the Nordic countries

Melina Kourantidou, Laura N.H. Verbrugge, Phillip J. Haubrock et al
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 324
Journal article

A novel tool for cost and emission reduction related to ship underwater hull maintenance

Dinis Soares Reis de Oliveira, Maria Lagerström, Lena Granhag et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 356
Journal article

A multi-criteria decision analysis model for ship biofouling management in the Baltic Sea

Emilia Luoma, Mirka Laurila-Pant, Elias Altarriba et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 852
Journal article

Are silicone foul-release coatings a viable and environmentally sustainable alternative to biocidal antifouling coatings in the Baltic Sea region?

Maria Lagerström, Anna-Lisa Wrange, Dinis Soares Reis de Oliveira et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 184
Journal article


Dinis Soares Reis de Oliveira, Maria Lagerström, Lena Granhag et al
Other - Software code

Shipping and the Environment

Karin Andersson, Selma Brynolf, Lena Granhag et al
International Encyclopedia of Transportation: Volume 1-7. Vol. 3, p. 286-293
Book chapter

Modelling of discharges from baltic sea shipping

J. P. Jalkanen, L. Johansson, Magda Wilewska-Bien et al
Ocean Science. Vol. 17 (3), p. 699-728
Journal article

Environmental impacts of grey water discharge from ships in the Baltic Sea

Erik Ytreberg, Martin Eriksson, Ilja Maljutenko et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 152
Journal article

Pathways to reduction and efficient handling of food waste on passenger ships: from Baltic Sea perspective

Magda Wilewska-Bien, Karin Andersson, Lena Granhag
Environment, Development and Sustainability. Vol. 22 (1), p. 217-230
Journal article

Antifouling paints leach copper in excess – study of metal release rates and efficacy along a salinity gradient

Maria Lagerström, Erik Ytreberg, Ann Kristin E. Wiklund et al
Water Research. Vol. 186
Journal article

Ship hull in-water cleaning and its effects on fouling-control coatings

Dinis Oliveira, Lena Granhag
Biofouling. Vol. 36 (3), p. 332-350
Journal article

Minskad miljöbelastning av koppar och zink från fartygs och fritidsbåtars bottenfärger till Östersjön

Maria Lagerström, Erik Ytreberg, Lena Granhag
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

A novel indicator for ship hull and propeller performance: Examples from two shipping segments

Dinis Oliveira, Lena Granhag, Lars Larsson
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 205
Journal article

Review and Historical Overview of Experimental Facilities Used in Hull Coating Hydrodynamic Tests

Irma Yeginbayeva, Lena Granhag, Valery Chernoray
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment. Vol. 233 (4), p. 1240-1259
Review article

Analysis of Pressure Drop Data in Channel Flows Over Foul-Control Coatings

Irma Yeginbayeva, Valery Chernoray, Lena Granhag
Website of AMT'19
Other conference contribution

Fritidsbåtars påverkan på grunda kustekosystem i sverige

Per-Olav Moksnes, Louise Eriander, Joakim Hansen et al
Report - Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment

Towards an absolute scale for adhesion strength of ship hull microfouling

Dinis Oliveira, Lars Larsson, Lena Granhag
Biofouling. Vol. 35 (2), p. 244-258
Journal article

A multi-aspect study of commercial coatings under the effect of surface roughness and fouling

Irma Yeginbayeva, Lena Granhag, Valery Chernoray
Progress in Organic Coatings. Vol. 135, p. 352-367
Journal article

Phosphorus flows on ships: Case study from the Baltic Sea

Magda Wilewska-Bien, Lena Granhag, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment. Vol. 233 (2), p. 528-539
Journal article

Shipborne nutrient dynamics and impact on the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea

Urmas Raudsepp, Ilja Maljutenko, Mariliis Kouts et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 671, p. 189-207
Journal article

Experimental Quantification of Drag Change of Commercial Coatings Under the Effect of Surface Roughness and Soft Fouling

Irma Yeginbayeva, Lena Granhag, Valery Chernoray
Other conference contribution

Performance Values vs. Speed – A Declaration of Independence?

Dinis Oliveira, Lena Granhag, Lars Larsson
3rd Hull Performance & Insight Conference, HullPIC'18, p. 80-92
Paper in proceeding

Effect of ship hull form on the resistance penalty from biofouling

Dinis Oliveira, Ann I. Larsson, Lena Granhag
Biofouling. Vol. 34 (3), p. 262-272
Journal article

Biofouling Control Solutions for Reduced Energy Consumption in Vessels

Irma Yeginbayeva, Lena Granhag, Valery Chernoray et al
Conference poster

Improving environmental performance in shipping

Selma Brynolf, Fredrik Lindgren, Karin Andersson et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 399-418
Book chapter

The natural environment and human impacts

Fredrik Lindgren, Kent Salo, Selma Brynolf et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 29-74
Book chapter

Future Work on Drag and Boundary Layer Properties of Biofouling Collected From Commercial Vessels

Dinis Oliveira, Lena Granhag
1st Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC), p. 82-95
Other conference contribution

Matching Forces Applied in Underwater Hull Cleaning with Adhesion Strength of Marine Organisms

Dinis Oliveira, Lena Granhag
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol. 4 (4), p. 66-
Review article

Discharges to the sea

Fredrik Lindgren, Magda Wilewska-Bien, Lena Granhag et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 125-168
Book chapter

Measures to reduce discharges and emissions

Magda Wilewska-Bien, Fredrik Lindgren, M. Magnusson et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 341-396
Book chapter

Shipping and the environment

Karin Andersson, Francesco Baldi, Selma Brynolf et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 3-27
Book chapter

Instantaneous Flow Structures and Opportunities for Larval Settlement: Barnacle Larvae Swim to Settle

Ann I. Larsson, Lena Granhag, Per R. Jonsson
PLoS ONE. Vol. 11 (7), p. e0158957-
Journal article

The nutrient load from food waste generated onboard ships in the Baltic Sea

Magda Wilewska-Bien, Lena Granhag, Karin Andersson
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 105 (1), p. 359-366
Journal article

Baseline survey of non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea ports -Testing and evaluating the HELCOM-OSPAR Port Survey Protocol

Riikka Puntila, Henn Ojaveer, Lena Granhag et al
ICES Annual Science Conference
Paper in proceeding

Autumnal bottom-up and top-down impacts of Cyanea capillata: a mesocosm study

Aino Hosia, Christina B. Augustin, Julie Dinasquet et al
Journal of Plankton Research. Vol. 37 (5), p. 1042-1055
Journal article

The importance of bacterial film composition for germination of zoospores of the green alga Ulva

Lena Granhag, Ian Joint
International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Singapore 6-10 July 2014
Conference poster

Comparison between introduced and native ctenophores in Nordic waters -feeding rates and survival in low food conditions

Lena Granhag, Aino Hosia
ICES International Council for Exploration of the Sea Annual Science conference
Paper in proceeding

Stimulated bacterioplankton growth and selection for certain bacterial taxa in the vicinity of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi

Julie Dinasquet, Lena Granhag, Lasse Riemann
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 3 (AUG), p. Art. no. 302-
Journal article

Experimental feeding rates of gelatinous predators Aurelia aurita and Mnemiopsis leidyi at low northern Baltic Sea salinity

A. Hosia, Lena Granhag, T. Katajisto et al
Boreal Environment Research. Vol. 17 (6), p. 473-483
Journal article

Cascading effects of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi on the planktonic food web in a nutrient-limited estuarine system

Julie Dinasquet, Josefin Titelman, Lene Friis Møller et al
Marine Ecology - Progress Series. Vol. 460, p. 49-61
Journal article

Fouling-release of barnacles and algae from a ship hull

Lena Granhag
International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (ICMCF), 24-28 June 2012, Seattle, WA, US
Paper in proceeding

First recordings of the ctenophore Euplokamis sp. (Ctenophora, Cydippida) in Swedish coastal waters and molecular identification of this genus

Lena Granhag, Sanna Majaneva, Lene Friis Møller
Aquatic Invasions. Vol. 7 (4), p. 455-463
Journal article

Size-specific clearance rates of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi based on in situ gut content analyses

Lena Granhag, Lene Friis Møller, Lars Johan Hansson
Journal of Plankton Research. Vol. 33 (7), p. 1043-1052
Journal article

Fouling-release of barnacles from a boat hull with comparison to laboratory data of attachment strength

Ann I. Larsson, Linnea Mattsson-Thorngren, Lena Granhag et al
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 392 (1-2), p. 107-114
Journal article

Algal spore settlement and sporling removal as a function of flow speed

Lena Granhag, Ann I. Larsson, Per R. Jonsson
Mar Ecol Prog Ser. Vol. 344, p. 63-69
Journal article

Interactions between wave action and grazing control the distribution of intertidal macroalgae

Per R. Jonsson, Lena Granhag, P. S. Moschella et al
Ecology. Vol. 87 (5), p. 1169-1178
Journal article

Low-crested coastal defence structures as artificial habitats for marine life: Using ecological criteria in design

P. S. Moschella, M. Abbiati, Per Åberg et al
Coastal Engineering. Vol. 52 (10-11), p. 1053-1071
Journal article

Roughness-dependent removal of settled spores of the green alga Ulva (syn. Enteromorpha) exposed to hydrodynamic forces from a water jet

Lena Granhag, J. A. Finlay, Per R. Jonsson et al
Biofouling. Vol. 20 (2), p. 117-122
Journal article

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Showing 23 research projects


VEKTOR-Fartyg som vektor för marina främmande arter

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Pauline Bollongino Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Transport Administration

1 publication exists

Lignin-vegetable oil oleogels toward fully green, sustainable, self-healing, wear resistant, anti-corrosion and anti-fouling coating

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Emilie Adouane Maritime Environmental Sciences

2 publications exist

Sustainable ship hull maintenance through development of decision support to the maritime industry and authorities

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Youngrong Kim Maritime Environmental Sciences
Maria Lagerström Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences

3 publications exist

Invasive Species Action Plan (ISAP)

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

1 publication exists

COMPLETE PLUS Practical implementation of the COMPLETE project outputs and tools

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences

1 publication exists

DevelopmeNt of lignin-bAsed eco-friendly anTifoUling coatings for maRine AppLications (NATURAL)

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Emilie Adouane Maritime Environmental Sciences


Optimized antifouling strategies for coastal shipping -potential for savings in energy and reduced impact on the marine environment

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Valery Chernoray Fluid Dynamics


Better environmental performance in shipping and improved onboard practices

Fredrik Olindersson Maritime Studies
Kjell Saebbö Nautical Studies
Christopher Anderberg Nautical Studies
Mehran Javadi Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Telestam Nautical Studies
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management


Autonomous monitoring system for marine invasive species

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences


Sustainable ship hull maintenance through development of decision support to the maritime industry and authorities

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Dinis Soares Reis de Oliveira Maritime Environmental Sciences
Maria Lagerström Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences

2 publications exist

Novel antifouling strategies

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Valery Chernoray Fluid Dynamics

1 publication exists

Åtgärder mot minskad miljöbelastning från Sjöfart i Östersjön genom ny kunskap om läckage av gift från antifoulingfärg

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Maria Lagerström Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences

1 publication exists

Small-scale channel facility

Lars Davidson Fluid Dynamics
Valery Chernoray Fluid Dynamics
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology


Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping COMPLETE

Dinis Oliveira Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences

6 publications exist

Biofouling solutions that can improve energy consumption of vessels

Irma Yeginbayeva Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Valery Chernoray Fluid Dynamics

1 publication exists

Nutrient input to the Baltic Sea from shipping

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Magda Wilewska-Bien Maritime Environmental Sciences
Karin Andersson Maritime Environmental Sciences

1 publication exists

3D-printed biomimetic microstructures for the control of marine biofouling

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences


Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA)

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences
Martin Eriksson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Magda Wilewska-Bien Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Baltic Organisations' Network for Funding Science EEIG (BONUS)

4 publications exist

Increased energy efficiency in ships through reduced hull fouling

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Dinis Soares Reis de Oliveira Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Impoving risk assessment of invasive alien species and cost-efficiency analysis of ballast water treatment methods (IRIS)

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
European Commission (EC)



Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsonki Commission HELCOM)

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