Lena Granhag
Lena's background is in marine ecology working with biofouling on ship hulls. Lena is PI in the research projects Invasive Species Action Plan (ISAP), CLIMATE INVASIVES (Biodiversa + project) and VEKTOR. Her current research focus on marine alien species introduced with ballast water and via ship hulls. She is member of the expert group Ballast Water and Other Ship Vectors in International Marine Research Council (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES). During a Marie Curie Fellowship at Plymouth Marine Laboratory in UK, Lena worked with the impact of bacterial films for development of biofouling, using the technique Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) to detect and localize different bacteria. During a post doc at Kristineberg Marine Research Station Lena worked with the american comb-jellyfish (Mnemiopsis leidyi).
Showing 61 publications
Sustainable Hull maintenance strategies in Baltic Sea region through case studies of RoPax vessels
Monitoring and Mapping of Invasive Aquatic Species Transported with Shipping as Vector
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Ship’s Hull Maintenance Scenarios in the Kattegat and Danish Strait Route
Best practise for cleaning of ship hulls
A novel tool for cost and emission reduction related to ship underwater hull maintenance
A multi-criteria decision analysis model for ship biofouling management in the Baltic Sea
The economic costs, management and regulation of biological invasions in the Nordic countries
Recommendation on hull cleaning practice to reduce discharge of substances from antifouling paint
Modelling of discharges from baltic sea shipping
Environmental impacts of grey water discharge from ships in the Baltic Sea
Ship hull in-water cleaning and its effects on fouling-control coatings
A novel indicator for ship hull and propeller performance: Examples from two shipping segments
Analysis of Pressure Drop Data in Channel Flows Over Foul-Control Coatings
Fritidsbåtars påverkan på grunda kustekosystem i sverige
Review and Historical Overview of Experimental Facilities Used in Hull Coating Hydrodynamic Tests
Towards an absolute scale for adhesion strength of ship hull microfouling
Phosphorus flows on ships: Case study from the Baltic Sea
Shipborne nutrient dynamics and impact on the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea
A multi-aspect study of commercial coatings under the effect of surface roughness and fouling
Effect of ship hull form on the resistance penalty from biofouling
Performance Values vs. Speed – A Declaration of Independence?
Biofouling Control Solutions for Reduced Energy Consumption in Vessels
The natural environment and human impacts
Future Work on Drag and Boundary Layer Properties of Biofouling Collected From Commercial Vessels
Matching Forces Applied in Underwater Hull Cleaning with Adhesion Strength of Marine Organisms
Improving environmental performance in shipping
Measures to reduce discharges and emissions
Metoder för övervakning av främmande arter -Protokoll för provtagning i hamnar och farleder
The nutrient load from food waste generated onboard ships in the Baltic Sea
Autumnal bottom-up and top-down impacts of Cyanea capillata: a mesocosm study
The importance of bacterial film composition for germination of zoospores of the green alga Ulva
Fouling-release of barnacles and algae from a ship hull
Algal spore settlement and sporling removal as a function of flow speed
Effects of water flow on settlement and persistence of marine macroalgae
Interactions between wave action and grazing control the distribution of intertidal macroalgae
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Showing 23 research projects
VEKTOR-Fartyg som vektor för marina främmande arter
Invasive Species Action Plan (ISAP)
COMPLETE PLUS Practical implementation of the COMPLETE project outputs and tools
DevelopmeNt of lignin-bAsed eco-friendly anTifoUling coatings for maRine AppLications (NATURAL)
Better environmental performance in shipping and improved onboard practices
Autonomous monitoring system for marine invasive species
Biofouling solutions that can improve energy consumption of vessels
Nutrient input to the Baltic Sea from shipping
3D-printed biomimetic microstructures for the control of marine biofouling
Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA)
Increased energy efficiency in ships through reduced hull fouling