Johan Ahlström
Johan Ahlström's research and teaching concern the behaviour of Engineering Metals both in the production process and in service. The research aims at creating knowledge to enable more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable solutions for transport and production industries.

Showing 98 publications
Fatigue Crack Characteristics in Gradient Predeformed Pearlitic Steel under Multiaxial Loading
Thermo-mechanical response of near-pearlitic steel heated under restriction of thermal expansion
The role of accumulated plasticity on yield surface evolution in pearlitic steel
Fatigue Crack Propagation on Uniaxial Loading of Biaxially Predeformed Pearlitic Rail Steel
Thermomechanical testing and modelling of railway wheel steel
Effect of annealing on microstructure in railway wheel steel
A method for in-field railhead crack detection using digital image correlation
Anisotropic yield surfaces after large shear deformations in pearlitic steel
Integrated Computational Material Design for PMC Manufacturing with Trapped Rubber
Damage evolution around white etching layer during uniaxial loading
Friction between pearlitic steel surfaces
High temperature bi-axial low cycle fatigue behaviour of railway wheel steel
Thermomechanical fatigue of grey cast iron brake discs for heavy vehicles
Effect of strain gradient on the microstructure and mechanical properties of pearlitic steel
Modeling of kinematic hardening at large biaxial deformations in pearlitic rail steel
Numerical investigation of crack initiation in rails and wheels affected by martensite spots
Friction between pearlitic steel surfaces
Characterization of deformed pearlitic rail steel
3D characterization of rolling contact fatigue crack networks
Temperature-dependent evolution of the cyclic yield stress of railway wheel steels
Alloy design for intrinsically ductile refractory high-entropy alloys
3D characterization of RCF crack networks
Thermomechanical cracking of railway wheel treads: a combined experimental and numerical approach
Temperature-dependent evolution of the cyclic yield stress of railway wheel steels
Temperature and strain rate effects on the mechanical behavior of dual phase steel
Crack initiation caused by repeated local heating events – Modelling of possible mechanisms
Rapid thermomechanical tempering of iron–carbon martensite
Analysis of wear debris in rolling contact fatigue cracks of pearlitic railway wheels
Estimation of microscale strain fields in a pearlitic steel using DIC and in-situ SEM
Residual stresses in martensite after multiple heating events
Identification of microscale strain fields from in-situ SEM images of a pearlitic steel using DIC
3D characterisation of RCF crack networks
Mechanical properties of bulk- and hybrid nanocrystalline materials
Thermal deterioration of railway wheel steels
Influence of short heat pulses on properties of martensite in medium carbon steels
Lcf loop shape in near pearlitic steels – influence of temperature
Subsurface crack networks and RCF surface cracks in pearlitic railway wheels
Monotonic and cyclic deformation of a high silicon pearlitic wheel steel
Thermal softening of fine pearlitic steel and its effect on the fatigue behaviour
Short-time tempering kinetics of quench hardened pearlitic steels
Modelling of distortion during casting and machining
Aspects of viscoplasticty on manufacturing induced out-of-roundness in engine cylinder liners
Stiffness changes during fatigue of railway steels R8/R8T at ambient and subzero temperatures
Monotonic and cyclic deformation of medium and high strength rail steels
Monotonic and cyclic deformation of a high silicon pearlitic wheel steel
Unloading stiffness of near fully pearlitic steel UIC-R8/R8T during cyclic plastic straining
Low cycle fatigue behaviour of alternative steels for highly stressed rail components
Parameter identification and modeling of large ratcheting strains in carbon steel
Fatigue behaviour of rail steel - a comparison between strain and stress controlled loading
Low cycle fatigue behaviour of railway wheel steels including temperature effects
Using a MATLAB Exercise to Improve the Teaching and Learning of Heat Conduction During Welding
Modelling of Laser Cladding of Medium Carbon Steel - a First Approach
Modelling of heat conduction and phase transformations during sliding of railway wheels
Cyclic deformation and fatigue behaviour of microalloyed carbon steels for use in railway wheels
Analytical 1D model for analysis of the thermally affected zone formed during railway wheel skid
Fatigue crack nucleation induced by surface shearing of railway wheels
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Showing 16 research projects
BIFROST Biaxial Fatigue Resistance @ Oscillating Stress and Temperature on forged and AM Inco718
Reduced material consumption in railway operations (SP38)
Increased service life and circularity of die casting tools (LivsVerk)
Sprickinitiering i anisotropa hjul- och rälmaterial
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Material characteristics in welding and other local heating events (CHARMEC MU36)
Characterization of crack initiation and propagation in anisotropic material (CHARMEC MU35)
Numerical simulations of welding and other high temperature processes (CHARMEC MU37)
Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)
Influence of anisotropy on deterioration of rail materials (CHARMEC MU34)
INTELLISWITCH - Intelligent Quality Assessment of Railway Switches and Crossings
Modelling of thermomechanically loaded rail and wheel steels
Development of analysis models for thermomechanical fatigue
Modelling of properties and damage in wheel and rail materials (CHARMEC MU30)