Rüdiger Haas
Rüdiger Haas is professor for space geodesy at Space Geodesy and Geodynamics. He is responsible for the geodetic VLBI activities at the Onsala Space Observatory. Rüdiger’s reseach work deals with space geodesy and global geophysical phenomena, as e.g. Earth rotation, global reference frames, change in atmospheric water vapour, sea level measurements. Rüdiger is the scientific leader of the Onsala twin telescope project, chair of the European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA) and member of the directing board of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS).

Showing 274 publications
GNSS applications for measuring sea level changes
A monitoring campaign (2013-2020) of ESA's Mars Express to study interplanetary plasma scintillation
GENESIS: co-location of geodetic techniques in space
Radiometry performance of the VGOS receivers of the Onsala twin telescopes
Evaluation of the first three years of VGOS 24 h sessions using a Kalman filter with C5++
Characterization of the Beam and the Aperture of the Onsala Twin Telescopes
Radiometry performance of the VGOS receivers of the Onsala twin telescopes
Atmospheric parameters derived from VGOS sessions observed with the Onsala twin telescopes
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2021–2022
The Current and Future Performance of VGOS
A Novel Tropospheric Error Formula for Ground-based GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry
Obtaining Local-Tie Vectors from Short-Baseline Interferometry
Current Status of the EU-VGOS Project
Broad band flux-density monitoring of radio sources with the Onsala twin telescopes
Combining VGOS, legacy S/X and GNSS for the determination of UT1
GNSS-IR Model of Sea Level Height Estimation Combining Variational Mode Decomposition
Geodetic data analysis of VGOS experiments
Short-baseline interferometry local-tie experiments at the Onsala Space Observatory
Clock comparison using black holes
On the Response of Polarimetric GNSS-Reflectometry to Sea Surface Roughness
Erfassung von Hauptreflektordeformationen an VGOS-Teleskopen mittels UAS
Combinatorial optimization applied to VLBI scheduling
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2017–2018
Can We Measure Sea Level With a Tablet Computer?
Geodetic VLBI for precise orbit determination of Earth satellites: a simulation study
Untersuchung von Hauptreflektordeformationen an VGOS-Teleskopen mittels UAS
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2017—2018
DBBC3 Towards the BRAND EVN Receiver
Extension and Optimization of the Local Geodetic Network at the Onsala Space Observatory
Scheduling of Twin Telescopes and the Impact on Troposphere and UT1 Estimation
Real-time sea-level monitoring using Kalman filtering of GNSS-R data
New Observing Modes for the DBBC3
The Onsala Tide Gauge Station: Experiences from the first three years of operation
The Onsala Tide Gauge Station: Experiences from the first four years of operation
Fringe fitting and group delay determination for geodetic VLBI observations of DOR tones
A gravitational telescope deformation model for geodetic VLBI
Measuring Focal Length Variations of VGOS Telescopes Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
Position determination of the Chang’e 3 lander with geodetic VLBI
Status of the Onsala Twin Telescopes – One Year After the Inauguration
Status of the Onsala Twin Telescopes – Two Years After the Inauguration
Atmospheric refraction and system stability investigations in short-baseline VLBI observations
Design trade-offs in feed systems for ultra-wideband VLBI observations
Zur Modellierung eines Ring-Focus-Paraboloids
Probing the gravitational redshift with an Earth-orbiting satellite
Towards Real-Time GNSS Reflectometry Using Kalman Filtering
VLBI with GNSS signals on intercontinental baselines
RadioAstron gravitational redshift experiment: Status update
Software defined radio for ground and airborne GNSS reflectometry
Inverse modeling of reflected GNSS signals for measurement of the environment
Bestimmung von Messunsicherheiten mittels Bootstrapping in der Formanalyse
VLBI observations to the APOD satellite
DBBC3 — The new wide-band backend for VLBI
Geodetic VLBI with an artificial radio source on the Moon: a simulation study
Ultra-wideband feed systems for the EVN and SKA - evaluated for VGOS
Kongruenzanalyse auf der Basis originärer Beobachtungen
Coastal Sea Ice Detection Using Ground-Based GNSS-R
Ultra-rapid earth rotation determination with VLBI during CONT11 and CONT14
Sensitivity and Antenna Noise Temperature Analysis of the Feed System for the Onsala Twin Telescopes
The Onsala Twin Telescopes Project
VLBI With GNSS-signals on an Intercontinental Baseline – A progress report
Geometric Variations of a Geodetic Radio Telescope
Initial Estimations of the Lunar Lander Position by OCEL Observations
An IVS Pilot Study for Distributed Correlation in the VGOS era
Unified Model for Surface Fitting of Radio Telescope Reflectors
The Onsala Twin Telescopes: the Status at the Time for the Inauguration
Inverse modeling of ground-based GNSS-r - Results and new possibilities
Identifying optimal tag-along station locations for improving VLBI Intensive sessions
Implementation of VLBI Near-Field Delay Models in the c5++ Analysis Software
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2015–2016
Proposed Establishment of a new Fundamental Geodetic Station in Antarctica
Lunar Observations and Geodetic VLBI – A Simulation Study
Scheduling VLBI observations to satellites with VieVS
Improving GNSS-R sea level determination through inverse modeling of SNR data
Automated Simultaneous Local Ties with GNSS and Robot Tacheometer
Hard and Software Tools for the Education of Geodetic VLBI
Hard- and software tools for the education of Geodetic VLBI
Robust Ambiguity Estimation for an Automated Analysis of the Intensive Sessions
Inverse modelling of GNSS multipath for sea level measurements - initial results
Ground-based GNSS-R solutions by means of software defined radio
Results from the VLBI Analysis Software Comparison Campaign 2015
Strategic Plan of the IVS for the Period 2016-2025
Software-Defined Radio Direct Correlation GNSS Reflectometry by Means of GLONASS
Automated ambiguity estimation for VLBI Intensive sessions using L1-norm
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2014
Contributions of Onsala Space Observatory to GGOS
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center Activities during 2014
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2014
Scheduling of VLBI observations to satellites with the Vienna VLBI Software (VieVS)
Combining VLBI and GPS for inter-continental frequency transfer
Automated analysis of Kokee–Wettzell intensive sessions
GLONASS-VLBI: Onsala-Wettzell test observations
Combining VLBI and GPS for inter-continental frequency transfer
Twin Telescopes at Onsala and Wettzell and their contribution to the VGOS System
First 230? GHz VLBI fringes on 3C 279 using the APEX Telescope (Research Note)
Combining GPS and VLBI for inter-continental frequency transfer
Twin Telescope and Tide Gauge Plans for the Onsala Space Observatory
Twin Telescope and Tide Gauge Plans for the Onsala Space Observatory
Direct VLBI Observations of Global Navigation Satellite System Signals
Observations and analysis of phase scintillation of spacecraft signal on the interplanetary plasma
Sea level measurements using multi-frequency GPS and GLONASS observations
GLONASS-R: GNSS reflectometry with an FDMA based satellite navigation system
Establishment of an Official Tide Gauge Station at the Onsala Space Observatory
Observing satellites with VLBI radio telescopes - practical realization at Wettzell
Co-locations of Space Geodetic Techniques on Ground and in Space
Sea level observations using multi-system GNSS reflectometry
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2013
New Progress in VLBI tracking of GNSS satellites at GFZ
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center Activities during 2013
Going digital – the transition at Onsala from Mark4 to DBBC
The Wettzell-Onsala G130128 experiment – VLBI-observations of a GLONASS satellite
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2013
Automated IVS Reference Point Monitoring - First Experience from the Onsala Space Observatory
GNSS for global Earth observation: an update from the European coordination action Gfg²
Co-location of space geodetics techniques in Space and on the ground
Coastal Sea Level Measurements Using a Single Geodetic GPS Receiver
GNSS for global environmental Earth observation
Zonal Love and Shida numbers estimated by VLBI
4-station ultra-rapid EOP experiment with e-VLBI technique and automated correlation/analysis
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station
The Onsala Twin Telescope Project
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Evaluation of GNSS Monument Stability
Sea Level Records from Geodetic GPS Receivers: a New Coastal Sea Level Dataset
Remote Sensing of the Coastal Ocean with Standard Geodetic GNSS-Equipment
The Swedish Fundamental Geodetic Station at the Onsala Space Observatory: Status in Early 2012
VLBI Frequency Transfer using CONT11
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Multi-technique comparisons of 10 years of wet delay estimates on the west coast of Sweden
Fully automated multi-baseline ambiguity resolution and analysis
Organization, Correlation, and First Results of CONT11
Consistent height transformations between geodetic and meteorologic reference systems
Automated analysis of dUT1 from IVS Intensive sessions
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Reports of IERS Components: International VLBI Service (IVS)
Monitoring coastal sea level using reflected GNSS signals
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Monitoring coastal sea level with reflected GNSS signals
Three months of local sea level derived from reflected GNSS signals
The GPS Tide Gauge Problem Revisited
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Near Field VLBI experiments with EVN radio telescopes
Near real-time monitoring of UT1 with geodetic VLBI
Sea Level Derived from Reflected GNSS Signals
Single baseline GLONASS observations with VLBI: data processing and first results
VLBI-derived troposphere parameters during CONT08
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center
Sea-Level Analysis Using 100 Days of Reflected GNSS Signals
Multi-technique comparison of troposphere zenith delays and gradients during CONT08
Ultra rapid dUT1 estimations from e-VLBI sessions
Planning of an experiment for VLBI tracking of GNSS satellites
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Experience with the GNSS-based tide gauge at the Onsala Space Observatory
COLDMAGICS – Continuous Local Deformation Monitoring of an Arctic Geodetic Fundamental Station
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Fennoscandian strain rates from BIFROST GPS: A gravitating, thick-plate approach
Ultra-raid dUT1 Measurements on Japan-Fenoscandian Baselines - Application to 24-hour Sessions
Tracking of GLONASS satellites by VLBI radio telescopes
Cryogenic integration of 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed in wideband receiver for VLBI 2010
Impact of atmospheric turbulence on geodetic very long baseline interferometry
VLBI and GPS-based Time-Transfer Using Cont08 Data
VLBI time-transfer using CONT08 data
High-rate local sea level monitoring with a GNSS-based tide gauge
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Technology Development Center
Cryogenic 2-14GHz low noise receiver for radio astronomy using Eleven feed
Ultra-Rapid DUT1-Observations with E-VLBI
GPS L1 Reflections from Seawater Observed with the GNSS-Based Tide Gauge
Site Dependent Effects in GNSS-Observations - Reflections as Disturbances and/or Signals
Sea Level Monitoring Using a GNSS-Based Tide Gauge
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center
The 2008 Local-tie Survey at the Onsala Space Observatory
Progress Report of the IVS VLBI2010 Committee
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station
Simulations of Different Antenna Velocities in VLBI Networks
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Design Aspects of the VLBI2010 System
An Assessment of Atmospheric Turbulence for CONT05 and CONT08
Atmospheric VLBI: A method to validate long time series of water vapour content
Considerations on the observation of GNSS-signals with the VLBI2010 system
e-VLBI related activities at Onsala Space Observatory
Sea Level Monitoring Using a GNSS-Based Tide Gauge
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Ultra-rapid UT1 measurements by e-VLBI
Report on the Fennoscandian-Japanese Project for Near Real-Time UT1-Obserations With E-VLBI
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
Modeling Tropospheric Delays with Atmospheric Turbulence Models
Space Geodesy at Yebes: Station Motion from VLBI and GPS
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Recent Progress in the VLBI2010 Development
Development of e-VLBI Technologies for Ultra-rapid UT1 Measurement
Geodetic VLBI in Northern Europe - Status and Vision
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Modeling thermal deformation of VLBI antennas with a new temperature model
Simulations of atmospheric path delays using turbulence models
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
WVR calibration applied to European VLBI observing sessions
e-VLBI data transfer from Onsala and Metsähovi to the Bonn correlator
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
SATTRACK - A Satellite Tracking Module for the VLBI Field System
GPS on the VLBI Telescopes at Onsala and Ny-Ålesund
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Investigating High-Frequency Earth Orientation Variations with Continuous Geodetic VLBI Campaigns
Thermal Deformation of Radio Telescopes Onsala and Wettzell
Multi-technique comparison of tropospheric zenith delays derived during the CONT02 campaign
Sub-diurnal earth rotation variations from the VLBI CONT02 campaign
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Crustal Deformation in South America from GPS and VLBI
Thermal Deformation of VLBI Antennas
The 2002 Local Tie at the Onsala Space Observatory
Chalmers Contributions to TOUGH
An Investigation of Water Vapor Trends in Europe
Determination of Local Ties at Ny-Ålesund
Determination of tropospheric parameters within the new IVS Pilot Project
Industriemesssysteme zur Qualitätssteigerung von VLBI-Ergebnissen
Calculating Mapping Functions from the HIRLAM Numerical Weather Prediction Model
Analysis, strategies and software for geodetic VLBI
IVS Tropospheric Parameters - Comparison with DORIS and GPS for CONT02
Investigations of High-Frequency Earth Rotation Variations from VLBI CONT Observations
Comparison of Ionospheric Activity Derived from GPS and Different VLBI Networks
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
The Geodetic VLBI Network Station at the Onsala Space Observatory – Activities During 2002 –
The IVS-Reference Point at Onsala - High End Solution for a Real 3D-Determination -
Recent crustal movements observed with the European VLBI network: geodetic analysis and results
MM5 derived ZWDs compared to observational results from VLBI, GPS and WVR
Large-scale strain-rates in Europe derived from observations in the European geodetic VLBI network
Tidal Effects and Space Geodetic Techniques
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Showing 5 research projects
RISOTTO (Real-time Interferometry Science with Onsala Twin Telescope Observations)
Utvärdering och nyttoanalys av en rikstäckande InSAR-tjänst
Synergies on VLBI-GNSS Geodetic Determination Tracking GNSS satellites with VLBI (15-P27)