Helena Strömberg
Helena Strömberg studies the role that design of products and services can play for creating the preconditions for sustainable everyday activities. She applies user-centred design methodology to explore which new demands emerge when products and services should enable new sustainable ways of solving people's everyday needs, function as a part of sharing schemes or product service systems, or support more resource efficient interaction patterns. The goal is to find ways of facilitating adoption of sustainable innovations and activities. The central application area is sustainable mobility. Helena is also the Director of Chalmers Master's programme in Industrial Design Engineering.

Showing 81 publications
Who saves energy and why? Analysing diverse behaviours in 27 European countries
Designerly contributions to energy sufficiency – a narrative review and exploration of possibilities
Nostalgia, gift, or nice to have – an analysis of unused products in Swedish households
The role of gender, age, and income in demand side management acceptance: a literature review
Finding that elusive bell and other issues - experiences from starting to cycle during a pandemic
From vision to reality: How service design processes shape Mobility as a Service offerings
Designing the S in MaaS: Behind the scenes and beyond the screens
How to Manage Social Order in Shared Automated Vehicles
Making dinner in an uncomfortable future: Comparing provocations as user insight elicitation methods
Exploring Renewable Energy Futures through Household Energy Resilience
Behavioural insight to promote reusable cups; a field study to reduce the use of single-use cups.
Levels of what? Investigating drivers' understanding of different levels of automation in vehicles
Capable and considerate: Exploring the assigned attributes of an automated vehicle
New mobilities: A workshop on mobility beyond the car
Enacting metaphors to explore relations and interactions with automated driving systems
Exploring automated vehicle driving styles as a source of trust information
HMI of autonomous vehicles - more than meets the eye
Use to Use - a User Perspective on Product Circularity
Re-framing Product Circularity from a User Perspective
Electric bicycle adoption – opportunities and requirements
Electric Bicycle Adoption: Opportunities and Requirements
Design for alternative ways of doing – explorations in the context of thermal comfort
Trying on change – Trialability as a change moderator for sustainable travel behaviour
Electric bicycle adoption – drivers and barriers from a user perspective
What a designer can change: a proposal for a categorisation of artefact-related aspects
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) ur ett individ- och kundperspektiv
Enhancing Utilitarian Cycling: A Case Study
Living Room on the Move: Autonomous Vehicles and Social Experiences
Experiences from a Field Trial of UbiGo: The case of Mobility as a Service
Mapping out the design opportunities: pathways of sustainable behaviour
Eco-driving: Drivers’ understanding of the concept and implications for future interventions
An Innovative Mobility Service to Facilitate Changes in Travel Behavior and Mode Choice
UbiGo – Results from a Swedish example of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
An Innovative Solution to the Seamless Journey? Findings from the Go:Smart Project
UbiGo – en heltäckande tjänst för smartare vardagsresande som testas i projektet Go:Smart
Eco-driving in a public transport context. Experiences from a field trial
Hur formar människan elbilen och hur formar den oss?
Finding the Designer's Role(s) in Sustainability
Design for Sustainable Behaviour: A Toolbox for Targeting the Use Phase
A Travel Broker for Seamless Everyday Mobility
How will car users shape electromobility and how will electromobility shape users?
En bredare väg till hållbara transporter: En studie av förares syn på sparsam körning
Eco-driving in a public transport context. Experiences from a field trial.
Pathways of Sustainable Behaviours
Design for Sustainable Behaviour – A User Centred Approach to Energy Efficiency
Target the Use Phase! Design for Sustainable Behaviour.
Driving it home! Exploring and enhancing the adoption of eco-driving
Drivers, Electric Cars, and HMI: A Human Factors Approach
Driver Interfaces for Electric Vehicles
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Showing 14 research projects
COVID19 – mediating a transition to more sustainable transport
Campus MaaS - A tool for transition?
Designing Everyday Energy Resilience
MoJo - Demonstration of a sustainable mobility service (MaaS) for employees at Campus Johanneberg
Lindholmen Integrated Mobility Arena (LIMA)
Societal Readiness Levels for Autonomous Vehicles
Designing for appropriate trust between driver and AV - TRUST
Users' understanding of autonomou vehicles - DAUT
A User Perspective on Product Life-Cycles
HMI design for automated vehicles - HATric
Optimise Citizen Mobility and Freight Management in Urban Environments (OPTICITIES)
SIDVI-Safe and Integrated Driver-Vehicle Interface