Morten Fjeld
Morten Fjeld är professor i Human Computer Interaction (HCI).

Visar 148 publikationer
XRPublicSpectator: Towards Public Mixed Reality Viewing in Collocated Asymmetric Groups
AiCommentator: A Multimodal Conversational Agent for Embedded Visualization in Football Viewing
RedirectedDoors+: Door-Opening Redirection with Dynamic Haptics in Room-Scale VR
Exploring Intended Functions of Indoor Flying Robots Interacting With Humans in Proximity
Understanding Dementia Speech: Towards an Adaptive Voice Assistant for Enhanced Communication
HAID: Human-AI Interaction for Dementia Care
Substituting Animals with Biohybrid Robots: Speculative Interactions with Animal-Robot Hybrids
Virtuality or Physicality? Supporting Memorization Through Augmented Reality Gamification
HybridMingler: Towards Mixed-Reality Support for Mingling at Hybrid Conferences
RedirectedDoors: Redirection while Opening Doors in Virtual Reality
An Initial Exploration of Visual Cues in Head-Mounted Display Augmented Reality for Book Searching
360TourGuiding: Towards Virtual Reality Training for Tour Guiding
Augmented Reality with Industrial Process Tomography: To Support Complex Data Analysis in 3D Space
PACMHCI V5, ISS, November 2021 Editorial
Affective colormap design for accurate visual comprehension in industrial tomography
VXSlate: Combining head movement and mobile touch for large virtual display interaction
Welcome to the Adjunct Proceedings of ISS 2021.
Agent archetypes for human-drone interaction: Social robots or objects with intent?
The design of social drones: A review of studies on autonomous flyers in inhabited environments
CamCutter: Impromptu Vision-Based Cross-Device Application Sharing
ScaffoMapping: Assisting concept mapping for video learners
GazeLens: Guiding Attention to Improve Gaze Interpretation in Hub-Satellite Collaboration
Digimetaplan: Supporting facilitated brainstorming for distributed business teams
Towards materials for computational heirlooms: Blockchains and wristwatches
WristOrigami: Exploring foldable design for multi-display smartwatch
Understanding grassroots sports gamification in the wild
MoveSpace: On-body athletic interaction for running and cycling
AdapTable: Extending Reach over Large Tabletops through Flexible Multi-Display Configuration
EDITalk: Towards designing eyes-free interactions for mobile word processing
Social drone companion for the home environment: A user-centric exploration
ReTool: Interactive Microtask and Workflow Design through Demonstration
Preface - Proceeding of the ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST 2017
Immersive environment for distributed creative collaboration
Exploring proxemics for human-drone interaction
LabDesignAR: Configuring multi-camera motion capture systems in augmented reality
Defining gestural interactions for large vertical touch displays
Using variable movement resistance sliders for remote discrete input
Using Crowdsourcing for Scientific Analysis of Industrial Tomographic Images
Scale Stain: Multi-Resolution Feature Enhancement in Pathology Visualization
RAMPARTS: Supporting Sensemaking with Spatially-Aware Mobile Interactions
Towards an agenda for Sci-Fi inspired HCI research
Understanding Design for Automated Image Analysis in Digital Pathology
Mediated Reality Mirror: Towards a Study with Autistic Users
Real walking in virtual environments for factory planning and evaluation
Ubitile: A Finger-Worn I/O Device for Tabletop Vibrotactile Pattern Authoring
A fuzzy data-based model for Human-Robot Proxemics
Interactive Surfaces for Collaborative Software Design
WAVI: Improving motion capture calibration using haptic and visual feedback
NowAndThen: a Social Network-based Photo Recommendation Tool Supporting Reminiscence
Towards Leaning Aware Interaction with Multi-touch Tabletops
HaptiColor: Interpolating Color Information as Haptic Feedback to Assist the Colorblind
How would you gesture navigate a drone? A user-centered approach to control a drone
Ubitile: A Finger-Worn I/O Device for Tabletop Vibrotactile Pattern Authoring
Designing robotic teaching assistants: Interaction design students’ and children’s views
Ad hoc encounters with big data: Engaging citizens in conversations around tabletops
Map Navigation Using a Wearable Mid-air Display
Volvo single view of vehicle: Building a big data service from scratch in the automotive industry
OmniVib: Towards cross-body spatiotemporal vibrotactile notifications for mobile phones
A comparative study of input devices for digital slide navigation
Visualizing Single-Camera Reprojection Errors Using Diffusion
Science Fiction and the Reality of HCI: Inspirations, Achievements or a Mismatch
Low-cost Experimental Setups for Mid-air 3D Reconstruction
Automated Component Testing of Evolutionary Software: An Industry Example
Slide navigation patterns among pathologists with long experience of digital review
A drone agent to support a clean environment
Gesture Bike: Examining Projection Surfaces and Turn Signal Systems for Urban Cycling
Untangling running: designing for real-life runner experiences
Exploring diminished reality (DR) spaces to augment the attention of individuals with autism
Emergent Interfaces: Constructive Assembly of Identical Units
RUFUS: Remote supporter feedback for long-distance runners
Using video preferences to understand the human perception of real and fictional robots
Interaction in Motion with Mobile Projectors: Design Considerations
ChromaGlove: A wearable haptic feedback device for colour recognition
Thaddeus: A dual device interaction space for exploring information visualisation
Limiting trial and error: Introducing a systematic approach to designing clutching
Smart Flashlight: Map Navigation Using a Bike-mounted Projector
MochaTop: Building ad-hoc data spaces with multiple devices
SubRosa: Supporting a proper learning atmosphere through subtle cues with immediate feedback
Notes from the front lines: Lessons learnt from designing for improving medical imaging data sharing
Examining interactive surfaces for maritime operations
Multistatus Interaktionsgeräte für interaktive Tische
Tangible tabletops for emergency response: an exploratory study
Holy smartphones and tablets, Batman! Mobile interaction's dynamic Duo
Tabletops: Interactive Horizontal Surfaces
SEMarbeta: Mobile sketch-gesture-video remote support for car drivers
Exploring User Motivations for Eyes-free Interaction on Mobile Devices
Tabletops: Interactive Horizontal Displays for Ubiquitous Computing
Dual Mode IR Position and State Transfer for Tangible Tabletops
Multi-State Device Tracking for Tangible Tabletops
From Table–System to Tabletop: Integrating Technology into Interactive Surfaces
Collaborative Whiteboard: Towards Remote CollaBoration and Interaction in Construction Design
Towards Solving the Missing Marker Problem in Realtime Motion Capture
A Short History of Tabletop Research, Technologies, and Products
On the Tabletop: Tangibles for Creative Problem Solving and Learning
DGTS: Integrated Typing and Pointing
Epistemic action: a measure for cognitive support in tangible user interfaces?
2D/3D Web Transitions: Methods And Techniques
CERMIT: Co-located and Remote Collaborative System for Emergency Response Management
Predicting Missing Markers in Real-Time Optical Motion Capture
Softly Elastic Device for 6DOF Input
CERMIT: Collaborative Training Technology for Emergency Response Managemen
BounceSlider: Actuated Sliders for Music Performance and Composition
Epistemic action: a measure for cognitive support in tangible user interfaces?
Real-Time 3D Hand Interaction: Optimization and Complexity Reduction
Tangible User Interfaces for Creative Problem Solving, Collaboration, and Learning
Ortholumen: Using Light for Direct Tabletop Input
3DVN: A Mixed Reality Platform for Mobile Navigation Assistance
Mobile Internet User Experience in the Western World: Cost-Benefit Estimation
Expert Habits vs. UI Improvements: Re-Design of a Room Booking System
One-Dimensional Force Feedback Slider: Digital Platform
Real-Time 3D Hand Interaction: Single Webcam Low-Cost Approach
Tangible User Interface for Chemistry Education: Comparative Evaluation and Re-Design
Exploring potential usability gaps when switching mobile phones: An empirical study
Feel the Beat: Direct Manipulation of Sound during Playback
Proceedings First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems
Touch&Type: a novel pointing device for notebook computers
One-dimensional force feedback slider: going from an analogue to a digital platform
Tabletop Interaction: Research Alert
Force Feedback Slider: An interactive device for learning dynamic system behavior
Tangible User Interface for Chemistry Education: Visualization, Portability, and Database
Usability and Collaborative Aspects of Augmented Reality
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
AccessTable: Tillgängligheten av Skärmbaserade Arbetsytor och Samarbetsverktyg
The Rise of Social Drones: A Constructive Research Agenda
WASP - Interaction and Communication with Autonomous Agents in Sensor-Rich Environments
Vision-baserade interaktiva system: Industriell Tillämpning
Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis (DIVA)