Robert Thomson
Min forskning inom trafiksäkerhet började 1988 när jag påbörjade mina doktorandstudier på University of British Columbia i Accident Research-gruppen i Vancouver. Sedan dess har jag arbetat inom nästan alla områden av väg- och trafiksäkerhet. Krocktester, olycksanalys, numerisk modellering och experimentella studier för att förstå varför och hur vi skadas i en krasch.

Visar 74 publikationer
Pedestrian trajectory prediction method based on the Social-LSTM model for vehicle collision
Analysis of control strategies for VIVA OpenHBM with active refexive neck muscles
Using occurrence data to map the elements of a risk model
Kinematics Evaluation of Female Head-Neck Model with Reflexive Neck Muscles in Low-Speed Rear Impact
The European Road Safety Decision Support System on Risks and Measures
Implementation and Calibration of Active Reflexive Cervical Muscles on Female Head-Neck Model
Analyses of injuries to equestrians in a Swedish district over a 16-year period
Analysis of SHRP2 Data to Understand Normal and Abnormal Driving Behavior in Work Zones
Horse riding injuries and factors for predicting injuries to the head
Horse-related incidents and factors for predicting injuries to the head
Implementation and Calibration of the LS-DYNA PID Controller for Female Cervical Muscles
Comparison of Real Accident and Near Miss Incident of Cyclist Collisions Based on Drive Recorder
Compatibility Assessment: can the current ADAC MPDB test properly assess compatibility?
Assessment of the impact speed and angle conditions for the EN1317 barrier tests
Selection of the most appropriate roadside vehicle restraint system - the SAVeRS project
The Effect of Advanced Automatic Collision Notification (AACN) on Road Fatality Reduction in Sweden
Improved method for roadside barrier length of need modeling using real-world trajectories
The effect of curve geometry on driver behaviour in curves by using naturalistic driving data
EDR Pre-Crash Data: Potential for Applications in Active Safety Testing
EVERSAFE - Overview of Battery Safety and Safe Handling of Damaged Electric Vehicles
FIMCAR Strategies and Priorities for Frontal Impact Compatibility
Car-Car Testing to Establish Compatibility Characteristics
Truck frontal underride protection-compatibility factors influencing passenger car safety
Are Driving and Overtaking on Right Curves More Dangerous than on Left Curves?
Energy-absorbing FUPDs and their interactions with fronts of passenger cars
The Influence of Sub-Frame Geometry on a Vehicle’s Frontal Crash Response
Identifying Critical Road Geometry Parameters Affecting Crash Rate and Crash Type
Influence of Drive Force Distribution on the Lateral Grip and Understeer
Study of Heavy Truck Accidents with Focus on Manoeuvres Causing Loss of Control
On Vehicle Design for Adaptive Front Structure
The Role of Vehicle Design on Structural Interaction
Single-vehicle collisions in Europe: analysis using real-world and crash-test data
The Role of Road Infrastructure on Accident Rate
Car-Car Crash Compatibility: Development of Crash Test Procedures in the VC-COMPAT Project
A study of the interaction between a guardrail post and soil during quasi-static and dynamic loading
Influence of Road Characteristics on Road Safety
Offset Eliminative Map Matching Algorithm for Intersection Active Safety
A Study on Protection of a Weak-Post W-beam Guardrail Anchored in Roadside Gravel
Passenger Vehicle Crash Test Procedure Developments in the VC-Compat Project
Correlation of Vehicle and Roadside Crash Test Injury Criteria
Compatibility between passenger vehicles and road barriers during oblique collisions
Compatibility Issues in the Road Network
Structural adaptivity for acceleration level reduction in passenger car frontal collisions
Use of Harmonised European Accident Data Accident Databases for Roadside Infrastructure
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Visar 14 forskningsprojekt
Övergång till framtidens transportsystem: Planering av flera nivåer för autonoma fordon
Open Access Virtual Testing Protocols for Enhanced Road User Safety (VIRTUAL)
Att skapa en kärn möjliggörare för att utvärdera scenarier av blandad fordonstrafik
Understand Normal and Abnormal Driving Behavior in Work Zones: Phase II
Virtual Vehicle Safety Assessment Step 2: Open Source Human Body Models and Crash Testing (Viva II)
Kartläggning av hästrelaterade skador samt deras orsaker och strategier för prevention
Quantitative Driver Behaviour Modelling for Active Safety Assessment Expansion (QUADRAE)
Analysis of SHRP2 Data to Understand Normal and Abnormal Driving Behavior in Work Zones: Phase I
Driver modelling and cross-cultural analysis of driving styles based on large-scale driving data