Tommy Norberg
Visar 43 publikationer
Economic valuation of hydrogeological information when managing groundwater drawdown
Risk Mapping of Groundwater-Drawdown-Induced Land Subsidence in Heterogeneous Soils on Large Areas
Expert elicitation for deriving input data for probabilistic risk assessment of shipwrecks
Bayesian updating in a fault tree model for shipwreck risk assessment
A framework for Risk Assessment of Groundwater Drawdown Induced Subsidence
A fault tree model to assess probability of contaminant discharge from shipwrecks
VRAKA - Riskbedömning av potentiellt miljöfarliga fartygsvrak
SF Box - A tool for evaluating the effects on soil functions in remediation projects
A minimum data set for evaluating the ecological soil functions in remediation projects
SCORE: Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) for Sustainability Appraisal of Remedial Alternatives
Uncertainty modelling in multi-criteria analysis of water safety measures
Approximate dynamic fault tree calculations for modelling water supply risks
Cost-effectiveness analysis of risk-reduction measures to reach water safety targets
Framework for Value of Information Analysis in Rock Mass Characterization for Grouting Purposes
Comparing risk-reduction measures to reach water safety targets using an integrated fault tree model
Added value in fault tree analyses
Kurs i statistisk dataanalys och tolkning av resultat. Tillämpningar inom förorenad mark
Quantitative risk assessment of water supply systems from source to tap
Fault tree analysis for integrated and probabilistic risk analysis of drinking water systems
Integrated risk analysis from source to tap: Case study Göteborg
Added value in fault tree analysis
Comparing Raw Water Options to Reach Water Safety Targets Using an Integrated Fault Tree Model
Value of Information Analysis in Remedial Investigations
Value of Information Analysis in Remedial Investigations
On the Cost-Effectiveness of Sampling Contaminated Soil: Comparison of Two Models
Calculating the optimal number of contaminant samples by means of data worth analysis
A Bayesian approach to the assessment of contaminant spread. Part I. Discrete case
A Bayesian approach to the assessment of contaminant spread. Part II. Continuous case
On Modelling Discrete Geological Structures as Markov Random Fields
An estimator of the coupling coefficient suitable for partially known Ising lattices
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Riskanalys av hydrogeologiska störningar i undermarksprojekt