Tomas Engström

Showing 212 publications


Rapport för medel erhållna från Fonden för Industrisamverkan inom Chalmers Tekniska Högskola

Tomas Engström, Bo Blomquist
Report - Logistics & Transportation

The Same Problem, the Same Approach to Solve and the Different Target for Solution – Toyota and Volvo Uddevalla

Hikari Nohara, Uich Asao, Eishi Fujita et al
Other conference contribution

Assembly Systems and Work in the Swedish Automotive Industry

Bo Blomquist, Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson et al
Nordic Lights. Work, Management, and Welfare in Scandinavia, p. 225-254
Book chapter

Arbetsplatsrapport enkätundersökning vid Volvo Buss i Borås

Bo Blomquist, Tomas Engström, Margareta Oudhuis
Report - Department of Logistics and Transportation

Arbetsplatsrapport av genomförd enkätundersökning vid Volvo Atlet AB i Mölnlycke

Bo Blomquist, Tomas Engström, Margareta Oudhuis
Report - Logistics & Transportation

Alternativ montering

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Chukyo Keiei Kenkyu (academic japanese journal). Vol. 18 (1), p. 73 - 153
Journal article

Arbetsplatsrapport enkätundersökning vid Volvo Penta Produktion (VPP) februari 2007

Tomas Engström, Bo Blomquist
Report - Logistics & Transportation

Increasing the Degree of Automation in a Production System: Consequences for the physical workload

I. Balogh, K. Ohlsson, G. A. Hansson et al
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol. 36 (4), p. 353 - 365
Journal article

Alternativ montering – Principer och erfarenheter från fordonsindustrin

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo

Redovisning av resultat från enkätundersökning genomförd vid Volvo Personvagnar i Torslanda i juli 2005

Tomas Engström, Bo Blomquist
Report - Logistics & Transportation

Arbetsrapport av genomförd enkätundersökning vid Volvo Lastvagnars fabrik i Umeå 6 december 2004

Tomas Engström, Bo Blomquist
Report - Logistics & Transportation

Utvärdering av Volvo Lastvagnars monteringsfabrik för hyttillverkning i Umeå

Bo Blomquist, Tomas Engström, Edberg Kerstin et al

Arbetsrapport av genomförd enkätundersökning vid Volvo Lastvagnars fabrik i Umeå 3 juli 2004

Bo Blomquist, Tomas Engström
Report - Logistics & Transportation

Some Considerations Relating to the Reintroduction of Assembly Lines in Swedish Automotive Industry

Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo, Tomas Engström
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 24 (8), p. 754 - 772
Journal article

Perspectives on Changes in the Swedish Model for Work Life Development

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Reconstructing the History of the Main Volvo Tuve Plant: Some general trends, reasons and consequences for different assembly system designs

Tomas Engström, Bo Blomquist, Ove Holmstrom
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 24 (8), p. 820-839
Journal article

Linking of User (Tenant) Demands to the (Physical) Building Facility

Tomas Engström, Lars Göran Bergqvist, Jan-Erik Gasslander
Technology, health care, and management in the hospital of the future / edited by Eliezer Geisler, Koos Krabbendam, Roel Schuring, p. 179-197
Book chapter

Technical and Human Aspects of Welding work – Efficiency and ergonomics of two workstations

Kerstina. Ohlsson, Tomas Engström, Gert-Åke Hansson et al
Other conference contribution

An article in Japanese which we cannot possible understand

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo

A Method for Evaluation of Manual Work Using Synchronised Video Recordings and Physiological Measurements

Mikael Forsman, Gert-Åke Hansson, Lars Medbo et al
Applied Ergonomics. Vol. 33 (6), p. 533 - 540
Journal article

Assembly Work Structuring Based on Restructuring and Transformation of Product Information

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Journal of Humanities and social sciences, Nagoya City University; Nagoya (translated into japanese). Vol. 12, p. 279 - 309
Magazine article

The “Health Care Product’s” Infliction on the Network of Health Care Service

Jan-Erik Gasslander, Tomas Engström, Åke Wiklund
Other conference contribution

The Change of Principles for Structuring Assembly Work. A suggestion based on the experiences of Volvo Uddevalla plant

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
I E Review. Vol. 41 (3), p. 77 - 84
Journal article

Proposal of a Master Plan for the Hospital of the Future” by Means of a Modulation of the Health Care Product

Jan-Erik Gasslander, Tomas Engström, Åke Wiklund
Other conference contribution

Utvärdering av kundanpassad arbetstid vid Volvo Personvagnars fabrik i Torslanda

Tomas Engström, Bo Blomquist
Report - Logistics & Transportation

Guidelines for Coupling of the Building Facilities to the External and Internal Demands Generated by the Society

Tomas Engström, Lars Göran Bergqvist, Jan-Erik Gasslander
Other conference contribution

Product and Process Information for Motor Vehicle Assembly: Some Cognitive Engineering Aspects

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

The Interface Between Production System Design and Individual Mechanical Exposure

Nils. F. Pettersson, S.-E. Mathiassen, J Winkel et al
Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, Zandin, K., ed., p. 6.99-6.109
Book chapter

Alternative Product Structures and Product Variant Codification: Experiences from reforming the assembly line – possibilities for physical and administrative modularisation

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
The CoCKEAS workshop New Principles of Productive Organisation: Innovation and Modular Production , GATE, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon 15-16 March 2001
Magazine article

Brukarmedverkan vid planering-, bygg- och förvaltningsprocesser inom högskoleväsendet - Några erfarenheter, paralleller och reflektioner

Tomas Engström, Lars Göran Bergqvist, Jan-Erik Gasslander et al
Arbete människa miljö (1), p. 41 - 61
Journal article

Principer och metoder för information- och arbetsstrukturering”

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Användarperspektivet. Strategier för att förstärka samspel mellan användare och utvecklare, Olsson, B (ed.), Sveriges Innovationsmyndighet, VINNOVA, Vinnova rapporter Vr 2001:18,, p. 37 - 44
Book chapter

Illuminating and Analysing the Performance of the Defunct Volvo Uddevalla plant

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

The “Industrial Product” Versus “the Facility Product”: A framework for crystallizing the health care service of tomorrow

Jan-Erik Gasslander, Tomas Engström, Åke Wiklund
Other conference contribution

Utvärdering av kundanpassad arbetstid vid Volvo Lastvagnar i Tuve

Tomas Engström, Bo Blomquist
Report - Department of Logistics and Transportation

ANNIE, a Tool for Integrating Ergonomics in the Design of Car Interiors

Lars Hanson, G. Adreoni, Rainer Palm et al
SAE Transactions – Journal of Materials and Manufacturing. Technical Paper 1999-01-3372. Reprinted From: Proceedings of the 1999 SAE Southern Automotive Manufacturing., p. 1-11
Paper in proceeding

The Method of Successive Assembly System Design: Six cases studies within the Swedish automotive industry

Tomas Engström, A Gunarsekaran, Dan Jonsson et al
Agile Manufacturing: 21st Century Manufacturing Strategy, Gunarsekaran A. (ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers, p. 621-642
Book chapter

Implications of Product Architecture and Product Descriptions on External and Internal Materials Flow Subsystems

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Implication of the Design of Materials Flow Subsystem: Some illustrations

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson
TRILOG-Europe End Report. TNO-report TNO Inro. Delff, Netherlands
Book chapter

Cycle Time Variation in an Ergonomic and Production Efficiency Context

Steve Kihlberg, Tomas Engström, Svend-Erik Mathiassen et al
Other conference contribution

Unemployment and Associations with Sense of Coherence and Ill Health

Thomas Sandberg, Jan Johansson Hanse, Tomas Engström
International Research Conference on Health Hazards and Challenges in the New Working Life, p. 5-
Paper in proceeding

Några reflektioner om tvär- respektive mångvetenskap”. Arbete människa miljö

Tomas Engström, Ohlsson Kerstina, Staffan Skerfving
Arbete människa miljö & Nordisk Ergonomi (1), p. 4 - 13
Magazine article

Annie, a Tool for Integrating Ergonomics in the Design of Car Interiors

Lars Hansson, Roland Axelsson, G Adreoni et al
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of Manual Work by Synchronising Video-recordings and Physiological Measurements

Mikael Forsman, Tomas Engström, Gert-Åke Hansson et al
Other conference contribution

A Swedish industrial research program 'Co-operative for Optimization of industrial production systems regarding Productivity and Ergonomics' (COPE)

Jörgen Winkel, Marita Christmansson, Henrik Cyren et al
American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol. Supplement 1, p. 82-85
Journal article

Sense of Coherence and Ill Health Among the Unemployed and Re-employed After Closure of an Assembly Plant

Jan Johansson Hanse, Tomas Engström
Work and Stress. Vol. 13 (3), p. 204-222
Journal article

Developments in Assembly System Design: The Volvo Experience

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Coping with Variety: Flexible Production Systems for Product Variety in the Automobile Industry; Lung, Y., Chanaron, J. J., Fujimoto, T. and Raff, D. (eds.); Ashgate, Aldershot, p. 192-223
Book chapter

Implications of Product Architecture and Product Description on External and Internal Materials Subsystems

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Den monteringsrelaterade produktbeskrivningen – En förutsättning för effektiv montering

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Designjournalen. Vol. 6 (1), p. 42 - 49
Magazine article

Technical and Human Aspects of Welding Work - Analysis of Efficiency and Ergonomics of Two Work Stations

Tomas Engström, Gert-Åke Hansson, Therese Möller et al
Other conference contribution

Variability in Skin Exposure in Machine Operators Exposed to Cutting Fluids

Ola Wassenius, Bengt Järvholm, Tomas Engström et al
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. Vol. 24 (2), p. 125 - 129
Journal article

Summing up Theme Programme Financed by the Swedish Transport and Communication Research Board, KFB

Tomas Engström
Report - Department of Logistics and Transportation

Principer och realiteter – Projekteringen av Volvos bilfabrik i Uddevalla

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Lennart Nilsson
Edited book

Eye and Body Movements Characterized by Synchronized Sampling

Lars Hansson, K Holmqvist, S Sjölander et al
Other conference contribution

Mannequin Properties Desired for Ergonomic Evaluation of Car Interiors

Lars Hansson, K Holmqvist, S Sjölander et al
Other conference contribution

The Volvo Uddevalla Plant and Interpretations of Industrial Design Processes

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Integrated Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 9 (5), p. 279 - 295
Journal article

Task Specific Exposure Information as a Basis for Production System Design

Henrik Cyrén, Marita Christmansson, Tomas Engström et al
Other conference contribution

Work and Work Place Design Using Empirical Shoop Floor Information and Virtual Reality Techniques

Davies Roy, Lars Medbo, Tomas Engström et al
Other conference contribution

Data Collection and Analysis of Manual Work Using Video Recording and Personal Computer Techniques

Tomas Engström, Per Medbo
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol. 19 (4), p. 291-298
Journal article

Automotive Industry

Tomas Engström, Dag Brune, Dan Jonsson et al
The Workplace – Major industries and occupations, Vol. 2, Brune, D., Gerhardsson, G., Crockford, G. W. and Norbäck, D. (eds.), International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), International Labour Office Geneva, Scandinavian Science Publisher, Oslo,, p. 548-565
Book chapter

Utveckling av metoder för integrerad registrering och analys av arbetsmiljö- och produktionsfaktorer (IRAP)

Ola Wassenius, Bengt Järvholm, Tomas Engström et al
Report - University of Gothenburg

Successive Assembly System Design Based on disassembly of Products

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Finns det möjligheter att integrera ergonomiska aspekter vid utformningen av produktionssystem genom ett tvär- och mångvetenskapligt samarbete?

Tomas Engström, Jan Johansson Hanse, Lars Medbo
Arbete Människa Miljö & Nordisk Ergonomi. Vol. 4, p. 212 - 220
Magazine article

Developing Unique Production and Work Structuring Principles Trough a Creative Search and Learning Process: The Uddevalla Final Assembly Plant

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson
Enquiry on Emerging Patterns of Qualification and Learning in Modern Manufacturing Industries, Eurotecnet, the Commission of European Communities, p. 130 - 148
Book chapter

Production Models and Social Contexts

Dan Jonsson, Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Ergonomics in Parallelized Car Assembly: A Case Study with References Also to Productivity Aspects

Roland Kadefors, Tomas Engström, Jan Petzäll et al
Applied Ergonomics. Vol. 27 (2), p. 101 - 110
Journal article

Analysis of Relationship Between Dermal Contact with Fluids and Machine Operator Productivity

Ola Wassenius, Linnea Lillienberg, Bengt Järvholm et al
Other conference contribution

Alternatives to Line Assembly: Some Swedish examples

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Bertil Johansson
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol. 17 (3), p. 235-245
Journal article

Production Model Discourse and Experiences from the Swedish Automotive Industry

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 16 (2), p. 141 - 158
Journal article

Work Organization, Ergonomics and Musculosketal Symptoms Among Workers Performing Long Cycle Time Assembly Work

Tomas Engström, Jan Johansson Hanse, Roland Kadefors
Other conference contribution

Avrapportering av projekt ”Dokumentation av Volvo Personvagnars slutmonteringsfabrik i Uddevalla”

Tomas Engström
Report - Department of Logistics and Transportation

Två utvecklingslinjer för integrerade materialflöden

Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson, Dan Jonsson
KFB Kommuniké
Magazine article

Inter-Relation Between Product Variant Codification and Assembly Work for Flexible Manufacturing in Autonomous Group

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Per Medbo et al
Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Vol. 52, p. 133 - 140
Journal article

Finns det en skandinavisk produktionsmodell?

Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson, Dan Jonsson
KFB Kommuniké (3), p. 12 - 14
Magazine article

Production System Design – A brief summarisation of some Swedish efforts

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Perspectives on Volvo´s Uddevalla plant as an alternative to Lean production, Sandberg, Å. (ed.), Avebury, Aldershot, p. 61-73
Book chapter

Empirical Evaluation of the Reformed Assembly Work at the Volvo Uddevalla Plant. Psychosocial effects and performance aspects

Tomas Engström, Jan Johansson Hanse, Dan Jonsson et al
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol. 16 (16), p. 293-308
Journal article

Kalmar, Uddevalla and Beyond: Volvos factories of the future

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Alternativ till det löpande bandet – Produktions principer i Volvos slutmonteringsfabrik i Uddevalla

Tomas Engström
Arbetsmiljödagar 1994, Program och skriftliga sammanfattningar, Dahlner, B. (ed.), Arbetsmiljöinstitutet, AI, Stockholm
Magazine article

Produktionssystem som tar människan till utgångspunkt vid förnyelse av teknik

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Bertil Johansson et al
Nordisk Ergonomi i forskning och praksis (3), p. 2 - 7
Magazine article

Finns det en vidareutveckling av Volvos Uddevallafabrik?

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Design Assumptions and Empirical Evidence Concerning Parallellized Long Work-Cycle Assembly

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Bertil Johansson
Other conference contribution

Extended Work Cycle Assembly - A crucial learning experience

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo, Dan Jonsson
The International journal of human factors in manufacturing. Vol. 4 (3), p. 293-303
Journal article

Layout Planning and Work Structuring Methods for Parallelized Flow Assembly Work

Tomas Engström, Bertil Johansson
Other conference contribution

Development of Assembly Competence in Parallelized Flow Assembly Systems

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Intra–group Work Patterns in Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Vol. 14 (3), p. 101 - 113
Journal article

La reforme du Travail Industriel Principes et Realites de la Planification d´Usine de Montage d´Automobiles Volvo a Uddevalla

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Lennart Nilsson
Permanent Group for the Study of Automobile Industry and its Employees, Universite d´Évry-Val d´Éssonne – Centre de Rechearches Historiques, the International Network Gerpisa, Paris
Magazine article

Finns det en specifik svensk produktionsmodell

Tomas Engström, Bertil Johansson
Other conference contribution

Performance of Industrial Buildings – Pilot study in Bilprovningen plant Aröd

Ekström O, Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström et al
Report - Avdelningen för Industriplanering, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola

Evaluation Methods for Assembly Work and Product Design in Radically Different Production Systems: Results from case studies and action research in Swedish industry

Tomas Engström, Anders Lundberg, Lars Medbo
Productivity & Quality Management Frontiers – IV, Proceedings 4th Int. Conference on Productivity & Quality Research, Miami; Suthmanth, D. J., Edosomwan, J. A., Poupart, R. and Sink, D. S. (eds.), Industrial Engineering and Management Press, Norcross, Georgia. Vol. 2, p. 333 - 342
Paper in proceeding

Produktionsätt för framtiden

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Lennart Nilsson
Göteborgsposten 21 april 1993
Magazine article

Produktionssystem som tar människan till utgångspunkt vid förnyelse av teknik

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson et al
Nordisk Ergonomi i forskning och praksis (3), p. 2-7
Magazine article

Principles of Perception and Structuring of Long Cycle Time Assembly Work

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson
Other conference contribution

Naturally Grouped Assembly Work and New Product Structures

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 7 (4/5), p. 302 - 313
Journal article

Design Criteria and Production Principles for Parallelized Flow Assembly Work

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Some Important Principles and Findings Concerning Long Cycle Time Assembly Work

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Intra–group Work Patterns in Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Musculoskeletal Symptoms, Ergonomic Aspects and Psychosocial Factors in Two Different Truck Assembly Concepts

Jan Johansson Hanse, Roland Kadefors, Sigvard Rubenowitz et al
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol. 12 (1-2), p. 35-48
Journal article

Method Aspects on Multi–level Interactive Work Process Mapping

Henrik Brynzér, Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

An Assembly-Oriented Product Description System as a Precondition for Efficient Manufacturing with Long Cycle Time Work

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo, Dan Jonsson
Productivity & Quality Management Frontiers – IV, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Productivity & Quality Research, Miami, Vol. 2, Suthmanth, D. J., Edosomwan, J. A., Poupart, R. and Sink, D. S. (eds.), Industrial Engineering and Management Press, Norcross, Georgia (453 – 462)
Paper in proceeding

Reorganisation of Material Flow for Natural Grouped Assembly Work – Some principles and results from action research

Tomas Engström
International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 8 (3/4), p. 384 - 395
Journal article

Reflective Production in the Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles - An Emerging Swedish Challenge

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson et al
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 12 (7/8), p. 117-133
Journal article

Musculoskeletal Complaints, Ergonomic Aspects and Psychosocial Factors in Two Different Truck Assembly Concepts

Tomas Engström, Jan Johansson Hanse, Mats Johansson et al
Other conference contribution

Materialflödesmönster och effektivitet vid serieproduktion – Förutsättningar för utveckling av det svenska monteringsarbetet

Tomas Engström, Johansson Bertil, Lars Medbo
Arbete människa miljö (4), p. 197 - 208
Magazine article

Preconditions for Long Cycle Time Assembly and Its Management – Some Findings

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 12 (7/8), p. 134-146
Journal article

Some Findings from Learning of Assembly Work in Sweden

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Ulf Karlsson
Other conference contribution

Produktionsteknisk dimension i förändring av monteringsarbete. Nordisk Ergonomi i Forskning och Praktik

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Nordisk Ergonomi i Forskning och Praktik. Nordiska Ergonomisällskapet (4), p. 4 - 5
Magazine article

Principles and Promises of Reflective Production

Tomas Engström, Dan Jonsson, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Material Flow Patterns, Product Variants and Long Cycle Time Assembly

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Design Analysis by Means of Axonometric Hand–drawn Illustrations

Tomas Engström, Mikael Hedin, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

The Possibilities of Lean Production – A comparison between different product flow concepts in the automotive industry

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson et al
Other conference contribution

Reflektiv produktion – Industriell verksamhet i förnyelse

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Johansson Bertil et al

Management and Preconditions for Long Cycle Time Assembly: Some Findings

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Other conference contribution

Future Assembly Work – Natural Grouping

Tomas Engström
Other conference contribution

Produktionsteknisk, psykosocial och belastningsergonomisk studie av Produktionsarbetsplatser

Roland Kadefors, Sigvard Rubenowitz, Jan Johansson Hanse et al
Report - University of Gothenburg

Förändring av industriell praxis till funktionella förebilder

Tomas Engström
Arbetsliv i utveckling – Om forskarstött förändringsarbete, Arbetsvetenskapliga Kollegiet i Göteborg. Göteborg, sid 25 - 37
Book chapter

Förstudie SKF

Tomas Engström, Håkan Sporrong
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Slutrapport

D Danhäll, Tomas Engström, Mikael Hedin et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Material Flow Analysis, Sociotechnology and Natural Grouped Assembly Work for Automobiles and Trucks

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Research and Development in Work and Technology, Proceedings of a European Workshop, Dortmund, Porsnschlegel, H. (ed.), Physica Verlag, Heidelberg,, p. 219 - 242
Paper in proceeding

Ombyggnad Torslanda

Bertil Ahlsén, K Dahlström, Tomas Engström et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

System och komponenter i en lastvagn

Tomas Engström

Indelning av bilar i monteringsvarianter och dess påverkan på material- och monteringsverksamheten i Volvo Uddevallafabriken

Mats Ekendahl, Tomas Engström, Anders Lundberg et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Equipment Needs in Material Flow Systems - A Study of Load Modules in Integrated Transport Systems

Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson, Anders Lundberg et al
Transport policy, management & technology towards 2001 - Selected proceedings from the 5th WCTR Conference, p. 507-520
Paper in proceeding

Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Delrapport 2

D Danhäll, Tomas Engström, Mikael Hedin et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Förändring av industriell praxis till funktionella förebilder

Tomas Engström
Arbetsliv i utveckling – Om forskarstött förändringsarbete. Arbetsvetenskapliga Kollegiet i Göteborg. Göteborg, p. 25 - 37
Book chapter

Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Förstudie

Tomas Engström, Mikael Hedin, Lars Medbo et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Equipment Needs in Material Flow Systems as a Function of Integration Level – A study of load modules in integrated transportsystems

Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson, Anders Lundberg et al
Proceedings of 5:th World Concerence on Transport Tesearch, Yokohama
Paper in proceeding

Principer och realiteter – Projekteringen av Volvos bilfabrik i Uddevalla

Kajsa Ellegård, Tomas Engström, Lennart Nilsson

Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Delrapport 1

D Danhäll, Tomas Engström, Mikael Hedin et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Resursbehov i materialflödessystem med varierande integrationsnivåer. En studie av lastmoduler i integrerade transportsystem

Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson, Lundberg Anders
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Arbete och arbetsmiljö i postens terminaler

Joen Sachs, Tomas Engström, Anders Lundberg et al
Report - Posten/Postverket, Stockholm

Monteringsanvisningar för naturligt grupperat arbete

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo, Klas Thunberg
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Illustrationer av funktionella grupper och monteringsfaser

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Arbete och arbetsmiljö i postens terminaler. Problemanalys och program

Joen Sachs, Tomas Engström, Anders Lundberg et al

System och komponenter i en personvagn

Tomas Engström
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Flödesmönster i serieproduktion

Tomas Engström
Essäsamling, Arbetsmiljöfonden, Arbetsmiljöfonden (AMFO)
Magazine article

Flödesmönster i serieproduktion

Tomas Engström
Essäsamling, Arbetsmiljöfonden (AMFO), Stockholm
Magazine article

Production Planning in the Food Service

Yngve Andersson, Tomas Engström, Ulla Thorsell
Other conference contribution

Kriterier för val av hanteringsutrustning i terminal och distributionsverksamhet

Tomas Engström, Jan Petzäll
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Ergonomiskt utformning av styckningsarbete

Roland Örtengren, Per Hagström, M Magnusson et al
Report - Arbetarskyddsfonden

Ergonomics in Meat-Cutting II, Investigation of Physical Worl-Load and Efficiency in Different Systems for Materials Handling

Tomas Engström, Per Hagström, Magnusson Marrianne et al
Ergonomics International, Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Brown, I. D., Goldsmith, R., Combes, K. and Sinclair, M. A. (eds.), Bournemouth, p. 250 - 252
Magazine article

Ergonomiskt utformning av styckningsarbete

Andesson D, Dahlqvist P, Tomas Engström et al
Report - Linköping University

Kriterier för val av mekaniseringsgrad vid hantering- och sorteringsoperationer

Tomas Engström, Jan Petzäll
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Effektiv småbåtsproduktion. Delrapport

Tomas Engström, Ulf Karlsson, Anders Lundberg et al
Report - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT)

Materialhantering i storkök. Slutrapport

Tomas Engström, Björn Sallén
Report - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT)


Ulf Karlsson, Tomas Engström, Sven Åke Hörte et al
Report - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT)

Development of Production Design and Organisation of Work within the Swedish Automobile Industry

Tomas Engström, Lars Sjöstedt
Other conference contribution

Effektiv småbåtsproduktion. Slutrapport

Tomas Engström, Karlsson Ulf, Lundberg Anders et al
Report - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT)

Produktionsteknik för ekonomer och beteendevetare

Tomas Engström, Jean Bollinder, Ulf Karlsson
Edited book

Materialhantering i storkök. Delrapport

Tomas Engström, Björn Sallén

Ergonomiskt utformning av styckningsarbete

Tomas Engström, Per Hagström
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Effektiv småbåtsproduktion. Delrapport

Tomas Engström, Ulf Karlsson, Anders Lundberg et al
Report - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT)

Framtida produktionssystem

Tomas Engström, Christian Berggren
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Influence of Automobile Design on Production System

Christian Bergren, Tomas Engström
Other conference contribution

Möjligheter till produktions- och arbetsorganisation inom konfektionsindustrin

Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson
Report - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT)

Alternative Production System to Assembly Line – A problem concerning material supply

Tomas Engström, Ulf Karlsson
Other conference contribution

Alternativ montering

Tomas Engström, Ulf Karlsson
Report - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT)

Visualisering av materialhantering

Tomas Engström, Mats Johansson

Isbrytning med svävarfarkoster

Molnar Andreas, Blide Göran, Tomas Engström et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Naturgas i Sverige

Andreas Molnar, Tomas Engström, Jonas Grufman et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Blomatic. Ett alternativ

Hans-Åke Pettersson, Tommy Marklund, Tomas Engström
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

Bedömning av basidé till nytt materialhanteringssystem

Ottosson Thomas, Tomas Engström, Nedestam Stefan

Bedömning av basidé till nytt materialhanteringssystem

Thomas Ottosson, Tomas Engström, Stefan Nedestam

Jordbrukets utomgårds transporter

Thomas Ottosson, N A Elllisson, Tomas Engström et al
Report - Department of Transportation and Logistics

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