Carl Johan Franzén
Carl Johan Franzén is Professor in Bioreaction Engineering. He is Head of the Division of Industrial Biotechnology, member of the Faculty Senate at Chalmers, and member of the undergraduate education committee at the BIO department.
His research deals with development of robust bioprocesses for production of biobased fuels, chemicals, and microbial cultures. The focus is on the interplay between process conditions and microbial physiology. The main application is advanced fed-batch methodology for bioethanol production from lignocellulosic raw materials, using dynamic mathematical models and physiologically based control as tools. The methods are also applied to biobased production of chemicals, such as lactic acid using thermophilic bacteria. He also collaborates with industry to investigate how microbial production processes can be designed and modulated to produce robust starter cultures (lactic acid bacteria) and probiotics (bifidobacteria). His research leads to reduced emissions of carbon dioxide through better utilization of raw materials and agricultural and forestry residues for production of important renewable biofuels, chemicals and microorganisms.

Showing 96 publications
The lignocellulosic biorefinery concept is sound: a commentary on Zhao et al.
Stress Response in Bifidobacteria
Genome-Wide Assessment of Stress-Associated Genes in Bifidobacteria
A novel chimaeric flocculation protein enhances flocculation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Current progress in high cell density yeast bioprocesses for bioethanol production
A FLO1 variant which yields a NewFlo phenotype
Process optimization of multi-feed SSCF
Novel process strategies lead towards efficient bioethanol production at high solid loadings
Continuous ethanol production with a membrane bioreactor at high acetic acid concentrations
Impact of Furfural on Rapid Ethanol Production Using a Membrane Bioreactor
Mechanically robust polysiloxane – ACA capsules for prolonged ethanol production
Together we are strong – Yeast flocculation for efficient fermentation of toxic hydrolysates
Rapid ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a membrane bioreactor
Inhibitor tolerance by high local cell density Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures
Investigations of the inhibitor tolerance of encapsulated Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Physiological consequences of encapsulating Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A proteomic approach
Physiological consequenses of high local cell density Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures
Effects of encapsulation of microorganisms on product formation during microbial fermentations
Physiological consequences of encapsulating Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A proteomic approach
Robust polysiloxane-ACA capsules for ethanol production from wood hydrolyzate by yeast
Ethanol production at elevated temperatures using encapsulation of yeast
Encapsulated vs. free yeast: A comparative proteomic study
Together we are strong! Inhibitor tolerance conferred by good neighbors?
Increasing the thermotolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by encapsulation
On-line monitoring of fermentation processes in lignocellulose-to-bioalcohol production.
Phenotypical and Physiological Characterization of a Flocculating Yeast Strain
Ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials by encapsulated Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Conservation laws and identifiability of rate expressions in biochemical models
Metabolic flux analysis of RQ-controlled microaerobic ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Microaerobic glycerol formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Analysis and Control of Continuous Microaerobic Ethanol Production by Yeast
Use of the inlet gas composition to control the respiratory quotient in microaerobic bioprocesses.
An experimental guide to the relevant aeration rates in microaerobic bioprocesses.
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Showing 14 research projects
Robust enzymatic and microbial conversion and valorization of bio refinery side streams, part 2
Multi-scale bioethanol production systems analysis – from bio-reactor to LCA
Bioethanol from spruce and oatshells via High Gravity Multi-Feed SSF
Analysis of present status and opportunities for bioprocesses integrated in biorefineries
Syntes och verifiering av samlade erfarenheter och resultat från lignocellulosaetanolforskning
A comparative analysis of water use in lignocellulosic ethanol processes
Scale-Up: Multi-Feed SSF with integrated propagation of flocculating xylose-fermenting yeast
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