Kristina Grange

Full Professor at Urban Design and Planning

Kristina Grange is Professor of Urban Planning and Design Theory, at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering. She has an interest in social science and political theory and their implications for urban planning and design. Her own research has a discursive and critical approach, by which she seeks to unfold taken-for-granted perceptions in social practices, and discuss their spatial, political and democratic consequences. Currently, her research focuses migration, homelessness, other spatial inequalities and imaginaries of 'the other'. She has also studied how on-going political and ideological changes are reflected in alterations in the acting space of planners, and what the implications of such changes are for democracy, as well as for the planning profession itself.

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Showing 50 publications


'Who counts as a "who"?' Homeless women and geographies of misrecognition in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden

Kristina Grange
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Vol. 49 (1), p. 52-68
Journal article

Deconstructing the urban viewpoint: Exploring uneven regional development with Nancy Fraser’s notion of justice

Kristina Grange, Nils Björling, Lina Olsson et al
Urban Studies. Vol. 61 (9), p. 1703-1721
Journal article

Introduction to the Handbook on Planning and Power

Kristina Grange, Tanja Winkler
Handbook on Planning and Power, p. 1-10
Book chapter

What’s the future for planning in a time of democratic retreat, white supremacy, and silence?

Kristina Grange
European Planning Studies. Vol. 31 (11), p. 2291-2296
Journal article

Handbook on Planning and Power

Michael Gunder, Kristina Grange, Tanja Winkler
Edited book

Tysta principer styr vårt samhälle

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (5)
Magazine article

Imaginaries and expulsion: How 1000 temporary accommodation units for refugees in the city of Gothenburg became 57

Kristina Grange
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Vol. 46 (1), p. 50-64
Journal article

Oacceptabelt att hot får styra stadsbyggandet

Kristina Grange
Dagens Samhälle
Newspaper article

Hat och hot i stadsbyggandet: Hur 1000 temporära bostäder för nyanlända i Göteborg blev 57

Kristina Grange
Allas rätt till bostad: Marknadens begränsningar och samhällets ansvar, p. 257-274
Book chapter

Bosätt inte hemlösa kvinnor i Göteborgs industriområden

Kristina Grange
Dagens ETC
Newspaper article

Obituary of Associate Professor Michael Gunder

Kristina Grange, Tanja Winkler

En social bostadspolitik också för den okände andre

Kristina Grange, Nils Björling
Bostadsmanifest. 22 krav för framtidens hem, p. 25-27
Book chapter

Bostadskrisen i Sverige är ert ansvar, politiker

Guy Baeten, Carina Listerborn, Chiara Valli et al
Newspaper article

Nyanlända kommer i kläm med otydlig bosättningslag

Kristina Grange, Nils Björling
Göteborgs-Posten (GP), p. 4-4
Newspaper article

Migrationens ojämna geografi : Bosättningslagen ur ett rättviseperspektiv

Kristina Grange, Nils Björling
Report - Mistra Urban Futures

Bemöt med motargument, inte med aggression

Sofi Jansson-Keshavarz, Shahram Khosravi, Irene Molina et al
Sydsvenska dagbladet
Newspaper article

The urban domination of the planet: A Rancièrian critique

Kristina Grange, Michael Gunder
Planning Theory. Vol. 18 (4), p. 389-409
Journal article

Planners – A silenced profession? The politicisation of planning and the need for fearless speech

Kristina Grange
Planning Theory. Vol. 16 (3), p. 275-295
Journal article

Sämre planering ingen lösning

Jonathan Metzger, Inga-Maj Eriksson, Kristina Grange et al
Svenska dagbladet (2016-04-24)
Magazine article

Risker när bokrisen utnyttjas av särintressen

Jonathan Metzger, Inga-Maj Eriksson, Kristina Grange et al
Svenska Dagbladet (2016-04-30)
Magazine article

Att axla rollen som konstruktivt motstånd

Kristina Grange
PLAN. Vol. 69 (5), p. 28-33
Magazine article

In search of the irreducible political moment: or why planning shouldn't be too hung up on conflictuality

Kristina Grange
Planning against the political: Democratic Deficits in European Territorial Governance, p. 231-
Book chapter

Planerarnas röst

Kristina Grange
Fastighetsnytt (3), p. 73-
Magazine article

In Search of Radical Democracy: The Ideological Character of Current Political Advocacies for Culture Change in Planning

Kristina Grange
Environment and Planning A. Vol. 46 (11), p. 2670-2685
Journal article

Kris i planeringen?

Kristina Grange
Fastighetsnytt (4), p. 93-
Magazine article

Rollbesättning ett subtilt spel

Kristina Grange
Arkitekten (April), p. 48-49
Magazine article

Dansk skattkista

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (5), p. 78-80
Magazine article

Shaping acting space: In search of a new political awareness among local authority planners

Kristina Grange
Planning Theory. Vol. 12 (3), p. 225-243
Journal article

Architecture - Or the equivalent?

Kristina Grange
The Swedish Museum of Architecture: Fifty Year Perspective, p. 98-99
Book chapter

Arkitektur - eller likvärdigt?

Kristina Grange
Om femtio år med arkitekturmuseet, p. 98-99
Book chapter

Den svenska arkitekten - fast i ett historiskt etablerat styrkeförhållande?

Kristina Grange
Makten över rummet: tankar om den hållbara staden, p. 11-31
Book chapter

Mellan skrå och profession. Om de svenska arkitekt och ingenjörsutbildningarnas framväxt

Kristina Grange
Murmestare Embetet i Stockholm. Årsskrift 2009, p. 81-94
Book chapter

Utan titel

Kristina Grange
En skrift från Alvar Aalto-sällskapet: Ett symposium om arkitekturens villkor i Norden på Arkitekturmuseet den 25 september 2009, p. 19-23
Book chapter

Incentives for improving energy efficiency when renovation large-scale housing estates: A case study of the Swedish million homes programme

Lovisa Högberg, Hans Lind, Kristina Grange
Sustainability. Vol. 1 (4), p. 1349-1365
Journal article

Boende som bjuder in och utmanar

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (8), p. 43-
Magazine article

Utan forskning - inga argument

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (1), p. 69-
Magazine article

Frihet för vem?

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (3), p. 72-
Magazine article

Kris i byggbranschen? Om behovet av att re-designa praktiken

Kristina Grange
Nordisk arkitekturforskning. Vol. 17 (3), p. 59-72
Journal article

Bristande sjukdomsinsikt - eller självförtroende?

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (2), p. 81-82
Magazine article

Om mötet mellan arkitekter och ingenjörer

Kristina Grange
Lychnos : Lardomshistoriska samfundets arsbok = annual of the Swedish History of Science Society, p. 211-223
Journal article

Lågenergihusen i Lindås

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (2), p. 82-83
Magazine article

London now: Två sidor av en engelsk sort

Kristina Grange
Arkitektur (2), p. 32-33
Magazine article

Kulturkrock eller brobygge?

Kristina Grange
Arkitektidningen (10), p. 10-11
Magazine article

Kulturkrock eller brobygge?

Kristina Grange
Magasin Chalmers (4), p. 16-18
Magazine article

Med Nollis karta i den eviga staden

Kristina Grange
Arkitekttidningen (10), p. 13-
Magazine article

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Showing 12 research projects


Just Transitions - Swedish Research School on Governance for Just Urban and Regional Climate Transitions

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
Sara Malm Urban Design and Planning
Nils Björling Urban Design and Planning

1 publication exists

Decolonial perspectives on the city and the university

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
Urban Futures - Centre for Sustainable Urban Futures

1 publication exists

Research visit, Associate Professor Tanja Winkler

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence

1 publication exists

Mutual Benefits - wise design for a safe and inclusive city for all

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
Julia Fredriksson Urban Design and Planning
Joanna Gregorowicz-Kipszak Urban Design and Planning


PLACED: Accommodating refugees and asylum seekers and the spatial production of hospitality and otherness

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning

3 publications exist

The right to the city – intersectional perspectives on the gendered nature of urban space

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence

2 publications exist

Temporary housing for newly arrived: An analysis of how 1000 planned accomodations in Gothenburg became 57

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
J. Gust. Richert stiftelse

1 publication exists

Equality in Planning

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
Forskningsstiftelsen för Samhällsplanering, byggnadsplanering och projektering ARQ

1 publication exists

The uneven geography of migration

Henrietta Palmer Urban Design and Planning
Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
Nils Björling Urban Design and Planning
Skaraborg Municipal Federation
Mistra Urban Futures
City of Gothenburg
Region Västra Götaland

2 publications exist

Politicising uneven regional development: Towards socially responsible geographies

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
Nils Björling Urban Design and Planning
Julia Fredriksson Urban Design and Planning

1 publication exists

Region and local authorities in balance?

Kristina Grange Urban Design and Planning
Adlerbertska Foundations

There might be more projects where Kristina Grange participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.