Klas Andersson
Klas Anderssonis is professor of Combustion and CO2 Capture Technologies. His research is focused on chemistry and transport phenomena in combustion and CO2 capture processes. The work is based on experimental and theoretic research which aims to provide generic knowledge on combustion and gas cleaning technologies. The overall objective is to contribute to a reduction of the environmental impact associated with the use of energy in various industrial applications. An important part of the research concerns new processes and solutions which can be employed to achieve drastic reductions in CO2 emissions, in particular CO2 capture technologies. The studied applications are mainly industrial and heat and power generation processes.

Showing 168 publications
Alkali Uptake, Release, and Speciation in Fluidized Beds Using Oxygen Carriers
Flame Characterization of Cofiring Gaseous and Solid Fuels in Suspensions
Heat Transfer Conditions in Hydrogen-Fired Rotary Kilns for Iron Ore Processing
A review on the application of machine learning for combustion in power generation applications
CO<inf>2</inf> capture materials: a review of current trends and future challenges
Development of novel dynamic machine learning-based optimization of a coal-fired power plant
NO formation during co-combustion of coal with two thermally treated biomasses
Dynamic machine learning-based optimization algorithm to improve boiler efficiency
The roles of added chlorine and sulfur on ash deposition mechanisms during solid fuel combustion
In-situ monitoring of transient gas phase K-Cl-S chemistry in a pilot-scale combustor
Full-scale 3D-modelling of the radiative heat transfer in rotary kilns with a present bed material
Discrete-Ordinates Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in a Pilot-Scale Rotary Kiln
Formation of Soot in Oxygen-Enriched Turbulent Propane Flames at the Technical Scale
Evaluation of NOx-Reduction Measures for Iron-Ore Rotary Kilns
Ash aerosol and deposition formation with changing alkali-Cl-S additives during coal combustion
NO formation during co-combustion of coal with two thermally treated biomasses
The Influence of Alkali, Chlorine and Sulfur on Aerosol Formation
On the nitrogen chemistry in jet and swirled pilot-scale PF flames
Heat transfer modelling of industrial rotary kilns for iron ore pelletizing
The formation of NOx and soot in oxygen-enriched suspension flames
The connection between NOx and soot in oxygen-enriched propane flames
The influence of fuel composition on sulfation and deposition rates of alkali salts
3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material
Full-Scale 3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material
Soot Formation and Radiative Heat Transfer in Oxy-Fuel and Oxygen-Enhanced Propane Flames
Measuring Radiation from High Pressure Oxy-Coal Flames
Gas-Phase Chemistry of the NO-SO2-ClO2 System Applied to Flue Gas Cleaning
K–Cl–S chemistry in air and oxy-combustion atmospheres
Chemical interactions between NO, KCl and SO2 in C3H8 flames
NO formation in flames with high oxygen feed gas concentrations
Experimentally Observed Influences of KCl and SO2 on CO Oxidation in an 80 kW Oxy-Propane Flame
Influence of KCI and SO2 on NO Formation in C3H8 Flames
Formation and Reduction of NO in Flames with High Feed Gas Oxygen Concentrations
Heat Transfer Conditions in a Rotary Kiln Test Furnace Using Coal, Biomass and co-firing Burners
Reduced Mechanism for Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems
Interactions between SO2 and KCl -A comparison between air and oxy-fuel combustion
The use of waste fractions for co-combustion in an aluminium recovery smelter
Modeling the Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems
Particle composition and size distribution in coal flames - The influence on radiative heat transfer
Ammonia-based post combustion - The techno-economics of controlling ammonia emissions
3D-modelling of the radiative heat transfer in a rotary kiln for iron ore pellets production
Modelling and measurements of radiation in a 400kWth rotary kiln test furnace
Formation and Control of NOx and SOx in Pressurized Oxy-Combustion Systems
Reduced Mechanism for Interactions of Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems
Evaluation of gas radiation models in CFD modeling of oxy-combustion
CO-KCl-SO2 interactions in an 80 kW propane-fired flame
The Rate of CO2 Absorption in Ammonia-Implications on Absorber Design
Process evaluation of CO2 capture in three industrial case studies
Modeling the Alkali Sulfation Chemistry of Biomass and Coal Co-firing in Oxy-fuel Atmospheres
Measurement and Modeling of Particle Radiation in Coal Flames
Carbon Monoxide Formation in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Transient Behavior of a Post Combustion CO2 Capture Process
Experimental evaluation and field application of a salt method for SO3 measurement in flue gases
Influence of particle and gas radiation in oxy-fuel combustion
Gas phase oxidation of SO2 by NO2 in pressurized flue gas systems - an experimental investigation
NORDICCS-CCS in the Nordic region/Pressurized flue gas cleaning in CCS processes
Sulphation of potassium chloride in air and oxy-fuel combustion
Measurement and modeling of sulfur trioxide formation in a flow reactor under post-flame conditions
Heat requirement for regeneration of aqueous ammonia in post-combustion carbon dioxide capture
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Oxy-Fuel Flames: The Role of Soot and Gas Radiation
SO3 Measurement Techniques: A Study in a 100 kW Test Unit Fired with a SO2-Doped Propane Flame
Influence of ash particles on radiative heat transfer in air- and oxy-fired conditions
The effects of operating conditions on SO3 formation during oxy-fuel and air-firing
Influence of Operating Conditions on SO3 Formation during Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Gas temperature and radiative heat transfer in oxy-fuel flames
Oxy-Fuel Combustion Modeling: Performance of Global Reaction Mechanisms
Evaluation of SO3 Measurement Techniques in Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Thermal radiation in oxy-fuel flames
Thermal integration and modelling of the chilled ammonia process
SO3 Formation under Oxyfuel Combustion Conditions
NO2 Emissions in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
NOx reburning in oxy-fuel combustion: A comparison between solid and gaseous fuels
Reburning of Nitric Oxide in Oxy-Fuel Firing-The Influence of Combustion Conditions
Conversion of Sulfur during Pulverized Oxy-coal Combustion
Heat requirement of CO2 absorption by aqueous ammonia
Control of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
The Control of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Evaluation of gas radiation modeling in oxy-fired furnaces
Reburning in oxy-fuel combustion: A parametric study of the combustion chemistry
Models for gaseous radiative heat transfer applied to oxy-fuel conditions in boilers
NOX reburning in oxy-fuel combustion - An experimental investigation
Thermal Integration of the Chilled Ammonia Process
The Sulphur Mass Balance in Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite
The fate of sulphur during oxy-fuel combustion of lignite
Utilization of Reburn Reactions for NOx Control in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Sulphur chemistry in oxy-fuel combustion
Emission control of nitrogen oxides in the oxy-fuel process
Combustion characteristics of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames
Radiation intensity of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames
Oxy-fuel combustion – optimization possibilities
High-temperature reduction of nitrogen oxides in oxy-fuel combustion
NO Emission during Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite
Radiation measurements and modeling of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames
High temperature reduction of nitrogen oxides
Utveckling av förbränningsteknik för koldioxidfria kraftverk – aktuell status och framtidsutsikter
Evaluation of Concepts for secondary SOx and NOx Removal from the Oxy-Fuel Process
Radiation Intensity of Propane-Fired Oxy-Fuel Flames: Implications for Soot Formation
Evaluation of gas radiation modelling in oxy-fired furn
Radiative heat transfer in oxy-fuel flames for solid and gaseous fuels
Flame and radiation characteristics of gas-fired O2/CO2 combustion
Characterization of oxy-fuel flames - their composition, temperature and radiation
Combustion Characteristics of Lignite-fired Oxy-fuel Flames
Nitrogen chemistry in a 100kW lignite fired oxy-fuel combustor
Nitrogen Oxides in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Experiments and modeling on oxy-fuel combustion chemistry during lignite-firing
Process evaluation of an 865 MWe lignite fired O2/CO2 power plant
The CO2 avoidance cost of a large scale O2/CO2 power plant
Carbon capture from fossil fuel power plants using the O₂/CO₂ recycle combustion process
Technology assessment - large scale CO2 capture by means of O2/CO2 combustion
Carbon capture from fossil fuel power plants using the O2/CO2 recycle combustion process
Large-scale CO2 Capture – Applying the
An 865 MW Lignite Fired CO2 Free Power Plant - A Technical Feasibility Study
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Showing 5 research projects
Combustion and gas cleaning, part 2
Negative CO2 emissions in the Nordic energy systems