Thorvald Andersson
Showing 41 publications
Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of ZnO on in-situ grown GaN/4H-SiC buffer layers
Design and Fabrication of AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Intersubband Technology
Intersubband energies in Al1-yInyN/Ga1-xInxN heterostructures with lattice constant close to aGaN
On the polarized emission from exciton complexes in GaN quantum dots
Waveguides for nitride based quantum cascade lasers
Polarization-balanced design of heterostructures: Application to AlN/GaN double-barrier structures
Polarized emission from single GaN quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Size dependent biexciton binding energies in GaN quantum dots
Design and Fabrication of AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Intersubband Technology
Temperature stability of intersubband transitions in AlN/GaN quantum wells
Waveguides for Nitride Based Quantum Cascade Lasers
Initial boron growth on GaN and AlN surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy
Initial rise of transient electroluminescence in doped Alq(3) films
Macroscopic defects in GaN/AlN multiple quantum well structures grown by MBE on GaN templates
Porphyrin doping of Alq3 for electroluminescence
Cracks in GaN/AlN multiple quantum well structures grown by MBE
Encapsulation of OLED device by Using Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive
Preparation and characterization of the ITO surface and the Al/Alq3/ITO heterostructure for OLEDs
Aluminum monolayers on Si (1 1 1) for MBE-growth of GaN
[L]. GaN grown on sapphire, Si and GaN substrates by molecular beam epitaxy
Organic molecular beam deposition system and initial studies of organic layer growth
Two-dimensional electron mobility limitation mechanisms in AlxGa1-xN/GaN hetero¬structures
Structural and optical properties of GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells for intersubband applications
Study of degradation mechanism of blue light emitting diodes
Influence of dislocation density on photoluminescence intensity of GaN
Interface study of AlN grown on Si substrates by radio frequency magnetron reactive sputtering
Importance of ITO surface conditions for the interaction with thin CuPc layers
Subband transitions in AlxGa1-xN/GaN/AlxGa1-xN and AlxGa1-xN/InN/AlxGa1-xN single quantum wells
Surface roughness of GaN and thin AlGaN layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of GaN Mesa Structures for Microphotoluminescence
Morphology of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires prepared by highly controlled deep-etching techniques
Resistance in sub-m size GaAs lines
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