Lena Wosinska
Lena Wosinska is a Research Professor in Optical Networks since June 2019. Before she moved to Chalmers together with her group and activities, she was a Full Professor of Telecommunication at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, where she founded and led Optical Networks Lab. Her research interests include fiber access and 5G transport networks, energy and cost efficiency, optical datacenter networks, photonics in switching, optical network control, reliability, security and survivability. She has been involved in several EU projects and coordinating national and international research projects.

Showing 81 publications
AI/ML-Based State-of-Polarization Monitoring in Optical Networks: Concepts and Challenges
Introduction to the JOCN Special Issue on Intelligent Networks at the Edge
Programmable Filterless Optical Networks: Architecture, Design and Resource Allocation
Past and Future Development of Radio-over-Fiber
Flexible-queue-management-based bandwidth allocation in higher-speed PONs
Towards Efficient Confluent Edge Networks
Joint Fragmentation- and QoT-Aware RBMSA in Dynamic Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks
Multi-Criteria Decision Approach for Lightpath Restoration After Resource Crunch
Detecting Anomalies in the Optical Layer Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
PCA-Assisted Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Soft-Failure Detection in Optical Networks
Asynchronous Federated Split Learning
Automated Control Plane for Reconfigurable Optical Crosshaul in Next Generation RAN
Cluster-based unsupervised method for eavesdropping detection and localization in WDM systems
Physical layer encryption-based secure slicing in 5G RAN with hybrid-trusted links
Techno-economics of 5G transport deployments
Cost- and energy-efficient filterless architectures for metropolitan networks
Detection of abnormal activities on a SM or MM fiber
Demonstrating the Benefits of Service-Aware Pod Autoscaling with Shared Resources
Special Issue on ACP/IPOC 2020
Design and deployment of optical x-haul for 5G, 6G, and beyond: progress and challenges [Invited]
Techno-economics of Fiber vs. Microwave for Mobile Transport Network Deployments [Invited]
Reconfigurable optical crosshaul architecture for 6G radio access networks
Machine-learning-based method for fiber-bending eavesdropping detection
Introduction to the Future Optical Networks and Communications Symposium Special Issue
Proactive Spectrum Defragmentation Leveraging Spectrum Occupancy State Information
Benefits of Pod dimensioning with best-effort resources in bare metal cloud native deployments
Post-Quantum Cryptography Based Secure Mutual Authentication Mechanism for TDM-PONs
Eavesdropping Detection and Localization in WDM Optical System
Designing and Operating Optical Transport Networks in 5G and Beyond Scenarios
Agile Metropolitan Filterless Optical Networking
Link Failure Recovery in SDN-Enabled Reconfigurable 6G Crosshaul Architecture
Eavesdropping G.652 vs. G.657 fibres: a performance comparison
Fiber- vs. Microwave-based 5G Transport: a Total Cost of Ownership Analysis
DeepDefrag: A deep reinforcement learning framework for spectrum defragmentation
Optical X-haul for 5G /6G: Design and Deployment Standpoint
Virtual Networking for Lowering Cost of Ownership
Photonics in intra-datacenter networks: Architecture and future developments
Spectrum Anomaly Detection for Optical Network Monitoring using Deep Unsupervised Learning
End-to-End Provisioning of Latency and Availability Constrained 5G Services
Rethinking of Optical Transport Network Design for 5G/6G Mobile Communication
Introduction to the Special Issue ACP/IPOC 2020
Guest Editorial Latest Advances in Optical Networks for 5G Communications and beyond
Introduction to Optical Access Networks
Structural Methods to Improve the Robustness of Anycast Communications to Large-Scale Failures
Enabling Technologies for Optical Data Center Networks: Spatial Division Multiplexing
Disaggregated Data Centers: Challenges and Trade-offs
Resilient SDN-Based Routing Against Rain Disruptions for Wireless Networks
Design of Programmable Filterless Optical Networks
Content placement in 5G-enabled edge/core data center networks resilient to link cut attacks
Content placement in 5G‐enabled edge/core datacenter networks resilient to link cut attacks
Network-wide localization of optical-layer attacks
Functional Metrics to Evaluate Network Vulnerability to Disasters
Reinforcement Learning for Slicing in a 5G Flexible RAN
Infrastructure upgrade framework for content delivery networks robust to targeted attacks
A Shared-Path Shared-Compute Planning Strategy for a Resilient Hybrid C-RAN
Demonstration of Machine-Learning-Assisted Security Monitoring in Optical Networks
Optical Transport Network Design for 5G Fixed Wireless Access
Techno-economic and business feasibility analysis of 5G transport networks
Energy- and fatigue-aware RWA in optical backbone networks
Cost Benefits of Centralizing Service Processing in 5G Network Infrastructures
Cost-Optimal Deployment of a C-RAN with Hybrid Fiber/FSO Fronthaul
Machine Learning Methods for Slice Admission in 5G Networks
One-Shot Learning for Modulation Format Identification in Evolving Optical Networks
A Slice Admission Policy Based on Big Data Analytics for Multi-Tenant 5G Networks
Network Performance Trade-Off in Modular Data Centers With Optical Spatial Division Multiplexing
Scalability analysis methodology for passive optical interconnects in data center networks using PAM
Network performance trade-Off in optical spatial division multiplexing data centers
To overcome the scalability limitation of passive optical interconnects in datacentres
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Showing 12 research projects
Resilient Remote Environment Emulation for Human-to-Machine Communications
5G Trusted And seCure network servICes (5G-TACTIC)
Smart optical networks enabled by performance monitoring and machine learning
Automation of Network edge Infrastructure & Applications with aRtificiAl intelligence, ANIARA
Photonics Platform to Transform Mobile Fronthaul Infrastructure
Smart City Concepts in Curitiba - low-carbon transport and mobility in a digital society
Enabling Scalable and Sustainable Data Center Networks
Gröna optiska kopplingsarkitekturer för datacentra.
5G System Technological Enhancements Provided by Fiber Wireless Deployments
Towards flexible and energi-efficient datacentre networks