Lena Wosinska
Lena Wosinska är forskningsprofessor i optiska nät sedan juni 2019. Innan hon flyttade till Chalmers tillsammans med sin grupp och verksamhet var hon professor i telekommunikation vid KTH Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, där hon grundade och ledde Optical Networks Lab. Hennes forskningsintressen inkluderar fiber access- och 5G-transportnät, energi- och kostnadseffektivitet, optiska datacenternät, optiska system, nätverkskontroll, tillförlitlighet och säkerhet. Hon har varit involverad i flera EU-projekt och koordinerat nationella och internationella forskningsprojekt.
Visar 81 publikationer
AI/ML-Based State-of-Polarization Monitoring in Optical Networks: Concepts and Challenges
Introduction to the JOCN Special Issue on Intelligent Networks at the Edge
Programmable Filterless Optical Networks: Architecture, Design and Resource Allocation
Past and Future Development of Radio-over-Fiber
Flexible-queue-management-based bandwidth allocation in higher-speed PONs
Towards Efficient Confluent Edge Networks
Joint Fragmentation- and QoT-Aware RBMSA in Dynamic Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks
Multi-Criteria Decision Approach for Lightpath Restoration After Resource Crunch
Detecting Anomalies in the Optical Layer Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
PCA-Assisted Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Soft-Failure Detection in Optical Networks
Asynchronous Federated Split Learning
Automated Control Plane for Reconfigurable Optical Crosshaul in Next Generation RAN
Cluster-based unsupervised method for eavesdropping detection and localization in WDM systems
Physical layer encryption-based secure slicing in 5G RAN with hybrid-trusted links
Techno-economics of 5G transport deployments
Cost- and energy-efficient filterless architectures for metropolitan networks
Detection of abnormal activities on a SM or MM fiber
Demonstrating the Benefits of Service-Aware Pod Autoscaling with Shared Resources
Special Issue on ACP/IPOC 2020
Design and deployment of optical x-haul for 5G, 6G, and beyond: progress and challenges [Invited]
Techno-economics of Fiber vs. Microwave for Mobile Transport Network Deployments [Invited]
Reconfigurable optical crosshaul architecture for 6G radio access networks
Machine-learning-based method for fiber-bending eavesdropping detection
Introduction to the Future Optical Networks and Communications Symposium Special Issue
Proactive Spectrum Defragmentation Leveraging Spectrum Occupancy State Information
Benefits of Pod dimensioning with best-effort resources in bare metal cloud native deployments
Post-Quantum Cryptography Based Secure Mutual Authentication Mechanism for TDM-PONs
Eavesdropping Detection and Localization in WDM Optical System
Designing and Operating Optical Transport Networks in 5G and Beyond Scenarios
Agile Metropolitan Filterless Optical Networking
Link Failure Recovery in SDN-Enabled Reconfigurable 6G Crosshaul Architecture
Eavesdropping G.652 vs. G.657 fibres: a performance comparison
Fiber- vs. Microwave-based 5G Transport: a Total Cost of Ownership Analysis
DeepDefrag: A deep reinforcement learning framework for spectrum defragmentation
Optical X-haul for 5G /6G: Design and Deployment Standpoint
Virtual Networking for Lowering Cost of Ownership
Photonics in intra-datacenter networks: Architecture and future developments
Spectrum Anomaly Detection for Optical Network Monitoring using Deep Unsupervised Learning
End-to-End Provisioning of Latency and Availability Constrained 5G Services
Rethinking of Optical Transport Network Design for 5G/6G Mobile Communication
Introduction to the Special Issue ACP/IPOC 2020
Guest Editorial Latest Advances in Optical Networks for 5G Communications and beyond
Introduction to Optical Access Networks
Structural Methods to Improve the Robustness of Anycast Communications to Large-Scale Failures
Enabling Technologies for Optical Data Center Networks: Spatial Division Multiplexing
Disaggregated Data Centers: Challenges and Trade-offs
Resilient SDN-Based Routing Against Rain Disruptions for Wireless Networks
Design of Programmable Filterless Optical Networks
Content placement in 5G-enabled edge/core data center networks resilient to link cut attacks
Content placement in 5G‐enabled edge/core datacenter networks resilient to link cut attacks
Network-wide localization of optical-layer attacks
Functional Metrics to Evaluate Network Vulnerability to Disasters
Reinforcement Learning for Slicing in a 5G Flexible RAN
Infrastructure upgrade framework for content delivery networks robust to targeted attacks
A Shared-Path Shared-Compute Planning Strategy for a Resilient Hybrid C-RAN
Demonstration of Machine-Learning-Assisted Security Monitoring in Optical Networks
Optical Transport Network Design for 5G Fixed Wireless Access
Techno-economic and business feasibility analysis of 5G transport networks
Energy- and fatigue-aware RWA in optical backbone networks
Cost Benefits of Centralizing Service Processing in 5G Network Infrastructures
Cost-Optimal Deployment of a C-RAN with Hybrid Fiber/FSO Fronthaul
Machine Learning Methods for Slice Admission in 5G Networks
One-Shot Learning for Modulation Format Identification in Evolving Optical Networks
A Slice Admission Policy Based on Big Data Analytics for Multi-Tenant 5G Networks
Network Performance Trade-Off in Modular Data Centers With Optical Spatial Division Multiplexing
Scalability analysis methodology for passive optical interconnects in data center networks using PAM
Network performance trade-Off in optical spatial division multiplexing data centers
To overcome the scalability limitation of passive optical interconnects in datacentres
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Visar 12 forskningsprojekt
Resilient Remote Environment Emulering för kommunikation mellan människa och maskin
5G betrodda och säkra nätverkstjänster (5G-TACTIC)
Smarta optiska nätverk som möjliggörs genom prestandaövervakning och maskininlärning
Automation of Network edge Infrastructure & Applications with aRtificiAl intelligence, ANIARA
Photonics Platform to Transform Mobile Fronthaul Infrastructure
Smarta stadskoncepter i Curitiba - lågkolhalt transport och rörlighet i det digitala samhället
Metoder för skalbara och hållbara datacenter nätverk
Gröna optiska kopplingsarkitekturer för datacentra.
5G System Technological Enhancements Provided by Fiber Wireless Deployments
Mot flexibla och energieffektiva datacenternätverk