Xiaobo Qu
Showing 146 publications
Quantifying variable contributions to bus operation delays considering causal relationships
Multiple Emergency Vehicle Priority in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Cooperative Method
Enhancing State Representation in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Platoon-Following Models
Life-Cycle analysis of economic and environmental effects for electric bus transit systems
A Dynamic Transformation Car-Following Model for the Prediction of the Traffic Flow Oscillation
Delay-throughput tradeoffs for signalized networks with finite queue capacity
En-route charge scheduling for an electric bus network: Stochasticity and real-world practice
Intelligent vehicles and Smart transportation
Why is your paper rejected? Lessons learned from over 5000 rejected transportation papers
Deciphering spatial heterogeneity of maritime accidents considering impact scale variations
A Context-Aware Framework for Risky Driving Behavior Evaluation Based on Trajectory Data
What's next for battery-electric bus charging systems
Predictability of Vehicle Fuel Consumption Using LSTM: Findings from Field Experiments
Personalized Modeling of Travel Behaviors and Traffic Dynamics
Comprehensive comparison of e-scooter sharing mobility: Evidence from 30 European cities
Flow-level coordination of connected and autonomous vehicles in multilane freeway ramp merging areas
Driver Behavior in Intelligent Transportation Systems
Dynamic Stochastic Electric Vehicle Routing with Safe Reinforcement Learning
An Origin-Destination Demands-Based Multipath-Band Approach to Time-Varying Arterial Coordination
Safe and Energy-Saving Vehicle-Following Driving Decision-Making Framework of Autonomous Vehicles
Limitations and suggestions of electric transit charge scheduling
Data and Code Disclosure and Sharing Policy of communications in transportation research
On the role of battery degradation in en-route charge scheduling for an electric bus system
A Dynamic Model Averaging for the Discovery of Time-Varying Weather-Cycling Patterns
Drone-Based Image Processing for Construction Site Safety, Transportation, and Progress Management
Modeling drivers’ scrambling behavior in China: An application of theory of planned behavior
The cooperative sorting strategy for connected and automated vehicle platoons
Public Transit Planning and Operation in the Era of Automation, Electrification, and Personalization
An Online Processing Method for the Cooperative Control of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons
Speed planning for connected electric buses based on battery capacity loss
Sustainable and Resilient Transport Infrastructure
Examining nonlinear and interaction effects of multiple determinants on airline travel satisfaction
Improving efficiency at highway T-junctions with connected and automated vehicles
Cumulative prospect theory coupled with multi-attribute decision making for modeling travel behavior
Diverging effects of subjective prospect values of uncertain time and money
The adverse impact of electric vehicles on traffic congestion in the morning commute
Demand control model with combinatorial incentives and surcharges for one-way carsharing operation
Emergency Vehicle Routing in Urban Road Networks with Multistakeholder Cooperation
Optimal route design of electric transit networks considering travel reliability
Optimizing electric bus charging infrastructure considering power matching and seasonality
Dynamic driving environment complexity quantification method and its verification
Communications in Transportation Research: Vision and scope
Emergency facility location problems in logistics: Status and perspectives
Model on empirically calibrating stochastic traffic flow fundamental diagram
On the Role of Battery Capacity Fading Mechanism in the Lifecycle Cost of Electric Bus Fleet
Integrated analysis for Transportation Systems in the Connected Era
Improving flex-route transit services with modular autonomous vehicles
DeepTSP: Deep traffic state prediction model based on large-scale empirical data
A Platoon Regulation Algorithm to Improve the Traffic Performance of Highway Work Zones
Investigation on linearisation of data-driven transport research: two representative case studies
Public transport trajectory planning with probabilistic guarantees
Emergency vehicle lane pre-clearing: From microscopic cooperation to routing decision making
Hotspot identification considering daily variability of traffic flow and crash record: A case study
Novel Crash Surrogate Measure for Freeways
Simulation Analyses of Two On-Ramp Lane Arrangements
Existing and Future Investigation of Charging Technology for Electric Bus
Emission Evaluation of Marine Traffic
Roadworks warning-closure of a lane, the Impact of C-ITS messages
A diverse, transdisciplinary, and high-quality journal in the era of digital revolution
Shore Power Price Competition Between Ports
Minimizing the stop time of private vehicles at intersections with LRT signal priority systems
A Leader-Based Vehicle Platoon Control Strategy at Signalized Intersections Considering Efficiency
Robust bus bridging service design under rail transit system disruptions
Connected infrastructure location design under additive service utilities
Error Measures for Trajectory Estimations with Geo-Tagged Mobility Sample Data
Blockchain Applications in Shipping, Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain
Discrete Optimization for Dynamic Systems of Operations Management in Data-Driven Society
Freeway work zone: Current trends and future needs
Towards Eliminating Overreacted Vehicular Maneuvers: Part I Model Development and Calibration
A modelling framework of drone deployment for monitoring air pollution from ships
Overbooking and delivery-delay-allowed strategies for container slot allocation
Towards Eliminating Overreacted Vehicular Maneuvers: Part II Comparative Analyses
Characteristics of Mixed Traffic Flow in Two-lane Scenario Based on Cooperative Gaming Method
Unmanned aerial vehicle scheduling problem for traffic monitoring
Tug scheduling for hinterland barge transport: A branch-and-price approach
Reproducible generation of experimental data sample for calibrating traffic flow fundamental diagram
Minimizing the Average Delay at Intersections via Presignals and Speed Control
Improved pedestrian sight distance needs at railroad-highway grade crossings
Cruise service planning considering berth availability and decreasing marginal profit
Cruise itinerary schedule design
A recurrent neural network based microscopic car following model to predict traffic oscillation
Station choice for Australian commuter rail lines: equilibrium and optimal fare design
Ship type decision considering empty container repositioning and foldable containers
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Showing 9 research projects
Analyzing and promoting micro-shared mobility system leveraging big data
Online Lithium-ion Battery State of Health Prognostics (LiBSoHP)
Energy optimisation and control of autonomous electric vehicles
Public transit shared mobility - connected and safe solutions
Sustainable mixed urban transit system with electric and conventional buses
Equitable Fare Design for Public Transit Systems in Gothenburg