Grigori Rozenblioum
Forskningsintressena är koncentrerade kring matematiska problem med bakgrund i fysik, speciellt kvantfysik. De omfattar Partiella Differentiala Ekvationer, Operatorteori och Analys. Programledare för programmet 'Hamiltonians with Magnetic Fields' på Institut Mittag-Leffler. Redaktionsmedlem i två vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Har undervisat vid universitet i Ryssland, Danmark och Sverige sedan 1974.

Visar 65 publikationer
Negative Eigenvalue Estimates for the 1D Schrödinger Operator with Measure-Potential
The discrete spectrum of the Neumann-Poincaré operator in 3D elasticity
Weyl asymptotics for Poincaré–Steklov eigenvalues in a domain with Lipschitz boundary
Discrete spectrum of zero order pseudodifferential operators.
Eigenvalues of the Birman-Schwinger operator for singular measures: The noncritical case
Spectral Estimates and Asymptotics for Integral Operators on Singular Sets
Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators on the Bergman Space Revisited: Spectral Theorem Approach
Eigenvalue asymptotics for polynomially compact pseudodifferential operators
Lieb–Thirring Estimates for Singular Measures
Eigenvalues of singular measures and Connes' noncommutative integration.
Eigenvalue asymptotics for polynomially compact pseudodifferential operators
Spectral properties of the Neumann-Poincaré operator in 3D elasticity
Toeplitz operators with singular symbols in polyanalytic Bergman spaces on the half-plane
Trace Class Toeplitz Operators with Singular Symbols
Toeplitz operators in polyanalytic bergman type spaces
On the mathematical work of Mikhail Zakharovich Solomyak
Toeplitz operators via sesquilinear forms
Isoperimetric inequalities for Schatten norms of Riesz potentials
Toeplitz Operators in the Herglotz Space
Toeplitz Operators Defined by Sesquilinear Forms: Bergman Space Case
The Finite Rank Theorem for Toeplitz Operators on the Fock Space
On Spectral Estimates for the Schrodinger Operators in Global Dimension 2
Toeplitz operators defined by sesquilinear forms: Fock space case
On spectral estimates for the Schrödinger operators in global dimension 2
Finite rank Bargmann–Toeplitz operators with non-compactly supported symbols
On lower eigenvalue bounds for Toeplitz operators with radial symbols in Bergman spaces
On the spectrum of Bargmann- Toeplitz operators with symbols of variable sign.
Spectral estimates for Schrödinger operators with sparse potentials on graphs
On spectral estimates for Schrödinger-type operators: The case of small local dimension
Finite Rank Bergman-Toeplitz and Bargmann-Toeplitz Operators in Many Dimensions
A Laplace operator with boundary conditions singular at one point
Finite rank Toeplitz operators: some extensions of D. Luecking's theorem.
Counting Schrödinger boundstates: semiclassics and beyond.
Finite Rank Toeplitz Operators in the Bergman space
On the spectral estimates for the Schrödinger operator on $\Bbb Z^d, d\ge3$
On the spectral properties of the perturbed Landau Hamiltonian.
Counting Sobolev boundstates. Semiclassics and beyond
Discrete spectrum distribution of the Landau operator perturbed by an expanding electric potential
Eigenvalue analysis of elliptic operators
Eigenvalue clusters of the Landau Hamiltonian in the exterior of a compact domain
Eigenvalue clusters of the Landau Hamiltonian in the exterior of a compact domain
On a family of differential operators with the coupling parameter in the boundary condition.
Eigenvalue Asymptotics for Potential Type Operators on Lipschitz Surfaces
Infiniteness of zero modes for the Pauli operator with singular magnetic field
Guillemin transform and Toeplitz representations for operators on singular manifolds.
Schrödinger operators with singular potentials.
Negative discrete spectrum of perturbed multivortex Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonians.
Lieb-Thirring inequality for the Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonian and eigenvalue estimates
Toeplitz representations for operators on singular manifolds
On the number of negative eigenvalues for the two-dimensional magnetic Schrödinger operator
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