Bengt Pipkorn
Visar 68 publikationer
Sled Tests for Development of HIII CAE Dummy Certification Method
Bicyclist Shoulder Forces in Car-to-Bicycle Crash and Single-Bicycle Crash Simulations
Quantifying rider posture variability in powered two- and three-wheelers for safety assessment
Personalization of human body models and beyond via image registration
GHBMC-M50-specific Lumbar Spine Fracture Risk Prediction Considering Two Different Metrics
Analysis of the spinal 3D motion of postmortem human surrogates in nearside oblique impacts
Comparison of head injuries during small and moderate overlap in motor vehicle crashes
Development of Powered Two-Wheeler PMHS Crash Test Methodology
Evaluation of GHBMC, THUMS and SAFER Human Body Models in Frontal Impacts in Reclined Postures
Evaluation of the GHBMC Lumbar Spine in Sub-injurious and Injurious Loading
Population Variance in Pelvic Response to Lateral Impacts - A Global Sensitivity Analysis
Forearm Impactor Tests for Development of Injury Risk Assessment Capability
Influence of Individual Ribcage Shape Variability on Occupant Rib Fracture Risk
Numerical Reproducibility of Human Body Model Crash Simulations
Validation of the SAFER Human Body Model Kinematics in Far-Side Impacts
A Method for Defining Failure Tolerance of the Lumbar Spine in Combined Loading
Head Injury Risks and Countermeasures for a Bicyclist Impacted by a Passenger Vehicle
Comparison of human body models in frontal crashes with reclined seatback
Suitability of enhanced head injury criteria for vehicle rating
Detailed subject-specific FE rib modeling for fracture prediction
Comparison of the simplified GHBMC to PMHS kinematics in far-side impact
Multi-Scale Validation of a Rib Fracture Prediction Method for Human Body Models
Occupant protection in far-side impacts
Comparison of WorldSID to PMHS kinematics in far-side impact
Kinematic assessment of subject personification of human body models (THUMS)
Evaluation of Adaptive Carbon Fiber Reinforced Door Beams
Study of the Kinematics of the THOR dummy in Nearside Oblique Impacts
Muscle Activation Strategies in Human Body Models for the Development of Integrated Safety
Rear Seat Child Safety in Near-Side Impacts: A Modeling Study of Common Sitting Positions
Parameter study for child injury mitigation in near side impacts through FE simulations
Characteristics of crashes involving injured children in side impacts
Validation of a Human Body Model for Frontal Crash and its Use for Chest Injury Prediction
On Vehicle Design for Adaptive Front Structure
Structural adaptivity for acceleration level reduction in passenger car frontal collisions
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Säkra och komfortabla säkerhetsbälten för alla
Motorcyklistmodell för prediktering av skaderisk
Passagerarsäkerhet i bil - till nästa nivå
Passagerarsäkerhetsutvärdering i framtida bilar