Xinxin Yang
Visar 34 publikationer
Terahertz biometric sensors for fingerprint scanning
Terahertz Rectennas on Flexible Substrates Based on One-Dimensional Metal–Insulator–Graphene Diodes
High-speed hBN/graphene/hBN room-temperature terahertz nano-receivers
Thermoelectric graphene photodetectors with sub-nanosecond response times at terahertz frequencies
Thermoelectric graphene photodetectors with sub-nanosecond response times at terahertz frequencies
Effects of self-heating on fT and fmax performance of graphene field-effect transistors
Describing broadband terahertz response of graphene FET detectors by a classical model
Does carrier velocity saturation help to enhance fmax in graphene field-effect transistors?
Characterisation and modelling of graphene FET detectors for flexible terahertz electronics
A linear-array of 300-GHz antenna integrated GFET detectors on a flexible substrate
High-speed, low-noise thermoelectric graphene detectors at terahertz frequencies
High frequency noise characterisation of graphene field-effect transistors at different temperatures
Wide Bandwidth Terahertz Mixers Based On Graphene FETs
Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for Millimeter Wave Amplifiers
Effects of self-heating on high-frequency performance of graphene field-effect transistors
Graphene field-effect transistors with high extrinsic fT and fmax
Homodyne detection in graphene FET power detectors
Low-frequency Noise Characterization of Graphene FET THz Detectors
Drain current saturation in graphene field-effect transistors at high fields
An Integrated 200-GHz Graphene FET Based Receiver
Graphene field-effect transistors for high frequency applications
A flexible graphene terahertz detector
Broadband Flexible Graphene RF Power Detectors
A 400-GHz Graphene FET Detector
A heterodyne graphene FET detector at 400 GHz
Optimization of THz graphene FET detector integrated with a bowtie antenna
Characterization of Al2O3 gate dielectric for graphene electronics on flexible substrates
Plasmonic Metasurfaces with Conjugated Polymers for Flexible Electronic Paper in Color
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