Zhaonian Cheng
Visar 39 publikationer
Study of the filler effect of the effective thermal conductivity of thermal conductive adhesive
Adhesion Behavior between Epoxy Molding Compound and Different Leadframes in Plastic Packaging
FEM Simulation of Bimodal and Trimodal Thermally Conductive Adhesives
Effects of the Matrix Shrinkage and Filler Hardness on the Thermal Conductivity of TCA
A Study of the Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Micro-channel Heat Sink
The Effect of Thermal Cycling on Nanoparticle Reinforced Composite Lead-free Solder
A Study of Fluid Coolant with Carbon Nanotube Suspension for Microchannel Coolers
Nano-Thermal Interface Material with CNT Nano-Particles For Heat Dissipation Application
A study of fluid coolant with carbon nanotube suspension for MicroChannel coolers
Heat Removal of Microchannel Coolers with Carbon Nanotube Suspension as the Coolant
RF Characterisation of Flip-Chip Aniostropic Conductive Adhesive Joints
Reliability Investigation for Encapsulated Isotropic Conductive Adhesives Flip Chip Interconnection
Coffin-Manson constant determination for a Sn-8Zn-3Bi Lead-Free Solder Joint
Isothermal Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Single Shear Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Bi Solder Joint
Reliability Investigation for Encapsulated Isotropic Conductive Adhesives Flip Chip Interconnection
Low cycle fatigue testing and simulation of Sn8Zn-3Bi and Sn-37Pb solder joints
Determination of Mason-Coffin equation for Sn-Zn based lead-free solder joint
Reliability analysis of embedded chip technique with design of experiment methods
Residual Stress in Flip Chip Joining Using Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive
Microsystem Interconnections Modelling Using Micropolar Theory and Discontinuous Approximation
Reliability Investigation for Encapsulated Isotropic Conductive Adhesives Flip Chip Interconnection
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