Fredrik Brännström
Fredrik Brännström is Professor and Head of Communication Systems Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. He is also a part-time Research Scientist with Neural Propulsion Systems, Inc (, a California-based startup in autonomous sensing platforms). He received the M.Sc. degree from Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in Communication Theory from the Department of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2004. From 2004 to 2006, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology. From 2006 to 2010, he was a Principal Design Engineer with Quantenna Communications, Inc., Fremont, CA, USA. He was a recipient of the 2013 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop Best Poster Award. In 2014, he received the Department of Signals and Systems Best Teacher Award. He has co-authored the papers that received the 2016 and 2017 Best Student Conference Paper and the 2018 Best Student Journal Paper, all awarded by the IEEE Sweden Joint VT-COM-IT Chapter. His current research interests include algorithms, resource allocation, synchronization, antenna concepts, and protocol design for vehicular communication systems, as well as different applications of coding.
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Showing 95 publications
Antenna Combiner for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication Under Relaxed Worst-Case Propagation
Finite-Length Scaling of SC-LDPC Codes With a Limited Number of Decoding Iterations
Hybrid Combining of Directional Antennas for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication
Robust Analog Beamforming for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication
Sensitivity analysis of beamforming techniques for periodic broadcast V2V communication
Radio resource management for V2V multihop communication considering adjacent channel interference
Dynamic Coded Caching in Wireless Networks
On Doped SC-LDPC Codes for Streaming
Finite-Length Scaling of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes under Window Decoding over the BEC
Robust Connectivity With Multiple Directional Antennas for Vehicular Communications
Optimizing MDS Coded Caching in Wireless Networks with Device-to-Device Communication
Theoretical Limits on Cooperative Positioning in Mixed Traffic
A Refined Scaling Law for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Over the Binary Erasure Channel
Performance Analysis of Receivers using Sector Antennas for Broadcast Vehicular Communications
Asymptotic comparison of ML and MAP detectors for multidimensional constellations
A Simple Method for Robust Vehicular Communication with Multiple Nonideal Antennas
Code Constructions for Distributed Storage With Low Repair Bandwidth and Low Repair Complexity
5GCAR project D3.1 Intermediate 5G V2X Radio
Collision-Aware Communication for Intersection Management of Automated Vehicles
On Frame Asynchronous Coded Slotted ALOHA: Asymptotic, Finite Length, and Delay Analysis
Network Synchronization for Mobile Device-to-Device Systems
Broadcast coded slotted ALOHA: A finite frame length analysis
Distributed Storage in Mobile Wireless Networks with Device-to-Device Communication
On the Information Loss of the Max-Log Approximation in BICM Systems
Unequal Error Protection in Coded Slotted ALOHA
Density Evolution and Error Floor Analysis for Staircase and Braided Codes
Power Control for Broadcast V2V Communications with Adjacent Carrier Interference Effects
Deterministic and Ensemble-Based Spatially-Coupled Product Codes
Cluster-Based Radio Resource Management for D2D-Supported Safety-Critical V2X Communications
Radio Resource Management for D2D-based V2V Communication
Asymptotic and Finite Frame Length Analysis of Frame Asynchronous Coded Slotted ALOHA
A Deterministic Construction and Density Evolution Analysis for Generalized Product Codes
Density Evolution for Deterministic Generalized Product Codes with Higher-Order Modulation
Resource Sharing and Power Allocation for D2D-based Safety-Critical V2X Communications
On Parameter Optimization for Staircase Codes
All-to-all Broadcast for Vehicular Networks Based on Coded Slotted ALOHA
Spatially-Coupled Codes for Optical Communications: State-of-the-Art and Open Problems
A Family of Erasure Correcting Codes with Low Repair Bandwidth and Low Repair Complexity
Error Floor Analysis of Coded Slotted ALOHA over Packet Erasure Channels
Repair Scheduling in Wireless Distributed Storage with D2D Communication
Random Broadcast Based Distributed Consensus Clock Synchronization for Mobile Networks
Probabilistic Handshake in All-to-all Broadcast Coded Slotted ALOHA
On Channel Estimation for 802.11p in Highly Time-Varying Vehicular Channels
On the Asymptotic Performance of Bit-Wise Decoders for Coded Modulation
Optimized Bit Mappings for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes over Parallel Binary Erasure Channels
A Simple Approximation for the Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Capacity
Improving soft FEC performance for higher-order modulations via optimized bit channel mappings
D2D-based V2V Communications with Latency and Reliability Constraints
High-SNR Asymptotics of Mutual Information for Discrete Constellations With Applications to BICM
On the Exact BER of Bit-Wise Demodulators for One-Dimensional Constellations
Distributed clock synchronization with application of D2D communication without infrastructure
On clock offset and skew estimation with exponentially distributed delays
High-SNR Asymptotics of Mutual Information for Discrete Constellations
On the Equivalence of TCM Encoders
Asymptotically optimal trellis coded modulation systems
Long-Term Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks with Arbitrary Delay Distributions
General BER Expression for One-Dimensional Constellations
High SNR Bounds for the BICM Capacity
Unifying Analysis and Design of Rate-Compatible Concatenated Codes
Classification of Unique Mappings for 8PSK Based on Bit-Wise Distance Spectra
Optimal Puncturing Ratios and Energy Allocation for Multiple Parallel Concatenated Codes
Adaptive Optimization of an Iterative Multiuser Detector for Turbo-Coded CDMA
Classification of 8PSK Mappings for BICM
A general structure for rate-compatible concatenated codes
On the design of rate-compatible serially concatenated convolutional codes
Dynamic Scheduling for a Turbo CDMA Receiver using EXIT Charts
Recursive LLR Combining in Iterative Multiuser Decoding of Coded CDMA
Minimising Complexity in Iterative Multiuser Detection using Dynamic Decoding Schedules
Fidelity charts and stopping/termination criteria for iterative multiuser detection
Analysis and Design of Concatenated Codes
Concatenated Systems and Cross-Layer Design
Design of Rate-Compatible Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes
Convergence analysis and optimal scheduling for multiple concatenated codes
Non-data-aided parameter estimation in an additive white Gaussian noise channel
Multiple parallel concatenated codes with optimal puncturing and energy distribution
Optimal puncturing for multiple parallel concatenated codes
Convergence Analysis and Design of Multiple Concatenated Codes
Optimal scheduling for iterative decoding
Optimal scheduling for multiple serially concatenated codes
Iterative detectors for trellis-code multiple-access
Extrinsic information transfer charts for narrow-band multiple access
Convergence analysis of iterative detectors for narrow-band multiple access
Iterative multi-user detection of trellis code multiple access using a posteriori probabilities
Constellation-constrained capacity for trellis code multiple access systems
Capacity considerations for trellis code multiple access systems
Trellis Code Multiple Access (TCMA) - Detectors and Capacity Considerations
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Showing 3 research projects
Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation (5GCAR)
Reliable Uncoordinated Medium Access for Critical Low-Latency Communication
MIMO-BICM: Fundamentals, Analysis, and Design