Per Lincoln
Showing 143 publications
Binuclear ruthenium complex linker length tunes DNA threading intercalation kinetics
Left versus right: Exploring the effects of chiral threading intercalators using optical tweezers
Effect of Chirality on the Elastic Properties of the DNA-Threading Binuclear Ruthenium Complex
Canonical DNA minor groove insertion of bisbenzamidine-Ru(ii) complexes with chiral selectivity
Dissecting the Dynamic Pathways of Stereoselective DNA Threading Intercalation
Significance of Steric Bulk in DNA Threading Intercalation Revelaed through Force-Dependent Kinetics
DNA intercalation optimized by two-step molecular lock mechanism
Diastereomeric bactericidal effect of Ru(phenanthroline)(2)dipyridophenazine
Resolving the DNA Binding Mode of a Rotationally Flexible Binuclear Ruthenium Complex
The Role of the Threading Moiety in DNA Threading Intercalation by Ruthenium Dimer Complexes
DNA-Binding Properties of Amidine-Substituted Spiropyran Photoswitches
Enhanced Cellular Uptake of Antisecretory Peptide AF-16 through Proteoglycan Binding
Kinetics of DNA Threading Intercalation by a Rigid Ruthenium Complex Dimer
Minor-Groove Binding Drugs: Where Is the Second Hoechst 33258 Molecule?
Enantioselective Cyclization of Photochromic Dithienylethenes Bound to DNA
Transition State of Rare Event Base Pair Opening Probed by Threading into Looped DNA
Stereoselectivity for DNA Threading Intercalation of Short Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes
Using Ethidium To Probe Nonequilibrium States of DNA Condensed for Gene Delivery
Double-lock ratchet mechanism revealing the role of alpha SER-344 in FoF1 ATP synthase
Characterizing the language of Swedish students' written explanations to TIMSS 2007 science items
Nanofabrication Yields. Hybridization and Click-Fixation of Polycyclic DNA Nanoassemblies
Slow Threading Intercalation of Monomeric Ru(II) Complexes with 10,13-Diarylsubstituted dppz Ligands
Lipophilic ruthenium complexes with tuned cell membrane affinity and photoactivated uptake
AT-Specific DNA Binding of Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes at the Border of Threading Intercalation
Molecular AND-logic for dually controlled activation of a DNA-binding spiropyran
Synthesis and DNA threading properties of quaternary ammonium Ru(phen)(2)(dppz) (2+) derivatives
Thermodynamic Aspects of DNA Nanoconstruct Stability and Design
Assigning Membrane Binding Geometry of Cytochrome c by Polarized Light Spectroscopy
Supercoil-Accelerated DNA Threading Intercalation
Complex DNA binding kinetics resolved-by combined circular dichroism and luminescence analysis
DNA condensation by PAMAM dendrimers: Self-assembly characteristics and effect on transcription
Photoswitched DNA-binding of a photochromic spiropyran
DNA Polymorphism as an Origin of Adenine-Thymine Tract Length-Dependent Threading Intercalation Rate
Finding at-DNA--kinetic recognition of long adenine-thymine stretches by metal-ligand complexes.
Addressable molecular node assembly - high information density DNA nanostructures
Ligand-specific temperature-dependent shifts in EC50 values for the GABA(A) receptor
Mechanically manipulating the DNA threading intercalation rate
Luminescent Dipyridophenazine-Ruthenium Probes for Liposome Membranes
Binding geometry and photophysical properties of DNA-threading binuclear ruthenium complexes
Tryptophan Orientation in Model Lipid Membranes
Addressable high-information-density DNA nanostructures
Retinoid chromophores as probes of membrane lipid order
AT-dependent luminescence of DNA-threading ruthenium complexes
Kinetic characterization of an extremely slow DNA binding equilibrium
Triplex addressability as a basis for functional DNA nanostructures
Kinetic recognition of AT-rich DNA by ruthenium complexes
Sequence-specific DNA Binding Agents
A biohybrid dynamic random access memory
A polarized-light spectroscopy study of interactions of a hairpin polyamide with DNA
Membrane destabilizing properties of cell-penetrating peptides
Membrane binding and translocation of cell-penetrating peptides
Vesicle size-dependent translocation of penetratin analogs across lipid membranes
Vesicle membrane interactions of penetratin analogs
Ambivalent Intercalators for DNA: L-Shaped Platinum(II) Complexes
Photophysical Characterization of Fluorescent DNA Base Analogue, tC
Formation of DNA Triple Helices by an Oligonucleotide Conjugated to a Fluorescent Ruthenium Complex
Enantioselective DNA Threading Dynamics by Phenazine-Linked [Ru(phen)2dppz]2+ Dimers
A highly fluorescent DNA base analogue that forms Watson-Crick base pairs with guanine
A simple model for gene targeting
Picosecond Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Probing the Light Switch States of [Ru(Phen)2dppz]2+
Influence of DNA on Charge Separation Processes of Ruthenium(II) Complexes
Probing DNA conductivity with photoinduced electron transfer and scanning tunneling microscopy
A molecular staple for DNA: Threading bisintercalating D-[Ru(phen)2DPPZ]2+ dimer
DNA Interactions with Chiral Polyaza-aromatic Ruthenium(II) Complexes
Absence of chiral discrimination in the interaction of tris(diphenanthroline)ruthenium(II) with DNA
Binuclear ruthenium(II) phenanthroline compounds with extreme binding affinity for DNA
DNA Interactions with Substitution-Inert Transition Metal Ion Complexes
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Showing 3 research projects
Kontroll av intermolekylär växelverkan för att utveckla binära antibiotika
Studies on the selectivity in intermolecular interactions of ruthenium complexes