Mattias Thuvander

Professor at Microstructure Physics

My research interest is focused on the relation between properties and microstructure of materials, and how properties and microstructure are affected by processing, heat treatment and in-service exposure (for example temperature, stress, oxidation, wear and irradiation). The main tool for my research is atom probe tomography, but I also apply electron microscopy, SANS/SAXS and other techniques. I have mostly worked with metals (steels, nickel-based alloys and zirconium alloys), but also wear resistant thin films, thin film solar cells and zeolites. Currently, I mainly work with materials for nuclear applications, including reactor pressure vessel steels, zirconium fuel rods and accident tolerant fuel (ATF).

Image of Mattias Thuvander

Showing 140 publications


Residual stresses and microstructure in fine grained cemented carbides doped with Cr and Ti

Jonathan Weidow, A. B. Yildiz, Gottfrid Olsson et al
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 128
Review article

Irradiation-induced clustering in a high-Ni, high-Mn, low-Cu boiling water reactor pressure vessel weld after 28 full power years

David Mayweg, Kristina Lindgren, P. Efsing et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 258
Journal article

Microstructure tailoring for crack mitigation in CM247LC manufactured by powder bed fusion – Laser beam

Ahmed Fardan Jabir Hussain, Andrea Fazi, Jakob Schröder et al
Additive Manufacturing. Vol. 99
Journal article

Limits of hydrogen analysis by atom probe tomography targeting Zr(Fe,Cr)<inf>2</inf> second phase particles in Zr-based fuel cladding from reactor operation

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson Limminger, Mohammad Sattari et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 601
Journal article

Fine-Tuning Melt Pools and Microstructures: Taming Cracks in Powder Bed Fusion—Laser Beam of a non-weldable Ni-base Superalloy

Ahmed Fardan Jabir Hussain, Andrea Fazi, Ru Lin Peng et al
Materialia. Vol. 34
Journal article

Formation of pure zirconium islands inside c-component loops in high-burnup fuel cladding

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson, Mohammad Sattari et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 597
Journal article

Oxidation of a zirconium nitride multilayer-covered knee implant after two years in clinical use

Julia Rau, Gustav Eriksson, Per Malmberg et al
Acta Biomaterialia. Vol. 190, p. 593-604
Journal article

Effect of Ni content on 475°C embrittlement of directed energy deposited duplex stainless steel using a laser beam and wire feedstock

Amir Baghdadchi, Mattias Thuvander, S. Wessman et al
Materialia. Vol. 36
Journal article

Influence of multiple detection events on compositional accuracy of TiN coatings in atom probe tomography

Maximilian Schiester, Helene Waldl, Marcus Hans et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 477
Journal article

Physical simulation of low temperature phase separation during multipass welding of super duplex stainless steel

Vahid A. Hosseini, Mattias Thuvander
Welding International. Vol. 38 (4), p. 290-297
Journal article

Characterization of hydrogen traps in a co-precipitation steel investigated by atom probe experiments without cryogenic transfer

Severin Jakob, Mohammad Sattari, Birhan Sefer et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 243
Journal article

Elemental distribution and fracture properties of magnetron sputtered carbon supersaturated tungsten films

Stefan Fritze, R. Hahn, Hisham Aboulfadl et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 477
Journal article

Silica-embedded Gold Nanoparticles Analyzed by Atom Probe Tomography

Gustav Eriksson, Mats Hulander, Mattias Thuvander et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 30 (6), p. 1036-1046
Journal article

Concomitant Precipitation of Intermetallic β-NiAl and Carbides in a Precipitation Hardened Steel

Severin Jakob, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, J. Kawser et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 55 (3), p. 870-879
Journal article

Proton irradiation-induced cracking and microstructural defects in UN and (U,Zr)N composite fuels

Elina Charatsidou, Maria Giamouridou, Andrea Fazi et al
Journal of Materiomics. Vol. 10 (4), p. 906-918
Journal article

Laser-Assisted Field Evaporation of Chromia with Deep Ultraviolet Laser Light

Severin Jakob, Andrea Fazi, Mattias Thuvander
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. In Press
Journal article

In Situ Measurements of NiAl Precipitation During Aging of Dual Hardening Hybrid Steels

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, S. W. Ooi, Kristina Lindgren et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 55 (10), p. 4146-4158
Journal article

Unexpected thermal aging effect on brittle fracture and elemental segregation in modern dissimilar metal weld

Andrea Fazi, Pedro A. Ferreirós, Yanling Ge et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 217
Journal article

Concurrent Improvement of Additive Manufacturing Processability and Creep Performance in a Legacy Polycrystalline Superalloy Using Grain Boundary Strengtheners

Abdul Shaafi Shaikh, Eduard Hryha, Mohammad Sattari et al
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, p. 883-896
Paper in proceeding

Revisiting Compositional Accuracy of Carbides Using a Decreased Detector Efficiency in a LEAP 6000 XR Atom Probe Instrument

Severin Jakob, Mattias Thuvander
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 30 (6), p. 1163-1171
Journal article

Solute Concentrations in the Matrix of Zirconium Alloys Studied by Atom Probe Tomography

Johan Eriksson, David Mayweg, Gustav Sundell et al
ASTM Special Technical Publication. Vol. STP 1645, p. 149-172
Paper in proceeding

Oxidation of Alloy X-750 with Low Iron Content in Simulated BWR Environment

Silvia Tuzi, Marta Krystyna Stiller, Mattias Thuvander
Journal of Nuclear Engineering. Vol. 4 (4), p. 711-722
Journal article

Focused Ion Beam induced hydride formation does not affect Fe, Ni, Cr-clusters in irradiated Zircaloy-2

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson, Olof Bäcke et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 581
Journal article

Influence of Fabrication Route and Copper Content on Nature and Kinetics of 475 °C- Embrittlement in Cu-Containing Super Duplex Stainless Steels

Vahid A. Hosseini, Mattias Thuvander, Kristina Lindgren et al
Steel Research International. Vol. 94 (12)
Journal article

Crystallographic characterization of U<inf>2</inf>CrN<inf>3</inf>: A neutron diffraction and transmission electron microscopy approach

Sobhan Patnaik, Yulia Mischenko, Jennifer Stansby et al
Nuclear Materials and Energy. Vol. 35
Journal article

Performance and evolution of cold spray Cr-coated optimized ZIRLO™ claddings under simulated loss-of-coolant accident conditions

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Marta Krystyna Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 576
Journal article

Effects of Nb on borosiliciding of CoCrFeNiNb<inf>x</inf> high-entropy alloy

Sezgin Cengiz, Yunus Azakli, Dogancan Ceylan et al
Vacuum. Vol. 207
Journal article

Atomically Resolved Interfacial Analysis of Bone-Like Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles on Titanium

Gustav Eriksson, Mats Hulander, Mattias Thuvander et al
Advanced NanoBiomed Research. Vol. 3 (10)
Journal article

Effect of Ce addition on microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of Al-Si alloys

Sezgin Cengiz, Hisham Aboulfadl, Mattias Thuvander
Materials Today Communications. Vol. 34
Journal article

Effect of thermal aging on microstructure and carbides of SA508/Alloy 52 dissimilar metal weld

Y. Ge, Zaiqing Que, Kristina Lindgren et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 200
Journal article

Elemental distribution in a decommissioned high Ni and Mn reactor pressure vessel weld metal from a boiling water reactor

Kristina Lindgren, P. Efsing, Mattias Thuvander
Nuclear Materials and Energy. Vol. 36
Journal article

CrN–NbN nanolayered coatings for enhanced accident tolerant fuels in BWR

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Michal Strach et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 586
Journal article

Atom probe tomography characterisation of powder forged connecting rods alloyed with vanadium and copper

Kristina Lindgren, Karin Frisk, Maheswaran Vattur Sundaram et al
Philosophical Magazine. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Field dependent study on the impact of co-evaporated multihits and ion pile-up for the apparent stoichiometric quantification of GaN and AlN

Richard J.H. Morris, Ramya Cuduvally, Jhao Rong Lin et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 241
Journal article

The Effect of Hf Addition on the Boronizing and Siliciding Behavior of CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloys

Sezgin Cengiz, Mattias Thuvander
Materials. Vol. 15 (6)
Journal article

Effect of the thorium oxide content on the leaching of a mixed thorium-uranium oxide fuel

Klara Insulander Björk, Stellan Holgersson, Mattias Thuvander et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 331 (7), p. 2849-2857
Journal article

Comparing CrN and TiN Coatings for Accident-Tolerant Fuels in PWR and BWR Autoclaves

Andrea Fazi, Pratik Lokhande, Denise Adorno Lopes et al
Journal of Nuclear Engineering. Vol. 3 (4), p. 321-332
Journal article

Design and characterization of a cobalt-free stainless maraging steel for laser-based powder bed fusion

Dmitri Riabov, Karin Frisk, Mattias Thuvander et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 223
Journal article

Cu precipitation in electron-irradiated iron alloys for spent-fuel canisters

Qigui Yang, Zhongwen Chang, Luca Messina et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 572
Journal article

Nanoscale chemistry of Zircaloy-2 exposed to three and nine annual cycles of boiling water reactor operation — an atom probe tomography study

Johan Eriksson, Gustav Sundell, Pia Tejland et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 561
Journal article

Analysis of thermal embrittlement of a low alloy steel weldment using fracture toughness and microstructural investigations

M. Boasen, Kristina Lindgren, Martin Öberg et al
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 262
Journal article

Cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings: the Cr/Zr interface and its microstructural and chemical evolution after autoclave corrosion testing

Andrea Fazi, Marta Krystyna Stiller, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 560
Journal article

The Nanostructure of the Oxide Formed on Fe-10Cr-4Al Exposed in Liquid Pb

Kristina Lindgren, Peter Dömstedt, Peter Szakalos et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 28 (4), p. 1321 -1334
Journal article

Post-irradiation annealing of high flux irradiated and surveillance material reactor pressure vessel weld metal

Kristina Lindgren, M. Boasen, Zaiqing Que et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 562
Journal article

Evolution of iron carbides during tempering of low-alloy tool steel studied with polarized small angle neutron scattering, electron microscopy and atom probe

Erik Claesson, Hans Magnusson, Joachim Kohlbrecher et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 194
Journal article

Precipitation kinetics of Cu-rich particles in super duplex stainless steels

Vahid A. Hosseini, Kjell Hurtig, Daniel Gonzalez et al
Journal of Materials Research and Technology. Vol. 15, p. 3951-3964
Journal article

Carbide precipitation in a low alloyed steel during aging studied by atom probe tomography and thermodynamic modeling

Mattias Thuvander, Hans Magnusson, Ulrika Borggren
Metals. Vol. 11 (12)
Journal article

Tool wear mechanisms of PcBN in machining Inconel 718: Analysis across multiple length scale

V. Bushlya, Filip Lenrick, Axel Bjerke et al
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 70 (1), p. 73-78
Journal article

Fe and Cr phase separation in super and hyper duplex stainless steel plates and welds after very short aging times

Vahid A Hosseini, Mattias Thuvander, Kristina Lindgren et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 210
Journal article

Early Precipitation Stages of Sigma Phase in Alloy 28 Studied with Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography

Claes-Olof A. Olsson, Mats Hattestrand, Hans Magnusson et al
ISIJ International. Vol. 61 (3), p. 881-887
Journal article

EBSD Analysis of Blocky Structures in Hardened and Tempered Microstructures of a 5 wt.% Cr Cold Work Tool Steel

M. Arbab Rehan, Mattias Thuvander, Berne Högman et al
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis. Vol. 10 (6), p. 862-875
Journal article

Precipitation of γ’ during cooling of nickel-base superalloy Haynes 282

Ceena Joseph, Mattias Thuvander, Christer Persson et al
Philosophical Magazine Letters. Vol. 101 (1), p. 30-39
Journal article

Alkali Dispersion in (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Film Solar Cells - Insight from Theory and Experiment

Hisham Aboulfadl, Kostiantyn V. Sopiha, Jan Keller et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 13 (6), p. 7188-7199
Journal article

Characterization of as-deposited cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings

Andrea Fazi, Hisham Aboulfadl, Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 549
Journal article

Integrated effect of thermal ageing and low flux irradiation on microstructural evolution of the ferrite of welded austenitic stainless steels

Kristina Lindgren, Martin Bjurman, P. Efsing et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 551
Journal article

An atom probe tomography study of the chemistry of radiation-induced dislocation loops in Zircaloy-2 exposed to boiling water reactor operation

Johan Eriksson, Gustav Sundell, Pia Tejland et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 550
Journal article

Nanoscale phase separations in as-fabricated thick super duplex stainless steels

Vahid A. Hosseini, Kristina Lindgren, Mattias Thuvander et al
Journal of Materials Science. Vol. 56 (21), p. 12475-12485
Journal article

Dynamic Impurity Redistributions in Kesterite Absorbers

Sigbjørn Grini, Hisham Aboulfadl, Nils Ross et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 257 (6)
Journal article

Influence of heat treatment under hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on microstructure of intermetallic-reinforced tool steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion

P. Krakhmalev, G. Fredriksson, Mattias Thuvander et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 772
Journal article

Complete precipitate dissolution during adiabatic shear localisation in a Ni-based superalloy

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander
Philosophical Magazine Letters. Vol. 100 (12), p. 561-570
Journal article

Insight into hydrothermal aging effect on Pd sites over Pd/LTA and Pd/SSZ-13 as PNA and CO oxidation monolith catalysts

Aiyong Wang, Kristina Lindgren, Mengqiao Di et al
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 278
Journal article

Effect of Tempering on the Bainitic Microstructure Evolution Correlated with the Hardness in a Low-Alloy Medium-Carbon Steel

Adam Stahlkrantz, Peter Hedstrom, Niklas Sarius et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 51 (12), p. 6470-6481
Journal article

Improving Compositional Accuracy in APT Analysis of Carbides Using a Decreased Detection Efficiency

Deodatta Shinde, Mattias Thuvander, Arbab Rehan et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 25 (2), p. 454-461
Journal article

Multiple Influences of Molybdenum on the Precipitation Process in a Martensitic PH Stainless Steel

Mattias Thuvander, Marcus Andersson, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Metals. Vol. 9 (10)
Journal article

Elemental Distribution in CrNbTaTiW-C High Entropy Alloy Thin Films

Deodatta Shinde, Stefan Fritze, Mattias Thuvander et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 25 (2), p. 489-500
Journal article

Atom Probe Tomography Interlaboratory Study on Clustering Analysis in Experimental Data Using the Maximum Separation Distance Approach

Yan Dong, Auriane Etienne, Alex Frolov et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 25 (2), p. 356-366
Journal article

On the use of density-based algorithms for the analysis of solute clustering in atom probe tomography data

Emmanuelle A. Marquis, Vicente Araullo-Peters, Yan Dong et al
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. Vol. Part F11, p. 2097-2113
Paper in proceeding

Atom probe tomography field evaporation characteristics and compositional corrections of ZrB2

D. Engberg, Lina Tengdelius, Hans Högberg et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 156
Journal article

Microstructural evolution of welded stainless steels on integrated effect of thermal aging and low flux irradiation

Martin Bjurman, Kristina Lindgren, Mattias Thuvander et al
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. Vol. Part F11, p. 703-710
Paper in proceeding

Microstructural Characterization of Sulfurization Effects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Film Solar Cells

Hisham Aboulfadl, Jan Keller, Jes Larsen et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 25 (2), p. 532-538
Journal article

Thermal ageing of low alloy steel weldments from a Swedish nuclear power plant - the evolution of the microstructure

Kristina Lindgren, Magnus Boåsen, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Fontevraud 9: Contribution of Materials Investigations and Operating Experience to Light Water NPPs' Safety, Performance and Reliability
Paper in proceeding

Resolving mass spectral overlaps in atom probe tomography by isotopic substitutions – case of TiSi15N

D. Engberg, L. J. S. Johnson, J. Jensen et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 184, p. 51-60
Journal article

Spinodal Decomposition in Functionally Graded Super Duplex Stainless Steel and Weld Metal

Vahid A. Hosseini, Mattias Thuvander, Sten Wessman et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 49 (7), p. 2803-2816
Journal article

Martensitic transformations in Ti-6Al-4V (ELI) alloy manufactured by 3D Printing

N. Kazantseva, Pavel Krakhmalev, Mattias Thuvander et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 146, p. 101-112
Journal article

Electric-field-controlled reversible order-disorder switching of a metal tip surface

Ludvig De Knoop, Mikael Juhani Kuisma, Joakim Löfgren et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 2 (8)
Journal article

Microstructure, solidification texture, and thermal stability of 316 L stainless steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion

Pavel Krakhmalev, Gunnel Fredriksson, Krister Svensson et al
Metals. Vol. 8 (8)
Review article

The effect of iron on dislocation evolution in model and commercial zirconium alloys

Matthew Topping, Allan Harte, Philipp Frankel et al
ASTM Special Technical Publication. Vol. STP 1597, p. 796-822
Paper in proceeding

Cluster formation in in-service thermally aged pressurizer welds

Kristina Lindgren, M. Boasen, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 504, p. 23-28
Journal article

On the effect of preoxidation of nickel alloy X-750

Silvia Tuzi, Kenneth Göransson, Fang Liu et al
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. Vol. Part F11, p. 407-416
Paper in proceeding

Evolution of precipitation in reactor pressure vessel steel welds under neutron irradiation

Kristina Lindgren, M. Boasen, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 488, p. 222-230
Journal article

Atomic-scale investigation of carbon atom migration in surface induced white layers in high-carbon medium chromium (AISI 52100) bearing steel

Seyed Hosseini, Mattias Thuvander, Uta Klement et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 130, p. 155-163
Journal article

Corrosion of pre-oxidized nickel alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment

Silvia Tuzi, Haiping Lai, Kenneth Göransson et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 486 (1 April), p. 350-360
Journal article

On the Analysis of Clustering in an Irradiated Low Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Weld

Kristina Lindgren, Krystyna Marta Stiller, P. Efsing et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 23 (2), p. 376-384
Journal article

The bone-implant interface of dental implants in humans on the atomic scale

Gustav Sundell, Christer Dahlin, Martin Andersson et al
Acta Biomaterialia. Vol. 48, p. 445-450
Journal article

Effect of solution treatment on spinodal decomposition during aging of an Fe-46.5 at.% Cr alloy

J. Zhou, J. Odqvist, A. Ruban et al
Journal of Materials Science. Vol. 52 (1), p. 326-335
Journal article

Effect of cooling rate after solution treatment on subsequent phase separation during aging of Fe-Cr alloys: A small-angle neutron scattering study

Xin Xu, J. Odqvist, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 134, p. 221-229
Journal article

Microstructural evolution of Fe-22%Cr model alloy under thermal ageing and ion irradiation conditions studied by atom probe tomography

O. A. Korchuganova, Mattias Thuvander, A. A. Aleev et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 477, p. 172-177
Journal article

Atom probe tomography of interfaces in ceramic films and oxide scales

Krystyna Marta Stiller, Mattias Thuvander, I. Povstugar et al
MRS Bulletin. Vol. 41 (1), p. 35-39
Journal article

Structural Characterization of Phase Separation in Fe-Cr: A Current Comparison of Experimental Methods

X. Xu, J. Odqvist, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 47 (12), p. 5942-5952
Journal article

Controlling In-Ga-Zn-O thin films transport properties through density changes

J. Kaczmarski, Torben Boll, M. A. Borysiewicz et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 608, p. 57-61
Journal article

Oxide evolution on Alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment

Silvia Tuzi, Kenneth Göransson, Seikh Mohammad Habibur Rahman et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 482, p. 19-27
Journal article

A Comparison between Ultra-high-strength and Conventional High-strength Fastener Steels: Mechanical Properties at Elevated Temperature and Microstructural Mechanisms

Carin Emmy Ingrid Christersdotter Ohlund, M. Lukovic, Jonathan Weidow et al
ISIJ International. Vol. 56 (10), p. 1874-1883
Journal article

Self-organized nanostructuring in Zr0.69Al0.31N thin films studied by atom probe tomography

L. J. S. Johnson, N. Ghafoor, D. Engberg et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 615, p. 233-238
Journal article

Barrier oxide chemistry and hydrogen pick-up mechanisms in zirconium alloys

Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander, Hans-Olof Andrén
Corrosion Science. Vol. 102, p. 490-502
Journal article

The potential of spinodal ferrite decomposition for increasing the very high cycle fatigue strength of duplex stainless steel

Ulrich Krupp, M. Soker, A. Giertler et al
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 93, p. 363-371
Journal article

Atom probe tomography of a Ti-Si-Al-C-N coating grown on a cemented carbide substrate

Mattias Thuvander, Gustaf Östberg, M. Ahlgren et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 159, p. 308-313
Journal article

Microstructural stability of Fe-Cr-Al alloys at 450-550 degrees C

J. Ejenstam, Mattias Thuvander, P. Olsson et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 457, p. 291-297
Journal article

Modelling the Evolution of Multiple Hardening Mechanisms during Tempering of Fe-C-Mn-Ti Martensite

Ceic Ohlund, D. den Ouden, Jonathan Weidow et al
ISIJ International. Vol. 55 (4), p. 884-893
Journal article

An APT investigation of an amorphous Cr-B-C thin film

Torben Boll, Mattias Thuvander, Sabrina Koch et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 159, p. 217-222
Journal article

Direct observation of doping incorporation pathways in self-catalytic GaMnAs nanowires

T. Kasama, Mattias Thuvander, A. Siusys et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 118 (5)
Journal article

Direct observation of hydrogen and deuterium in oxide grain boundaries in corroded Zirconium alloys

Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander, A K Yatim et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 90, p. 1-4
Other text in scientific journal

Oxidation Mechanism in Zircaloy- 2—The Effect of SPP Size Distribution

Pia Tejland, Hans-Olof Andrén, Gustav Sundell et al
ASTM Special Technical Publication. Vol. STP 1543, p. 373-403
Paper in proceeding

Nanostructure evolution and mechanical property changes during aging of a super duplex stainless steel at 300°C

N. Pettersson, S. Wessman, Mattias Thuvander et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 647, p. 241-248
Journal article

Early stages of spinodal decomposition in Fe–Cr resolved by in-situ small-angle neutron scattering

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Mattias Thuvander, Axel Steuwer et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 106 (6), p. 061911-
Journal article

Direct atom probe tomography observations of concentration fluctuations in Fe-Cr solid solution

J. Zhou, J. Odqvist, J. Agren et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 98, p. 13-15
Journal article

Tin clustering and precipitation in the oxide during autoclave corrosion of Zircaloy-2

Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander, Hans-Olof Andrén
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 456, p. 409-414
Journal article

Toward a Comprehensive Mechanistic Understanding of Hydrogen Uptake in Zirconium Alloys by Combining Atom Probe Analysis With Electronic Structure Calculations

Mikaela Lindgren, Gustav Sundell, Itai Panas et al
ASTM Special Technical Publication. Vol. STP 1543, p. 515-539
Paper in proceeding

Phase Separation in Fe-Cr Alloys Studied by Small Angle Neutron Scattering

Xin Xu, J. Odqvist, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander et al
TMS Annual Meeting and Exibition
Other conference contribution

Localized controlled drug delivery from mesoporous implants

Johan Karlsson, Necati Harmankaya, Anders Palmquist et al
Technical Proceedings of the 2014 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2014. Washington, DC, United States, 15-18 June 2014. Vol. 2, p. 250-253
Paper in proceeding

Redistribution of alloying elements in Zircaloy-2 after in-reactor exposure

Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander, Pia Tejland et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 454 (1-3), p. 178-185
Journal article

Effect of Ti on Evolution of Microstructure and Hardness of Martensitic Fe-C-Mn Steel during Tempering

Ceic Ohlund, Jonathan Weidow, Mattias Thuvander et al
ISIJ International. Vol. 54 (12), p. 2890-2899
Journal article

Atomically resolved tissue integration

Johan Karlsson, Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 14 (8), p. 4220-4223
Journal article

Initial clustering - a key factor for phase separation kinetics in Fe-Cr-based alloys

J. Zhou, J. Odqvist, L. Hoglund et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 75, p. 62-65
Journal article

Quantitative Evaluation of Spinodal Decomposition in Fe-Cr by Atom Probe Tomography and Radial Distribution Function Analysis

J. Zhou, J. Odqvist, Mattias Thuvander et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 19 (3), p. 665-675
Journal article

Reduction of multiple hits in atom probe tomography

Mattias Thuvander, Anders Kvist, Lars J S Johnson et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 132, p. 81-85
Journal article

Blind deconvolution of time-of-flight mass spectra from atom probe tomography

L. J. S. Johnson, Mattias Thuvander, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 132, p. 60-64
Journal article

Hydrogen analysis in APT: Methods to control adsorption and dissociation of H2

Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander, Hans-Olof Andrén
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 132, p. 285-289
Journal article

The 475 degrees C embrittlement in Fe-20Cr and Fe-20Cr-X (X=Ni, Cu, Mn) alloys studied by mechanical testing and atom probe tomography

P. Hedstrom, H. Y. Fei, J. Zhou et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 574, p. 123-129
Journal article

Atom probe tomography of oxide scales

Krystyna Marta Stiller, Leif Viskari, Gustav Sundell et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 79 (3-4), p. 227-238
Journal article

Atom probe tomography investigation of lath boundary segregation and precipitation in a maraging stainless steel

Mattias Thuvander, MARCUS ANDERSSON, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 132, p. 265-270
Journal article

Observations of copper clustering in a 25Cr-7Ni super duplex stainless steel during low-temperature aging under load

Mattias Thuvander, J. Zhou, J. Odqvist et al
Philosophical Magazine Letters. Vol. 92 (7), p. 336-343
Journal article

Concurrent phase separation and clustering in the ferrite phase during low temperature stress aging of duplex stainless steel weldments

J. Zhou, J. Odqvist, Mattias Thuvander et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 60 (16), p. 5818-5827
Journal article

Enrichment of Fe and Ni at metal and oxide grain boundaries in corroded Zircaloy-2

Gustav Sundell, Mattias Thuvander, Hans-Olof Andrén
Corrosion Science. Vol. 65, p. 10-12
Other text in scientific journal

3D analysis of phase separation in ferritic stainless steels

J. Odqvist, J. Zhou, W. Xiong et al
1st International Conference on 3D Materials Science 2012, 3DMS 2012, p. 221-226
Paper in proceeding

Precipitation process of martensitic PH stainless steel Nanoflex

Mattias Thuvander, MARCUS ANDERSSON, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials Science and Technology. Vol. 28 (6), p. 695-701
Journal article

Spinodal decomposition of Ti0.33Al0.67N thin films studied by atom probe tomography

L. J. S. Johnson, Mattias Thuvander, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 520 (13), p. 4362-4368
Journal article

Quantitative APT analysis of Ti(C,N)

Jenny Angseryd, Fang Liu, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 609-614
Journal article

Microstructures and hardness of as-quenched martensites (0.1-0.5%C)

B. Hutchinson, J. Hagstrom, Oskar Karlsson et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 59 (14), p. 5845-5858
Journal article

Detailed analysis of the microstructure of the metal/oxide interface region in Zircaloy-2 after autoclave corrosion testing

Pia Tejland, Mattias Thuvander, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
ASTM Special Technical Publication. 16th International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry, Chengdu, Sinchuan Province, 9-13 May 2010. Vol. 1529 STP, p. 595-617
Paper in proceeding

Methods of quantitative matrix analysis of Zricaloy-2

Mattias Thuvander, Hans-Olof Andrén
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 711-714
Journal article

Detailed analysis of the microstructure of the metal/oxide interface region in Zircaloy-2 after autoclave corrosion testing

Pia Tejland, Mattias Thuvander, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Journal of ASTM International. Vol. 8 (6), p. 102956-
Journal article

Towards quantitative three-dimensional characterisation of buried InAs quantum dots

S. Kadkhodazadeh, E. S. Semenova, M. Schubert et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 326 (1)
Paper in proceeding

A study of duplex stainless steels aged at 325°C under applied tensile load

J. Zhou, P. Hedström, S. Hertzman et al
7th European Stainless Steel Conference: Science and Market; Como; Italy; 21 September 2011 through 23 September 2011
Paper in proceeding

Quantitative atom probe analysis of carbides

Mattias Thuvander, Jonathan Weidow, Jenny Angseryd et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 604-608
Journal article

An improved thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-Cr system down to zero kelvin coupled with key experiments

W. Xiong, P. Hedstrom, M. Selleby et al
Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry. Vol. 35 (3), p. 355-366
Journal article

Microstructure of Nickel-Chromium Superalloys

Mattias Thuvander
Doctoral thesis

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Showing 20 research projects


Investigations of surface state and stability of AM 316L SS components in simulated LWR /SMR environments

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
The Swedish Radiation Safety authority (SSM)


Coated nuclear fuel rods

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Swedish Energy Agency


Advanced Materials Technology Verification for Implementation in Nuclear Energy (AMTVINE 2023)

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Swedish Energy Agency


Nuclear Materials Platform (NuMaP)

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Swedish Energy Agency


Fuel Cladding coatings for ATF

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
SKC Swedish Centre for Nuclear Technology


FEMMA, Dissimilar metal welds studies

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Kristina Lindgren Microstructure Physics
NKS Sekretariatet


Hydrogen trapping by carbides in steel

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Paul Erhart Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Swedish Research Council (VR)

13 publications exist

High resolution in-situ study of the reactive element effect on high temperature alumina scale formation

Mats Halvarsson Microstructure Physics
Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander Microstructure Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Future Materials Design (SuperFraMat)

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure


High-resolution characterisation of secondary carbideprecipitation in martensitic steels

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure


Evolution of Precipitation in the new Hybrid Steel

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure

1 publication exists

Superior Accident Tolerant Fuel via Enhanced Technology (SAFETY)

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure
Itai Panas Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 2
Christian Ekberg Nuclear Chemistry
Teodora Retegan Vollmer Nuclear Chemistry
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)


Superior Accident Tolerant Fuel via Enhanced Technology (SAFETY)

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Itai Panas Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 2
Teodora Retegan Vollmer Nuclear Chemistry
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

6 publications exist

Novel Steels for Lead-Cooled Generation 4 Nuclear Reactors

Mattias Thuvander Microstructure Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


BREDA-RPV Barsebäck RPV trepan

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure
NKS Sekretariatet


Styrning av gradienter i tunnfilmssolceller

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

1 publication exists

Future Materials Design

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure
Mats Halvarsson Materials Microstructure

1 publication exists

Development of Graphene-based nuclear fuel cladding for improved safety.

Victor Dykin Nuclear Engineering
Di Jiang Electronics Material and Systems
Henrik Nylén Nuclear Engineering
Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure


Degradation of Bearing Steel Microstructure in Wind Turbines

Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure
Leif Viskari Materials Microstructure
Seyed Hosseini Materials Microstructure


Hydrogen pick-up in zirconium alloys

Mikaela Lindgren Environmental Inorganic Chemistry
Hans-Olof Andrén Materials Microstructure
Itai Panas Environmental Inorganic Chemistry
Mattias Thuvander Materials Microstructure
Gustav Sundell Materials Microstructure
Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Mattias Thuvander participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.