Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano
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Showing 84 publications
Geographical Peer Matching for P2P Energy Sharing
Survey: Time-Series Data Preprocessing: A Survey and an Empirical Analysis
Evolutionary Computation Meets Stream Processing
On the Semantic Overlap of Operators in Stream Processing Engines
An Algorithm for Tunable Memory Compression of Time-Based Windows for Stream Aggregates
Aggregates are all you need (to bridge stream processing and Complex Event Recognition)
Nona: A Framework for Elastic Stream Provenance
Accelerating Stream Processing Queries with Congestion-aware Scheduling and Real-time Linux Threads
Cost-Optimization for Win-Win P2P Energy Systems
PARMA-CC: A Family of Parallel Multiphase Approximate Cluster Combining Algorithms
FORTE: an extensible framework for robustness and efficiency in data transfer pipelines
IP. LSH. DBSCAN : Integrated Parallel Density-Based Clustering Through Locality-Sensitive Hashing
Efficient and scalable geographical peer matching for P2P energy sharing communities
Research Summary: Deterministic, Explainable and Efficient Stream Processing
Proposing a framework for evaluating learning strategies in vehicular CPSs
Towards data-driven additive manufacturing processes
pi-Lisco: parallel and incremental stream-based point-cloud clustering
Erebus: Explaining the Outputs of Data Streaming Queries
Time- and Computation-Efficient Data Localization at Vehicular Networks' Edge
ScaleJoin: a Deterministic, Disjoint-Parallel and Skew-Resilient Stream Join
MAD-C: Multi-stage Approximate Distributed Cluster-combining for obstacle detection and localization
Poster: Twins, a Middleware for Adaptive Streaming Provenance at the Edge
Lachesis: A Middleware for Customizing OS Scheduling of Stream Processing Queries
Motivations and challenges for stream processing in edge computing
Benefits of small-size communities for continuous cost-optimization in peer-to-peer energy sharing
Ananke: A Streaming Framework for Live Forward Provenance
Small-Scale Communities Are Sufficient for Cost- and Data-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing
DRIVEN: A framework for efficient Data Retrieval and clustering in Vehicular Networks
PARMA-CC: Parallel Multiphase Approximate Cluster Combining
BES: Differentially Private Event Aggregation for large-scale IoT-based Systems
TinTiN: Travelling in time (if necessary) to deal with out-of-order data in streaming aggregation
Intrusion Detection in Industrial Networks via Data Streaming
Demo Abstract: Haren: A Middleware for Ad-Hoc Thread Scheduling Policies in Data Streaming
Streaming Piecewise Linear Approximation for Efficient Data Management in Edge Computing
Adaptive Stream-based Shifting Bottleneck Detection in IoT-based Computing Architectures
Querying Large Vehicular Networks: How to Balance On-Board Workload and Queries Response Time?
MAD-C: Multi-stage Approximate Distributed Cluster-Combining for Obstacle Detection and Localization
Time-SWAD: A dataflow engine for time-based single window stream aggregation
Mimir - Streaming operators classification with artificial neural networks
DRIVEN: a Framework for Efficient Data Retrieval and Clustering in Vehicular Networks
Haren: A Framework for Ad-Hoc Thread Scheduling Policies for Data Streaming Applications
GeneaLog: Fine-grained data streaming provenance in cyber-physical systems
Viper: Communication-layer determinism and scaling in low-latency stream processing
GeneaLog: Fine-Grained Data Streaming Provenance at the Edge
LoCoVolt: Distributed Detection of Broken Meters in Smart Grids through Stream Processing
Service Level Agreements for Safe and Configurable Production Environments
eChIDNA: Continuous Data Validation in Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Viper: A module for communication-layer determinism and scaling in low-latency stream processing
Continuous and parallel LiDAR point-cloud clustering
Single Window Stream Aggregation using Reconfigurable Hardware
Performance modeling of stream joins
Maximizing determinism in stream processing under latency constraints
Understanding the data-processing challenges in Intelligent Vehicular Systems
Detecting Non-Technical Energy Losses through Structural Periodic Patterns in AMI data
Highly concurrent stream synchronization in many-core embedded systems
BES - Differentially Private and Distributed Event Aggregation in Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Online and scalable data validation in advanced metering infrastructures
ScaleJoin: a Deterministic, Disjoint-Parallel and Skew-Resilient Stream Join
ScaleJoin: a Deterministic, Disjoint-Parallel and Skew-Resilient Stream Join
STONE: A streaming DDoS defense framework
METIS: a Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System for Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Detection of intrusions and malware, and vulnerability assessment
Data-Streaming and Concurrent Data-Object Co-design: Overview and Algorithmic Challenges
Deterministic Real-Time Analytics of Geospatial Data Streams through ScaleGate Objects
T-Fuzz: Model-based fuzzing for robustness testing of telecommunication protocols
Brief announcement: Concurrent data structures for efficient streaming aggregation
Cybersecurity and Data Management in the Smart Grid
When Smart Cities meet Big Data
METIS: A two-tier intrusion detection system for advanced metering infrastructures
Concurrent Data Structures for Efficient Streaming Aggregation
STONE: A stream-based DDoS defense framework
Cybersecurity in the Smart Grid
Algorithms and Data Handling Towards Adaptive and Robust Electricity Networks
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Showing 18 research projects
Relaxed Semantics Across the Data Analytics Stack (RELAX-DN)
SESBC TANDEM: InTelligent Energy DAta MaNagement and Online DEcision Making
AUTOSPADA (Automotive Stream Processing and Distributed Analytics) OODIDA Phase 2
INDEED: Information and Data-processing in Focus for Energy Efficiency
Scalability and quality control in AM - Big Data and ML in Production
ADAPT: Adaptive DigitAl Power sysTems
WASP SAS: Structuring data for continuous processing and ML systems
HARE: Self-deploying and Adaptive Data Streaming Analytics in Fog Architectures
BADA - On-board Off-board Distributed Data Analytics
Future factories in the Cloud (FiC)
Examine –Extracting useful information out of data in AMI networking
Algorithms for adaptiveness and robustness in electricity networks
CRitical Infrastructure Security AnaLysIS (CRISALIS)