Tomas Gustavsson
Visar 57 publikationer
Storsatsning på Hantverkskunnandet
Real-time imaging required for optimal echocardiographic assessment of aortic valve calcification
An automatic system for in vitro cell migration studies
Image Analysis and CADx System for Mucosal Lesions
A New Method Based on Dynamic Programming for Boundary Detection in Ultrasound Image Sequences
Boundary Detection in Ultrasound Image Sequences
Image analysis of oral lesions in an Indian population
Image analysis in non-linear microscopy
An internet-based videoconferencing system for supporting frail elderly people and their carers
Image analysis of lipid deposits in living organisms visualized by CARS microscopy
Increasing peripheral artery intima thickness from childhood to seniority
Combined segmentation and tracking of neural stem-cells
Flame Front Matching and Tracking in PLIF Images Using Geodesic Paths and Level Sets
Flame front tracking by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy and advanced image analysis
Deformable Spatio-Temporal Shape Models: Extending ASM to 2D+Time
Tracking Contrast in Echocardiography by a Combined Snake and Optical Flow Technique
Snake Deformations Based on Optical Flow Forces for Contrast Agent Tracking in Echocardiography
Active Contour Models: Application to Oral Lesion Detection in Color Images
Compensation Method for Attenuated Planar Laser Images of Optically Dense Sprays
A Multiscale Dynamic Programming Procedure for Boundary Detection in Ultrasomic Artery Images
Statistically Constrained Snake Deformations
A Method for Modeling and Segmentation of Spatio-Temporal Shapes
Oral lesion classification using true-color images
Assessment of Facial Features Using a Range Camera Technique
IsoIntensity Directional Smoothing for Edge-Preserving Noise Reduction
Review - Active Shape Models - Part II: Image Search and Classification
Review - Active Shape Models - Part I: Modeling Shape and Gray Level Variation
Contrast Echocardiography and Videodensimetry for Assessing Right Ventricular Hemodynamics
Image Quality in Digital Chromosome Analysis Systems
Automated Correction of Linear Deformation due to Sectioning in Serial Micrographs
A dynamic Programming Procedure for Automated Ultrasonic Measurement of the Carotid Artery
Automated Ultrasonic Measurement of the Carotid Artery Using Dynamic Programming
Videodensiometric Measurements in Contrast-Echocardiography
Three Dimensional Boundary Detection Using Higher-Order Surface Fitting and Directional Smoothing
On the acquisition, analysis and display of echocardiographic image sequences
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