Roger Lundén
Roger Lundén är professor i järnvägsmekanik. Under åren 1997-2012 var han föreståndare för kompetencentret CHARMEC och han fortsätter att vara engagerad i centrets ledning och administration. Vetenskapligt är hans forskning inom området mekanik och hållfasthetslära, särskilt inom delområdena dynamik, vibrationer, materialutmattning, termiska spänningar, buller-relaterade problem, kontaktmekanik och tribologi. Tillämpningar avser bromsar för tåg och lastbilar, hjulpar för tåg och kontakten hjul-räl. . Han handleder för närvarande två doktorander och är examinator och för ytterligare en.

Visar 65 publikationer
Analysis and testing of tread braked railway wheel — Effects of hot spots on wheel performance
Improved Finite Element Modelling of Tread Braked Wheel Performance Verified by Brake Rig Tests
Rail and wheel health management
Improved modelling of tread braked wheels using an advanced material model
Preface: Special issue on heavy haul
Temperatures and wear at railway tread braking: Field experiments and simulations
Thermomechanical capacity of wheel treads at stop braking: A parametric study
Temperatures and wear at railway tread braking: Field experiments and simulation
Modelling of grey cast iron for application to brake discs for heavy vehicles
The influence of corrugation on frictional stress at the rail-wheel interface
Thermal impact on rolling contact fatigue and capacity of railway wheels
Stress gradient effects in surface initiated rolling contact fatigue of rails and wheels
Thermal capacity of tread-braked railway wheels. Part 1: Modelling
Thermal capacity of tread-braked railway wheels. Part 2: Applications
Thermomechanical cracking of railway wheel treads: a combined experimental and numerical approach
Stress gradient effects in surface initiated rolling contact fatigue of rails and wheels
Disc brakes for heavy vehicles: An experimental study of temperatures and cracks
Tread braking of railway wheels – temperatures generated by a metro train
Tread braking – fatigue life of railway wheel webs
Wear of brake blocks for in-service conditions-Influence of the level of modelling
Identifying the root causes of damage on the wheels of heavy haul locomotives and its mitigation
Identifying the root causes of damage on the wheels of heavy haul wheel damage phenomena
Wheel fracture - Sensitivity to extreme loads for two generic wheel designs
Temperature and thermoelastic instability at tread braking using cast iron friction material
Thermomechanical fatigue of brake disc materials--results from modelling and experiments
Deterioration of insulated rail joints – a three-year field study
Temperature and thermoelastic instability of tread braking friction materials
Wear of railway brake block materials at elevated temperatures – pin-on-disc experiments
Railway axle design – to be based on fatigue initiation or crack propagation?
Tread braking of railway wheels ─ state-of-the-art survey
Braking capacity of railway wheels ─ state-of-the-art survey
Wear of block brakes and disc brakes for repeated brake cycles
Railway axle design – to be based on fatigue initiation or crack propagation?
Guest editorial of Special Issue on High Tech in Heavy Haul
Introduction to the damage tolerance behaviour of railway rails – a review
Introduction to wheel-rail interface research
Under Sleeper Pads - Influence on Dynamic Train-Track Interaction
Subsurface initiated rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels as generated by rail corrugation
Temperatures at railway tread braking – A parametric study
Elastoplastic modelling of subsurface crack growth in rail/wheel contact problems
Under sleeper pads – influence on dynamic train–track interaction
Influence of short-pitch wheel/rail corrugation on rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels
Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems
Cracks around railway wheel flats exposed to rolling contact loads and residual stresses
Tread braking of railway wheels – wheel and block temperatures and the influence of rail chill
Integrated analysis of dynamic traintrack interaction and rolling contact fatigue
New wheels for 25 and 30 tonne axle loads – design, stresses and geometric stability
Train-Track Interaction and Mechanisms of Irregular Wear on Wheel and Rail Surfaces
Guest editorial of Special Issue on Wheel/rail safety – special focus on the rail
New wheelsets for 25 and 30 tonne axle loads
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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt
A holistic model of wheel tread life
Blockbromsning – kapacitet, slitage och livslängd (CHARMEC SD11)
Forskning och utvecklingstjänst gällande D-Rail, tillägg.
Railway Induced Vibration Abatement Solutions (RIVAS)
Förbättrat kriterium för ytinitierad rullkontaktutmattning (CHARMEC MU22)