Anna-Lisa Osvalder
Anna-Lisa Osvalder is professor in Human Machine Systems, senior lecturer in Ergonomics and has a Ph.D. in traffic safety (biomechanics and injury prevention). She is responsible for the human-machine research group, which focuses on the interaction between users and technology as well as human factors engineering design. Evaluation of use errors, usability problems and comfort aspects are of high interest. Application areas are complex socio-technical systems with safety aspects in focus (process control in nuclear power plants & process industries, vehicles, medial technology, aviation and shipping) as well as various ergonomic products (office chairs, computer devices, working tools, sport equipment and child restraints). Regarding complex systems, control room design is in focus; operators’ information needs of relevant process data as well as ergonomic features in the working environment. Emphasis is also made on methods for evaluation of safety aspects, design of alarm and automation systems with a resilient engineering approach. In the area of traffic safety attention is on children’s motion behaviour, comfort and safety issues during car riding, where methods for objective and subjective evaluation of sitting postures, activities and attitudes have been developed.
Showing 183 publications
Teamwork in the Future Control Room
Universal Crisis Information Design: A Multi-Case Study
Evaluating the Correct Usage, Comfort and Fit of Personal Protective Equipment in Construction Work
Unveiling the Complexity of Car Ride Comfort: A Holistic Model
Navigating the Future Control Room: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
Design Strategies to Reduce Personal Protective Equipment Noncompliance
Evaluation of eye-tracking as support in simulator training for maritime pilots
Designing Crisis Communication for Multicultural Communities
Crisis Information Design with a Human Factors/Ergonomics Perspective
Transferring Tacit Knowledge During Maritime Pilot Training: Assessment of Methods in Use
PERSONLIG SKYDDSUTRUSTNING- Varför den används eller inte används
From tacit knowledge to visual expertise: Eye-tracking support in maritime education and training
Feasibility of methods for early formative control room system evaluation
A literature review of upright sitting posture and its effects on physical and mental conditions
Conceptual and Practical Strategy Work to Promote Ergonomics/Human Factors in Sweden
On Human Terms – A First Evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Ergonomics
Human factors methods for early evaluation of control room systems – guidelines for use in practice
Improving customer experience for all users regarding given traffic information at railway stations
Seat Belt Fit and Comfort for Older Adult Front Seat Passengers in Cars
Evaluation of upright posture effects and user experience of the Swedish Posture Flexi harness
Utvärdering och utveckling av befintliga huvudljussignaler vid Göteborgs spårväg
Appropriation of an Activity-based Flexible Office in Daily Work
Evaluation of and comparison between RH Logic 400 and RH Breathe office chairs
Development of an online course “Work and Technology on Human Terms”
Use profiles in Activity-based Flexible Offices – A case study
Excavator simulator training to improve safety, quality, economy and sustainable behaviour
Adult’s and Children’s Attitudes towards Extra Seat Belts in the Rear Seats
NES2017 Conference Proceedings: JOY AT WORK
Transferring Tacit Knowldge in Process Control
Using children in research regarding safety and comfort of restraint systems in cars
Cultural features of design and shared learning for safety: A Nordic nuclear industry perspective
Driving postures, postural changes and influencing factors - A literature review
Tyst kunskap och kompetens - Utveckling av metod för att överföra erfarenheter från processtyrning
Ergonomic features of control room environments for improved operator comfort and support
Design features of an office chair promoting health and performance upon sedentary work
Method characteristics for viable human factors engineering practice
Teaching design students to reflect on ergonomics design for all user groups in society
Aspects of the nuclear power plant control room system contributing to safe operation
Children's attitudes towards comfort and safety of an extra seatbelt during car travelling
Handling and comfort evaluation of extra seat belt concepts for rear seat passengers
Managing safety culture in design activities: evidence from the Nordic nuclear power domain
Evaluation of computer workers’ usage of posture adjustments of an ergonomic office chair
The alarm system and a possible way forward
On the Design of a Head Up Display Solution to Facilitate Time-controlled Aircraft Taxi-operations
The human element in maritime logistics
The operator of the future – a key to competitive industry in a future information society
Analysing work in complex industrial systems - A practical cognitive systems engineering approach
Adoption of ergonomic features in a new reach truck cabin design – a usability study
Transfer of control system interface solutions from other domains to the thermal power industry
Comfort aspects important for the performance and safety of kitesurfing
Kinematics and shoulder belt position of child rear seat passengers during vehicle maneuvers
Older Children's Sitting Postures when Riding in the Rear Seat
Sport performance and perceived musculoskeletal stress, pain and discomfort in kitesurfing
Injuries related to kitesurfing
To Develop Viable Human Factors Engineering Methods for Improved Industrial Use
The alarm problem – The real problem?
Förbättrad arbetsmiljö i kontrollrum genom fokus på ökad människa-maskininteraktion
The alarm problem - Some ideas for improvement
Implementation of usability analysis to detect problems in the management of kitesurfing equipment
Visualisering av anläggningsstatus - Utformning av innovativa gränssnittspresentationer
Design of an overview display for rapid perception of plant status
Visualisation of automatic sequences - integration with process mimic display
Considering the Importance of User Profiles in Interface Design
Exploring Maritime Ergonomics from a Bottom Line Perspective
Effect of booster seat design on children's choice of seating positions during naturalistic riding
Usability Tests as a Benchmarking Tool - A Case Study on Complex Medical Ventilators
Graphical visualization of process status for thermal power plants
Considering the importance of user profiles in interface design
Considering the importance of user profiles in interface design
Procedure for an ergonomic comparative analysis of heavy handtools - Application on power-cutters
Levels of Automation and User Control in Use of an Automatic Turbine System
Framework to describe and categorise a complex human-machine system
Methods for risk analysis of use of medical equipment
Utformning av kontrollrum för värmekraftverk och pappers- och massafabrik
Två metoder för att undersöka brister i samspelet mellan människa och maskin
Ergonomic Evaluation of Power Cutters - A comparative study between Husqvarna K750 and Stihl TS420
Proaktivt arbete mot användningsfel och användarvänlighetsproblem med medicinteknisk utrustning
Bättre samspel mellan operatör och larmsystem kan öka effektiviteten och säkerheten
Arbete och teknik på människans villkor
Misuse of Booster Cushions – An Observation Study of Children’s Performance during Buckling Up
Riskanalys av användning av medicinteknisk utrustning
In Search for Common Ground - How An Automatic Turbine System Supports Operator Work
Användarvänlig utrustning ger ökad patientsäkerhet
Usability and ergonomics in medical equipment
User Expertise Difference When Interacting with Simple Medical User Interface
Use of Classic Risk Analysis in Usability Engineering Work with Trams and Elderly
An Analytical Approach for Predicting and Identifying Use Error and Usability Problem
Biomechanics of Extreme Sports- A Kite Surfing Scenario.
What constitutes a well-designed alarm system?
Ergonomisk utvärdering av spårövergångar och säkerhetsåtgärder.
Learning From Experienced User in Real Life.
The Human Factors Engineering (HFE) process, usability quality and use safety for medical equipment
Automation Inflicted Differences on Operator Performance in Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
Towards better seating design – A discussion and comparison between office chairs and car seats.
Message of everyday life sound signals – Interaction between sound physics and sound perception.
Automation Inflicted Differences on Operator Performance in Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
Design of Usable Alarm Systems.
Human System Interface Design for Team Work in Complex Process Control
Design of User Friendly Insulin Pumps for Diabetics
Using Enhanced Cognitive Walkthrough as a Usability Evaluation Method for Medical Equipment
Monitoring Complex Processes: Cognitive Model of the Control Room Operator's Information Process
Design of alarm systems in different complex control settings
Predictive Ergonomic Error Analysis - A Method to Detect Incorrect Ergonomic Actions
Insulin Pumps Better Adapted for Diabetics' Every Day Life
Ergonomic evaluation of child car seats – comfort and usability
Usability Evaluation of a GUI Prototype for a Ventilator Machine.
Young Diabetics' User Requirements of Insulin Pump
Survey of Alarm Systems in Nuclear and Process Industry During Disturbances
Usability of Reusable SpO2 Sensors: A Comparison between two Sensor Types
Eliciting User Requirements and Evaluation of Usability for Insulin Pumps
Utvärdering och konceptdesign av användargränssnitt för insulinpump
Developing User-Friendly Interfaces for Medical Devices
The application of the Cognitive Walkthrough method to GUI design of computer-based medical devices
Static and Dynamic Load Response of the Lumbar Spine in Flexion
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Showing 20 research projects
Work environment safety with robots at construction sites
Safe and comfortable seat belts for all
Spel för lärande inom civilberedskap
Civil beredskap och resursfördelning: en kunskapsöversikt med inkludering och mångfald i fokus
Framtidens kontrollrum för hållbara elkraftsystem
User participation in crisis and contingency work: From passive recipient to active resource
From passive receiver to active resource in the crisis management system
Passagerarsäkerhet i bil - till nästa nivå
Utvärdering av eye-tracking som utbildningsstöd vid simulatorförlagd lotsutbildning
Spoken information in public transportation spaces
Assessment of Passenger Safety in Future Cars
RESKILL - Self-explanatory automation through interactive visualization
Future Layouts for Driver Positions and Visual Information in Trucks (FUDVI)
Operator Safety Issues of Control Room Designs
Biomekanisk belastning vid utövande av brädsport på vatten
Nya bältesgeometrier sett ur ett komfort, användning och säkerhetsperspektiv